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Wargaming Recon Episode 84: Wargaming on the Cheap
by Aaron B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/04/2013 18:29:09

A great show about tabletop miniature wargaming! I'm surprised I hadn't heard about it before since I regularly listen to Meeples & Miniatures and the D6G. Good quality,, focused on historical wargaming but covering the broad spectrum of all tabletop miniature games in a general sense. The show provides ideas and links for tabletop gamers with interest in the wargamer community as well as exploring a variety of game systems. I've gone back and listened to more than a dozen archived episodes after listening to this one, and I'm looking forward to hearing more of this show in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wargaming Recon Episode 84: Wargaming on the Cheap
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