This review will not exactly cover everything, but will highlight some of the major differences between the 2015 edition and the 2020 edition.
When I first had in my possession, the 2015 version of Xuhlan, I felt the writer was really on to something creating new races in a new setting, providing more rules for super-science gadgets, information about psionic battles, and a complete hex-crawl among other additions that were already meant to then, tack on to or replace rules in the Warriors of the Red Planet RPG. The layout of this earlier edition seemed to have just the right amount of nicely chosen art and tables to help organize the game.
In 2020, (I only realized there was a new edition recently) the new edition was carefully edited so that you wouldn't have to fiddle with rules about super-science gadgets "wearing down" when in the WotRP rules - it discusses an objects number of charges. So, altogether much less confusing, clearer rules for research and a rule kept from the first that gadgets could duplicate the effect of OSR type Magic-user and Cleric spells.
I quibbled a little over changes to the race rules. The rules for Terrans seem simplified, and other than back story, they don't seem to be much different than the Xuhlani Pure Strains. So I found myself going through the 2020 version of the races and thinking up my own rule set. The old ruleset had an interesting idea that Terrans were more suceptible to disease than Pure Stains. I ended up making my own random table to determine the Terran origin which is easy enough to make from the new rules.
I ended up doing the same for Robots, and added a rule about them running out of power if underground or in an enclosed space too long. I made up rules for robot healing, where they could essential heal themselves at the same pace as humans, but any damage from a critical hit (natural 20) by monsters would have to be repaired with new parts by themselves or with the help of a Scientist.
I hummed and hawed over the Formians being overpowered with stats, and even the Lizardmen seemed too overpowered! So I came up with rules to nerf these stats a little, and I ended up capping the level progression of Lizardmen. Mutants added a very nice table for mutations (instead of referring you to other books as the 2015 edition did!), and I ended up elaborating on this in my version with how long and how fast you could fly, and other very specific things.
The full explanation of psychic combat, and reworking of 2015's Witch Stones into 2020's more linguistically sensitive Wyrd Stones are some of the really positive points of this book. In 2015, the section Pyschic Combat directed you to a book you didn't have for the rules.
Another surprise was the edition of a mini-adventure after the hex-crawl which could set you on the path to gaming with inspiration.
A final note about the game is that I missed some of the pictures from the 2015 edition, but appreciate some interesting new ones in the 2020 edition. Overall, though, the 2020 ruleset is much more polished and in-line with the WotRP. Again, I have a some quibbles about the racial stat bonuses, but the fact that this game supplement got me that far to creating house rules says something about the overall content. After all making house rules is often what makes OSR great, and completely expected with a general ruleset such as these.
My overall verdict is solid 5 out 5, with a feeling that just a little more depth should have been given to Terrans and Robots, but for the length book, it provides an excellent jumping off point for gamers like me to fill in the blanks - which is exactly what I'm still working on now.