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The Functions of Role-Playing Games: How Participants Create Community, Solve Problems and Explore Identity
by Antonio [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/17/2024 13:06:38

A must-read book for anyone who'd like to make a proper research about RPG.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Functions of Role-Playing Games: How Participants Create Community, Solve Problems and Explore Identity
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Storytelling in the Modern Board Game: Narrative Trends from the Late 1960s to Today
by Rickey M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/17/2023 13:42:08

Having been a boardgamer and wargamer for over 60 years, and having in recent years discovered and thoroughly enjoyed Marco Arnaudo's game reviews on BGG, I was intrigued to discover that he had written this study of storytelling in games. The book gives an interesting overview of the evolution of storytelling in boardgaming and RPGs over the last 50+ years, interconnecting the various streams of gaming in that period - in particular highlighting the emergence of RPGs from the matrix of 1960's-1970's wargaming, with which I am very familiar. My only complaint is that the publisher did not invest sufficient resources in editing the book - there are, sadly, many instances of omitted words, extraneous words, and grammatical errors that detract detract from the book, although thankfully the writing is clear enough that these errors seldom prevent the reader from understanding the meaning.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Storytelling in the Modern Board Game: Narrative Trends from the Late 1960s to Today
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Icelanders in the Viking Age: The People of the Sagas
by Staci M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/27/2015 14:52:27

I bought this book on accident, but I guess it's pretty good.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Icelanders in the Viking Age: The People of the Sagas
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The Comic Art of War: A Critical Study of Military Cartoons, 1805-2014
by Richard H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/05/2015 02:51:03

A good piece of academic writing, well researched and written. My only criticism would be I was expecting a lot more cartoons to illustrate this work. There are some but not nearly enough, especially for a work that is dealing in visual art. Maybe it was just not what I was expecting - but I don't think Wagamevault did it any favours by not actually scanning any of the actual 'meat' of the text in the preview - it was all title page and bibliographical detail! why do that? If you're after a funny cartoon book this is not it. If you are after a good piece of academic research into humour and its role and effect on soldiers in war then this is very readable and well researched piece of work.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Comic Art of War: A Critical Study of Military Cartoons, 1805-2014
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Astro Boy and Anime Come to the Americas
by Shaun C. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 07/02/2014 20:49:07

This is a really interesting book, and a must for anyone interested in the history of anime in America. If you love Astro Boy, you'll love this book. If you haven't heard of Astro Boy, then what in the heck are you doing? Get this book now and learn something!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Astro Boy and Anime Come to the Americas
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Horrors: Great Stories of Fear and Their Creators
by Flames R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 10/02/2012 20:41:11

Horror is a particular genre which lures the masses into its embrace and then pushes us to the very edge. A well written story can invoke pure terror. A well filmed movie can make us scream even though we know we are safe from the horrors on the screen. A carefully crafted ghost story can bring us to the absolute limits of fright and leave us lingering there, sleepless for days on end. Although many dream of crafting the kinds of masterpieces which tear at our very psyches few ever reach that lofty goal. Those who do become nothing less than legends.

In the graphic novel Horrors: Great Stories of Fear and Their Creators writer Rocky Wood and illustrator Glenn Chadbourne have given dark life to their own dark tale. Horrors moves through the centuries of horrific literature to reimagine the lives of some of the authors who shaped the genre as we know it. At the same time they dive into the works of each writer and tap into the themes which drove them. Dr. Frankenstein recognizes his hubris and he struggles to overcome it in futility. The Modernists in Bram Stoker’s Dracula clash with the dark and erotic powers of the supernatural old world. Poe suffers and dies in much the same way as his protagonists.

A mysterious narrator takes readers on this chilling tour of the lives of some of horror’s greatest writers and the famous tales for which they are known. All who are touched by the unnamed host appreciate the gift of genius but inevitably are cursed to suffer as well. None who accept the gift can do so without paying the dark price. Who is this dark patron who clings to the shadows and haunts this tale?

I would tell you but that would be saying too much, wouldn’t it?

Rocky Wood’s writing is nothing less than brilliant. He captures not only the voice of the mysterious narrator but also those of the many famous characters who appear along the way. His reimagining of the lives of these writers fascinates while also maintaining a strong center based on the real events of their lives. This strong center only amplifies the horrific aspects of the narrative as it is not hard to imagine their tribulations as having happened in the very way Wood tells it.

Glenn Chadbourne’s black and white illustrations hint at the great work of horror illustrators from the early days of comics and pulps. At the same time he brings an amazing level of detail to his work which draws the reader deeper and deeper. His work quite literally takes the already exceptional writing of Rocky Wood and elevates it to a new level. Each panel is dark and evocative. Readers will find themselves driven from page to page, finding each illustration as delightful as the last.

Horrors: Great Stories of Fear and Their Creators was nominated as a finalist in the 2010 Aurealis Awards for Best Illustrated Book or Graphic Novel. I cannot recommend this work more highly even if the words existed to do so.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Horrors: Great Stories of Fear and Their Creators
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