If I was with my twelve year old son at a convention, or wanting a beer and pretzel game with the local club, they would make for a nice enough fast play set of rules.
But you-go, I-go is just going to lead to the usual shot-em-up. Some device that would allow you to pin an enemy and maneuver to his flank without the instantaneous response of you-go-I-go would be needed for me to take a closer look. Obviously, these are the stripped down rules, but they don't look like other major aspects of modern warfare (minefields, drones, smoke screens, artillery, command control, whatnot) are going to get much play.
Truthfully, I tend to like modern armor (versus skirmish) rules more for the detailed cross comparisons of the armor types, weapons, etc. I buy them from time to time, but rarely ever have much interest in playing them.
But as I noted above, it looks like you could start playing this in 20 minutes or less. So it does what it seems to be trying to do. That it is not trying to do all that very much, to me, seems to indicate an average (3) rating. Since your scale goes from good to bad, I am assuming "adequate" would be in the middle.