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House set for 3D printing (STL File) *UPDATED*
by Christian D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/29/2018 07:50:21

Nice and stable models with a reasonable amount of detail for tabletop to print in a reasonable amount of time. I used an Ultimaker2+ with a "fine" setup in Cura without any problems. I already own some "real" models by ESLO and it's nice to see they made the step to 3D-printing. I'm looking forward to more .stls from them. However, the scaling should be reconsidered. I printed 100%, supposed to be 1:100 scale but a 15mm figure can hardly look through the windows. Next time I will try 90% or even less. Nevertheless, these are nice models with a lot of possible variations... especially for the price. Highly recommended!!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
House set for 3D printing (STL File) *UPDATED*
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