In basics, the game tries to be a fun condensed solo game focussed on making chooises by activating your survivors depending on dice rolls.
I tried to play the game twice and ran into many issues regarding unclear rules. Either making the game too easy or too difficult. Examples that are unclear are:- when rolling 2d6 to achieve a 5+, is the results combination of both dice or does one of the dice needs to be a 5 or 6? - is the amount of spawning enemies cumulative, or only the amount stated latest on your tracker? - do enemies dissapear if you do not kill them or do they stick with you into the next round?- different words are used for same things, e.g. damage point = wounds points.
I think the game is mostly lacking due to poor translation and lack of playtesting.Additionally the game consists of only 1 scenario (1 truck and 1 enemy spawn sheet) making it an extemely short experience. One additional truck and enemy spawn sheet would be nice. The author does refer to community made trucks/ enemies, but no idea if this ever kicks off.
If you want to buy this game, you cant do much wrong for 3$, but keep in mind that a lot of the fun of the game will depend on your own rules interpretation.