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Star Fleet Battles: Advanced Missions SSD Book 2014 (Color)
by Riccardo [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/16/2024 04:29:33

The add of colours greatly improve readability of the SSD

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Star Fleet Battles: Advanced Missions SSD Book 2014 (Color)
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GURPS Prime Directive 4e Revised, Volume 1 and Volume 2
by Richard [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/01/2024 22:23:19

Great update of the Star Fleet Universe RPG. This edition fixes the omissions and errors in previous volumes to allow any kind of game in the setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
GURPS Prime Directive 4e Revised, Volume 1 and Volume 2
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Star Fleet Battles: Electronic Master Rulebook
by Christopher L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/31/2023 06:16:43

SFB is a great game. 2-stars is for the lack of a table of contents in the PDF. Yes, there's the printed TOC at the beginning of the book. This is 2023. PDF files should have the clickable TOC embedded, to make navigation easier.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Star Fleet Battles: Electronic Master Rulebook
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Star Fleet Battles Designer's Edition
by Jonathan R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/26/2023 09:27:44

A piece of history! As a long time Star Fleet Battles player (I started in the early 90s), it was fun to see the original game and how it developed. More of a novelty that anything, but fun!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Star Fleet Battles Designer's Edition
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Federation Commander: First Missions
by Jonathan R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/26/2023 09:26:00

A nice intro to Federation Commander before investing in the main game. Everything you need to play is here. Also, a good way to introduce new players.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Federation Commander: First Missions
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Star Fleet Battles: Cadet Training Handbook
by Jonathan R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/26/2023 09:24:53

A nice intro to Star Fleet Battles. Start with this if you aren't sure about the game yet. Not a bad way to introduce new players either.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Star Fleet Battles: Cadet Training Handbook
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Star Fleet Battles: Electronic Master Rulebook
by Jonathan R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/26/2023 09:23:47

Probably the most complicated game I've ever played. You'll need to look up rules... a lot! But, I learned this game with my brother as a 12 year old. With enough love for space combat and Star Trek, you might have the motivation to learn it. (We made a lot of mistakes along the way!) It is a very rewarding and tactically interesting game if you put in the time... But it does take a lot of time!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Star Fleet Battles: Electronic Master Rulebook
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Star Fleet Universe Coloring Book #2: Aliens and Crew
by Jonathan R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/26/2023 08:37:25

The best Star Flett Universe Colouring book. Of the three, having people is morre interesting. My 3 year old loves them!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Star Fleet Universe Coloring Book #2: Aliens and Crew
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Star Fleet Battles: Cadet Training Handbook
by Darren K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/08/2023 12:38:40

Love this product as either an intro to SFB OR just a good standalone product to play on occasion.

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Star Fleet Battles: Cadet Training Handbook
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JagdPanther Magazine #13
by Ian W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/11/2023 13:25:53

I bought paper copies of 14 and 15 back in the day, so it was lovely to see them all available here. I will work backwards until I come to a 'Nah, not even for that price' issue - Jagdpanther was definitely a magzine that got better over its life.

Realistically, you are going to get this one for the game, which is definitely worth the money. The pages of variants are a mostly a mix of a 'you won't have this game' / 'not a very good variant if you do' / 'both', with few good ones mixed in. If you read the blurb about the Sorcerer review, then read it, you may laugh. I did.

But what about the game? It's a mix of the familar for its day - SPI Kursk 'move fight move-if-mechanised' - with some very interesting (unique?) twists. You can't move next to an enemy unit unless a) it's across a river, b) there's already a friendly unit in the hex, or c) you're at least as strong in terms of combat strength as it is. You can't, in other words, form a new defensive line next to the enemy unless you're at least as strong as it is. And as the Soviets in most scenarios, you won't be, giving the Germans more freedom of action as they won't be starting in ZOC. Similarly, units with a high enough movement value can go through enemy ZOC. As you can't retreat into an enemy ZOC and the CRT is very likely to lead to a retreat for the defender (4/6 for even 1:1 attacks!) this leads to some 'surround, kill, expolit' tactics.

There are some layout issues - the railroad section is split in two by the forts rules for no good reason - but this turns out to be still worth playing. With ISO paper sizes, you want to print the map to fit on A3 paper and the counters on A4. This will give you large enough hexes to fit the counters. If you print the map on A4, the scaling makes the hexes too small. I do like how much overlap there is in the map sections: no trying to join sheets edge to edge here.

The scenario mix is also good, a mix of Germans finding it easy, the Soviets making an effort, the Germans getting out of trouble, and the Germans being in big trouble. I do like the way that two of them are next to each other in time, but you can't combine them: historically the Soviets woke up at the join point and the start of the later one would look nothing like the end of the first. Without a bunch of rules, it's far easier to do it this way.

So thank you Stephen for designing it, and thank you for making it available again.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
JagdPanther Magazine #13
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Klingon Armada Unity
by Edward H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/21/2021 22:24:41

My 13 year old son and I have played this after first introducing him to Star Fleet Battles. We had a great time, had 5 ships vs 6, and were done in about 4 hours including looking up a lof of rules for our first play. I feel the time will cut in half moving forward.

The rules are elegant, if a little confusing until you play it through for a couple of rounds. The ability to play multiple ships is really fun, and the movement turned out to make the game a lot more fun by adding strategy and uncertainty.

Great time!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Klingon Armada Unity
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Alien Armada Unity
by Edward H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/21/2021 22:22:54

My 13 year old son and I have played this after first introducing him to Star Fleet Battles. We had a great time, had 5 ships vs 6, and were done in about 4 hours including looking up a lof of rules for our first play. I feel the time will cut in half moving forward.

The rules are elegant, if a little confusing until you play it through for a couple of rounds. The ability to play multiple ships is really fun, and the movement turned out to make the game a lot more fun by adding strategy and uncertainty.

Great time!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Alien Armada Unity
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Star Fleet Battles: Federation Master Starship Book
by John W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/15/2021 18:56:31

There must be some logic to how this book is organized, laid out, and the over-all plan for the book. I must say whatever the plan for it is, I disagree. It doesn't really feel like a "master starship book" when so much information is missing for each ship. And the organization may make sense from a production timeline perspective, but for someone trying to get into the game, or gain information into the background or setting of the game, it really isn't that good.

If you want a book that represents a faction in the world you've created, and the world you've created includes multiple different games, then instead of the book being "Star Fleet Battles: Federation Master Starship Book", it should be "Star Fleet Universe: Federation Master Starship Book", and should provide a refference information for SFB, FC, ACTA:SF, ARMADA, PRIME DIRECTIVE, F&E, etc.
Ships should be organized based on hull type and hull size instead of whatever order they are now. There should be a general timeline that shows major refits, new hull introduction dates, etc. Hulls should have subcatagories for different modifications/fittings/refits/etc. Like the CA should have CF, CC, CA+ information involved. Some information that would be nice for PRIME DIRECTIVE would be nice, like giga of power, number of weapon systems, crew size, and other stuff that you might find/want. And of course, what books you can find cards/information about each ship type for each system, like where the SSD's are for SFB, FC, which ACTA book its in (or CL magazine or whatever). And maybe.. whats the word.. isometric views from multiple angles? top side front?

Its extra work, but it combines all the information you might want, it helps guide people to different games so people can experience all the games available if they want, or find the one they want that they'd have the most fun with. And yeah, as things change you might be reluctant to make these books as fleshed out as I think they should be, but just don't make it a print book, maybe pdf only? Ah who cares what I think anyways.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Star Fleet Battles: Federation Master Starship Book
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Federation Commander: First Missions
by Roesch N. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/26/2021 10:45:51

Un peu complexe et ça demandera de l'investissment en temps mais ça reste un excellent jeu!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Federation Commander: First Missions
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Introduction to the Star Fleet Universe: Prime Directive and Roleplaying
by Joe M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/11/2019 20:05:50

i like wargames and RPG games thhis is vey both in one best of wargame thinking pat od a role playing game thank you for making this possabler

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Introduction to the Star Fleet Universe: Prime Directive and Roleplaying
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