I feel a bit of a curmudgeon writing this, given the other glowing reviews, but I figured my perspective may help some others.
First, I absolutely agree that the publication is beautifully done. Great layout, great illustrations. It's really something, and I'm sure the physical magazine would be wonderful to hold (I only got the PDF).
That said, I agonized for several days over the price before purchasing. All I'm really interested in is the Gaslands content (I don't own the other games, and am not likely to purchase them anytime soon---I just don't have the time to spread myself that thin right now). And $20 for new Gaslands content... I figured it might be worth it? Depending on what it was and how much content there was. Nothing really said what to expect, though...
As I said, I agonized, but finally pressed the button and got the PDF.
The Gaslands content is a total of 13 fairly sparse pages (of 82, including cover, front and back material). The errata noted at https://gaslands.com/martian-racing-federation/ has not been incorporated into the PDF (which is a bit frustrating---it's a digital product, please keep it up to date!), and there are several typos that I'm surprised were missed. I feel like a lot of effort was spent on the layout and visual design, and not as much on the editing. At $0.25/page for this PDF, I guess I expected better.
I also feel like the Gaslands content in this volume is a bit difficult to make sense of; it mentions "G-tokens" and "G-force tokens" without ever explicitly saying they're the same thing, and "G-lock tokens", which are NOT the same thing. The instructions are given as more of a glossary of terms. It repeats itself in odd ways, as if multiple drafts were combined without subsequent vetting. A sample play-through would have been very helpful to make the gameplay clearer, and to show where and how it differs from the base game.
So, yeah. I kind of regret the purchase. If you own the other games, you may find greater value from the publication than I did. Otherwise, maybe not.