I had recently walked the Gembloux battlefields and I was beginning to prepare a couple scenarios for gaming, when I became aware of these. The scenarios are written primarily for the Command Decision ruleset, but will convert easily to any set that share the same platoon/element structure. I converted a couple to Spearhead without difficulty. This is a superb resource for gaming the Gembloux battles. Whilst not a professional production, the scenarios are nice and clearly laid out and also provide a good mix of scenario sizes. The author provides good historical background, detailed well researched Orbats, and an excellent gaming map alongside a contemporary contour map of the battle site. I wish that I had this available to me when I visited the battlesites.
The research that has gone into these scenarios is impressive, so much so that I went on to buy the authors full collection of 50 French 1940 scenarios, from which these are a subset.