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Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #13
by David M. H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/04/2024 12:27:05

The magazine is full of interesting stuff. Rarely for me I actually possess some of the games in question! The game is lovely quality. 1 inch playing pieces, and prints out really well-

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #13
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'65: Squad-Level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam
by Timothy S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/24/2022 10:54:31

I downloaded '65 and had no real troubles with the printing which I have just finished. For the record I'm in Europe so using A4. The cards and counters printed out straight from the PDF files at 100% without having to do anything. As I wanted the maps fullsize and I only have a A4 size printer at home, I simply printed the maps out at 100% scale using the poster/tiling option in my printing selections from the PDF. Each of the 3 maps printed up over 4 pages and look terrific.

This really ends up looking fantastic and personally I'm thrilled with it. Now to do some glueing and cutting and then I can't wait to get this on the table.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
'65: Squad-Level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam
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Old School Tactical
by Scott G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/10/2022 11:56:04

I purchased the game because of the great reviews, and I was looking to expand my WW II Armor Combat Tactical game play, I am a Panzer junkie. I downloaded the rules and such, printed them out and was pleased with the rule system and ease of play, when my buddy drops by, we can run a quick game while we catch up on old times. I was very disappointed in printing out the games pieces, they are not a standard size, ( Letter/Legal), but with some creative pdf work, I was able to print out the counters. The maps are different story, they are too big and not the size you can print out on your home printer, causing me to check with local printers and online printing services, which would actually cost me more than the orginal box and that is not including the game download and supplies and time and effort, I was looking at 200.00 plus. Good game system, but I would suggest buying the boxed version and not the download version.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Old School Tactical
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'65: Squad-Level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam
by Arturo P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/10/2020 02:56:36

Great game, but certainly not very printer-friendly.

  • Four card-face sheets (6x3 cards) = 457 x 305 mm (use Arch B), individual cards are poker size (62 x 88 mm, B8)
  • Two counter sheets = 270 x 190 mm (use A4)
  • Four counter sheets = 259 x 201 mm (fit tight in A4)
  • 6 half maps = 198 x 279 mm (use A4)
  • One generic card-back sheet = 203 x 271 mm (use A4)

Please put the cards in 9x9 sheets (A4) so we can print them easily, if possible with better contrast.

EDIT: I just found out that the version of the rules and the player aid you download here is OUTDATED. The updated one is at BoardGameGeek.com.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
'65: Squad-Level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam
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Old School Tactical Vol II Expansion: Airborne
by James G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/04/2020 12:17:58

Thie counters measue about 71 x 71 pixels, and when enlarged to 135 x 135 pixels, as the ones in Vassal, they become very blurry. Even at 71 x 71 pixels the counters are not that sharp. Lucky for me, I only wanted the scenarios.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Old School Tactical Vol II Expansion: Airborne
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Armageddon War
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/21/2020 13:05:04

Armageddon War is a top notch tactical wargame covering modern/near-future combat. The rules and mechanics are simple to grasp and the impulse/chit draw turn system keeps the play tense with just enough "fog of war" to make planning ahead critical. I am usually not a big fan of "speciality" dice, however, the dice number/dice quality system I like, and I understand why the specialty dice are used (to keep charts to a minimum, and for clarity). I simply made my own chart in excel and then use standard d6's in the appropriate colors. The only caveat I have about the game overall is that some people may find the subject matter not to their liking. A case of "too soon" considering that one of the primary playable sides is ISIL/ISIS. For me this is not a major issue since A) I play solo using the "Alone in the Desert" supplement and therefore can choose not to play murderous terrorists and 2) they are cardboard pieces and not actual murderous terrorists...I personally think that if you do not have a problem gaming as murderous nazi's or murderous Romans, or murderous crusading knights...anyway, you probably get the point. The components themselves are top shelf...Flying Pig does PnP right! I enjoy constructing PnP games almost as much as playing and everything about AW says that PnP is not just an afterthought but a design choice. I appreciate companies like Flying Pig that are willing to make PnP a viable choice. The counters themselves are big and visually appealing with most all of the information you will need present on the counter itself. The maps are very nice and kudos to Flying Pig for allowing me to print borderless whole page maps that require no cutting or "squaring off." Again, my only caution to potential buyers is you need a good printer and you will use a great deal of ink, I personally have a ink reservoir printer for just this reason. Armageddon War is a great game top to bottom and one of my favorite games of the last few years.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Armageddon War
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'65: Squad-Level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam
by Jay J. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/03/2018 10:59:24

Here’s my experience with the PnP version available at Wargame Vault...

While the maps are sized for letter-sized paper, the card files, counter sheets, and rule book are not, they require legal size paper. The backs for the cards are not laid out to align with the fronts; rather than 6 cards x 3 cards (for a total of 18 cards/page), the backs are 3 x 3 (for 9 cards). By putting two layouts to a page, I was able to get the backs sized to match the fronts, but they didn’t align, so a further hassle in cutting and pasting.

Also, the cards are mini-cards (approx. 46 mm x 64 mm). The back graphics are not properly justified and are misaligned. There are no cut marks for slicing the cards apart.

The Victory Condition cards and backs are all on a single sheet (again, legal size), but not aligned in such a way to make cutting & pasting easy. Rather, some of the individual cards will need to be done separately.

Not home printer, home crafter friendly.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
'65: Squad-Level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam
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Creator Reply:
I hope these answers help. I appreciate you buying and playing the game. While the maps are sized for letter-sized paper, the card files, counter sheets, and rule book are not, they require legal size paper. 1 *The complete maps 1-3 are 17"W x 12"H. Maps 4-9 (half maps that can be printed at home) 7.8"W x 11"H. Letter-sized paper is 8.5" X 11".* *The rulebook is 8.5" x 11" according to Photoshop* *The counter sheets appear to be within letter size according to Photoshop, 10"W x 7.5"H.* *The file size for the card sheets are 18"W x 12"H.* Which can either be printed at Office Max, or cut within any imaging program. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The backs for the cards are not laid out to align with the fronts; rather than 6 cards x 3 cards (for a total of 18 cards/page), the backs are 3 x 3 (for 9 cards).By putting two layouts to a page, I was able to get the backs sized to match the fronts, but they didn’t align, so a further hassle in cutting and pasting. 2 Okay, sorry for the hassle. When I make cards I print them and put them in sleeves. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, the cards are mini-cards (approx. 46 mm x 64 mm). The back graphics are not properly justified and are misaligned. 3 *Each card measures out at 2.5"W x 3.5"W, or 63.5 mm x 88.9 mm. Possibly scaled down to fit to page when it was printed on your end. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are no cut marks for slicing the cards apart. 4 *On all of the card sheets, there are black outlines indicating where to cut.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Victory Condition cards and backs are all on a single sheet (again, legal size), but not aligned in such a way to make cutting & pasting easy. Rather, some of the individual cards will need to be done separately. 5 *The front and back cards are on a single sheet The file size for the card sheets are 18"W x 12"H.*
'65: Squad-Level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam
by Brent E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/28/2017 09:03:41

Yes, the mistake about the cards was mine and Mark was right. So i wanted to update my review of the componets. I still think that the contrast of the letters on the cards could be just a little more contrasty, if that's a word, but not a deal breaker. All of the componets do look great. I have not played the game yet, so i can't comment on that, but all the reviews do look good so i'm really looking forward to it. I have Mark's Old school tactical boxed version and love it, so thanks for all the great games you've put out and looking forward to see what you come up with in the furture.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hi Brent, I can't find any record of you contacting me. Perhaps that's my fault. These playing cards are standard poker card size. 2.5" x 3.5". The playing pieces that are in the game are depicted by 1" and 1/38" counters. Simply HUGE by wargame standards. Perhaps you thought they were were the playing cards? Because that would be small for playing cards. Either way, let me know how I can help. Best, Mark
Hi Brent, I can't find any correspondence from you, probably my fault. These cards are standard poker card size (2.5" x 3.5"). The chits, which represent the combat units in the game, are 1" -13/8". Huge by wargame standards. Perhaps you thought they were the playing cards? Anyway, let me know how I can help. Best, Mark
Thanks! I hope you enjoy the game.
Old School Tactical
by David L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/28/2016 07:54:11

I could only give this product 4 stars because of the issues noted. I purchased OST pnp version expecting a polished product for the $25.00 cost, considering that it would cost another $30.00-$40.00, to have everything (especially the maps) printed. The first thing I noticed, was that the pnp version is missing Map3 (Stalingrad), so the scenarios using this map cannot be played. That particular map is mentioned in the contents of the game, and was a large incentive in convincing me to purchase the product at that cost. Since there were no special printing instructions, I printed the counters, with the default setting, on regular US letter (8.5 x 11 in.) using a color laser printer. Each page printed with a large blank margin at the top of the page, cutting off a portion of one row of counters at the bottom of the page. After this mistake, I purposely paid attention and was able to set the correct margins on the page and the counters printed fine. Further, Unit Data Card 6 has a single German truck with the rest of the cards being Soviet units. When printing the back of the card(s), the German cross was printed on the back of a Russian unit and the German truck got a Soviet Red Star. I re-printed just the backs of the cards and cut-out the backs needed and glued them on the back of the cards with the errors. When reading the Scenarios, I got confused as to the actual starting forces for each side and the reinforcements, since they stated that the starting forces would enter the map on turn (), and the reinforcement would enter on turn (). As an example, for the last Scenario "The Hedgehog", for the Germans, it states "Startup Turn 20", yet reinforcements arrive on turns 11, 14 and 15. The only way this could even make sense, is if the scenario was 20 turns long. Lastly, there were many grammatical errors in the rules. Proofreading/editing would have solved this issue. An example of this is on page 2, Pioneers and Sappers: "3. Engineers reveal Mines are when moved onto (the unit does not undergo the attack)". While I understand the intent of the rule, a person not used to playing wargames could possibly become confused. There is then another error on the very next line of the rules. At $25.00 for the pnp digital version, these errors and omissions made me disappointed with the product receiving only 4 stars. Yet, even with all of these errors, the graphics of the game are stupendous and of extremely high quality, and the use of 'impulse points', luck cards, and the relative simplicity of the rules still make me want to play this game. I believe that I will still enjoy the game very much after hopefully getting a file for Map 3 Stalingrad. Even with these errors, the quality of the graphics, the simplicity of the rules and the amount of scenarios provided makes me hope that Flying Pig Games will also offer '65 and OST Vol. 2 once released, as a pnp product. At the time of writing this review, I still have not received Map 3.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Old School Tactical
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