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Novus Crusade: The Everything Bundle - [BUNDLE] $33.69 $20.99
Publisher: Sundered Vault
by Mat B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/25/2024 19:38:41

A fun, intuitive, and lightning fast little war game.

The settings is an amusing cross between 40k with the serial numbers filed off and a generic space opera...but it's done relatively well and in a cute and lighthearted way. It also has the good sense not to linger too much on back stories and motivations, and instead jumps head first into the action.

The Everything Bundle is definitely worth it as the base game alone would get a little stale fairly quickly. The Space Gremz and Space Knights feel a bit "samey" so variety is nice here. There's something in the neighborhood of 12ish different factions to choose from in the bundle, some feeling very different and others feeling more like reskins. We would happily field every single faction again.....just certain combinations seem less interesting.

We tend to play around 250 point battles (2 player), which we've played in less than little 45 minutes. With a base movement of 5" and a base target value of 4+ on dice rolls, it means that this plays insanely smoothly. There just isn't any"hold on, let me check the rulebook" moments that can kill the flow of a game.

This game is light, very light. The army building is fairly minimal and although there is both strategy and tactics to be found here theirs also a whack ton of luck.

The minis that come with the game are wonderfully charming, and the line art versions make printing this cheaply on a monochrome printer straightforward. The terrain doesn't have the same line art option....but we just use OPR stuff instead. The low page count printer friendly rulebook also means that I actually printed off copies of the rulebook and all the expansion materials for each player.

I see us playing this game in both a 2 player and 4 player capacity for a long time to come. It's just so easy to get to the table time and time again. Well worth the money and we'll be grabbing the newest expansion in the near future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Novus Crusade: The Everything Bundle - [BUNDLE]
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