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Blitzkrieg in the West 1940 Volume I 50 Wargame Scenarios French vs Germans
by Raymond A. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/04/2021 22:39:48

Excellent work Mick, thoroughly enjoying the scenarios

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blitzkrieg in the West 1940 Volume I 50 Wargame Scenarios French vs Germans
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Blitzkrieg in the West 1940 Volume I 50 Wargame Scenarios French vs Germans
by Brian H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/02/2021 11:46:12

A detailed, well organized and resarched set of interesting 50+ scenarios that will work very well with Command Decision and many other rule sets. The colour maps will be an excellent resource.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blitzkrieg in the West 1940 Volume I 50 Wargame Scenarios French vs Germans
by Pat W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/10/2020 02:30:15

This is a great publication. I was fortunate enough to get it on deal of the day so was doubly pleased. I have played several of the scenarios and they are just what a wargamer wants. Enough information to put the action into context and then all the OOBs, maps, scenario specific rules and victory conditions. While I do not use command decision rules the scenarios are easily convertible to my preferred Fistful of TOWs rules. One of the best things about the scenarios is that they cover small to large actions and there is an index giving all the details so you can find exctly what you want very easily.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blitzkrieg in the West 1940 Volume I 50 Wargame Scenarios French vs Germans
by Michael R C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/07/2020 12:34:44

A very nice set of scenarios derived from Avalance Press Panzer Grenadier scenarios. The author has provided copies of original scale maps from that time period. The scenarios are written from a Command Decission stand point with OBs and weapons characteristics, but are easily convertable to any rule set that has a stand/counter representing a platoon. Well worth the cost.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blitzkrieg in the West 1940 Volume I 50 Wargame Scenarios French vs Germans
by robin g. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/06/2020 22:30:32

I was thrilled to bits to find that someone had developed a comprehensive set of scenarios for the 1940 blitzkrieg battles and I grabbed the Germans vs French and Germans vs Brits straight away. The books are comprehensive and offer good background information, orders of battle and terrain maps. I'm very happy with them.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blitzkrieg in the West 1940. 10 Wargame Scenarios. The Battles for the Gembloux Gap
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/06/2020 18:12:27

I had recently walked the Gembloux battlefields and I was beginning to prepare a couple scenarios for gaming, when I became aware of these. The scenarios are written primarily for the Command Decision ruleset, but will convert easily to any set that share the same platoon/element structure. I converted a couple to Spearhead without difficulty. This is a superb resource for gaming the Gembloux battles. Whilst not a professional production, the scenarios are nice and clearly laid out and also provide a good mix of scenario sizes. The author provides good historical background, detailed well researched Orbats, and an excellent gaming map alongside a contemporary contour map of the battle site. I wish that I had this available to me when I visited the battlesites. The research that has gone into these scenarios is impressive, so much so that I went on to buy the authors full collection of 50 French 1940 scenarios, from which these are a subset.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blitzkrieg in the West 1940. 10 Wargame Scenarios. The Battles for the Gembloux Gap
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Blitzkrieg in the West 1940 Volume I 50 Wargame Scenarios French vs Germans
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/06/2020 17:35:46

I was a bit shocked to find that someone has left a two star review rating for this product. I feel this is wholly undeserved. For a long time I have researched, developed and gamed scenarios taken from the battle of France 1940, I have even been able to walk some of the battlefields to get a better understanding of how the battles developed the way they did. I can say without hesitation that, based on my own analysis and experiences, the quality of of the work that has gone into this scenario collection is outstanding. The Orbats are spot on, the scenario mapping is faithful to the actual terrain and the scenarios are well chosen, both in terms of interest and gaming challenge. Whilst the scenarios are written with the Command Decision ruleset in mind (personally I prefer the somewhat simpler Spearhead) there is ample information within each scenario to convert these to other rulesets that use the same basic platoon based element structure. I have no hesitation in giving this collection five stars.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blitzkrieg in the West 1940 Volume I 50 Wargame Scenarios French vs Germans
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