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Dragon stock art #1
by Joe W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/22/2015 08:51:54

This is very good artwork, although maybe not in the top 10% of the art available here. It is the same pose with slight color variations as line effects.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Dragon stock art #1
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Dragon stock art #1
by Shane W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/06/2015 13:40:03

Amazing artwork! I dig all the stuff you guys create. I would like to discuss with someone about using this image on a commercial module, can they email me at shanepatrickward AT gmail DOT com. thanks!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Stone Lizard - Stock art
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 07/26/2012 13:59:36

Nice bit of art with a lot of options in color, b&w and line art. Could be used as a dinosaur, lizard or even a wingless dragon.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Stone Lizard - Stock art
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Dragon stock art #1
by Joshua G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/11/2012 21:46:32

As an introduction piece to what this company/artist is offering, it is not a bad piece to add to a catalog of stock art for personal usage. Now, for a small publisher, it does get a little blocky looking if you expand to large, but for a half to quarter page, it would probably work alright.

The style, as it appears to have been put through a few photoshop filters aimed at adding a degree of "deco" reminds me of old broken paintings, and with several options for coloration, including one B&W, there are enough options to make this a decent product.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Dragon stock art #1
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Greek Woman
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 04/22/2011 13:20:39

Two hi-res pieces of art (the same, one in b/w, the other in sepia) to be used with any project personal or comerical. A very good piece.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Greek Woman
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Half blood elf - Hand drawn art
by Nathan R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 03/19/2011 19:36:34

This is a really nice illustration, that evokes a sense of action and impending threat. There are two versions, one a b&w drawing, the second is the same drawing with a blue background and "ink splats" - the same as the cover image.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Half blood elf - Hand drawn art
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The music of the Baroque - Hand drawn art
by Nathan R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 03/12/2011 19:52:46

A very nice piece, I particularly like the gentleman with the dark shadows around his eyes and mouth - he could equally be a sinister man or a vampire. The top of the woman's dress made me look twice, but it is simply the straight-on perspective of the low dress. The shaded version (the one on the cover) has a nice richness and depth which I like.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The music of the Baroque - Hand drawn art
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Dragon stock art #1
by Devon K. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 07/10/2010 21:14:03

This is a really god pose of a dragon. The different color variations are all "red", in a different hue. I like the collection, my only problem is that the image starts to get fuzzy in the first zoom. Scaling it down, it's lovely. This is not an image for a large size presentation.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Dragon stock art #1
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