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The Solo Wargaming Guide $6.95
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The Solo Wargaming Guide
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The Solo Wargaming Guide
Publisher: Precis Intermedia
by Joseph H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/31/2023 11:24:21

While I enjoy a lot of the reference materials in this book it needs to be distilled down for gamers' practical use at the table. As another reviewer noted, there's a LOT of theory and discussion of the why and that is interesting to read. But it's mixed in with the mechanics and it makes referencing this guide tedious and frustrating. Additionally, the mechanics described in here are I would say 75% baked. Nothing about it is totally complete and ready to play. It needs a lof of player intervention. And while I appreciate that because no one size fits all campaign approach will work for everyone, the steps needed to get to a place where you're putting these ideas into practice are made arcane by incoherent and nonsequential delivery of information. I will use this in construction of my own campaign system, but I plan to put all of that in a QRS that is about a page or two long and once I have that I can't much imagine going back to this book.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Solo Wargaming Guide
Publisher: Precis Intermedia
by Robert C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/18/2020 20:31:49

It's ok. It's too much theory and not enough helpful information.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Solo Wargaming Guide
Publisher: Precis Intermedia
by david c. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/12/2020 07:35:05

You won't be disapointed. Simple but fantasic ideas.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Solo Wargaming Guide
Publisher: Precis Intermedia
by Peter J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/29/2016 15:37:22

The system for determining weather will be particularly useful. I also enjoyed reading the examples of the author's campaigns.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Solo Wargaming Guide
Publisher: Precis Intermedia
by Roger J. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/02/2013 14:23:50

I found this book to be most appealing. There really isn’t all that much in it that is wholly original, but that’s not the point: ideas I’d heard of or read about elsewhere are taken up here and developed extensively and intelligently. Good examples of how to apply them are also included.

There’s even a rather creative section on solitaire play for boardgames intended for two players or more.

The proposed system relies heavily on randomness, so be ready to shuffle those cards and roll those dice every few minutes.

I thought the writing could have used some tightening up and a solid last review (I really dislike seeing someone confuse “affect” and “effect”, for example). Also, the focus of the book is heavily Napoleonic; although Modern-related issues are covered, they don’t seem to get the same careful consideration pre-Modern ones do, mostly in matters related to maintaining the fog of war.

But all in all, this is a very good buy indeed, not only for solo wargamers but for any wargamer interested in adding some unpredictability to their game: many of the ideas included can be used to ensure that a regular two-sided game ends up more capricious, and therefore more challenging, than otherwise expected.

A good purchase, well worth your money and, more importantly, your time.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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