Publisher: Rebellion
Date Added: 10/09/2024 22:17:12
I bought this and the two follow ups from Amazon - I was going through a Kindle phase, we've all done it. Anyway, a darn good read although I still can't see where the author is taking us, the readers. Glad to see it available here, recommended.
Publisher: Rebel Minis
Date Added: 10/06/2024 11:17:43
This book is a mixed bag. There are three parts to it:
1. Rules for playing a battle - how to move and do combat
2. Rules for playing a campaign - how to connect the results of one battle to the next
3. Rules for escalating a battle via reinforcements - each player starting with a unit of cavalry and the rest of their corp marching on
Overall, the rules for playing a battle are the weakest and seem poorly edited. A few examples
* The section on melee talk about Formed "Battalions", but being Formed/Unformed status applies to the "Regiment" element
* There is a section that talks about "shooting" and line of sight, and artillery are given ranges, but there actually isn't any shooting in the game (with the sole exception of artillery firing at buildings)
* In the section about terrain, the rules mention hills giving "cover", but cover is not referenced anywhere else in the mechanics
What is there that makes sense is solid and has promise, b...
Das Haus selbst ist sehr schön ,das Design selbst hat 5 Sterne verdient. Doch leider ist es von der länge und Breite sehr klein. Wenn man den Innenraum mit Möbel stellen würde,wäre kaum Platz für eine Miniatur . Auch sind die Türen und Fenster etwas zu schmal geraten für eine 28mm Tabletop Figur,höchstens man sucht sich die schmalen Miniaturen heraus . Dennoch gebe ich 4 Sterne statt 3 was es eigentlich gerade wegen der größe verdient hätte.Aber durch das Design und das man noch ein wenig,sehr wenig spielraum auf einem DINA4 Blatt hat,selbst skalieren kann,geht es NOCH in Ordnung. 5Sterne gebe es wenn der Preis für diese Größe passen würde.
Also sind 4 Sterne gerechtfertigt !
The house itself is very beautiful, the design itself deserves 5 stars. But unfortunately it is very small in length and width. If you were to fill the interior with furniture, there would hardly be room for a miniature. The doors and windows are also a bit too narrow for a 28mm tabletop figure, at most you just...