For a variety of reasons (terrain, a two-day battle, command mis-understandings, etc.) Chickamauga tends to be a difficult battle to wargame. This offering does heroic work to solve that problem.
There are a dozen scenarios ranging from a division level skirmish up to a couple involving over seven divisions. The information is presented in such a way that it can be utilized with any rule set. Time scales for reinforcements are given for 10, 15 or 20 minute turns. Unit strenghts are presented in actual numbers and ratios for 20.30,40,50 or 100 men per figure/stand. The maps are well devised, to a constant 1'/35yd scale. The Orders of Battle alone are worth the investment. As an artillery enthusiast, I was delighted at the research into the variety of guns in the artillery battery rosters. (Dust off that Blakley Rifle, the mountain howitzers and find a 2,25" Mountain Rifle).
I am currently playing the first scenario as part of a playtest for a forthcoming set of rules. The wealth of information provided in "River of Death" allows me to focus on the playtest, not designing my own scenarios. For this i am grateful!