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Hostile Environment: Walk
by Michael R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/11/2021 18:17:12

It's not a terrible ruleset, basically a knock-off battletech dealy which is ok, but its getting a low rating because it's $10 and talks a big talk in the description, and then you download it, and its 12 pages. I bought three other books in this same purchase, that were also $10, and their intro is 12 pages. I didn't see the little sidebar that says this, so its not exactly like "bait and switch" or anything so crass, but its still a lot to pay for what you're actually getting.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Hostile Environment: Walk
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Hostile Tactical AI
by Brian I. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/06/2018 08:53:01

These cards were of high quality and the system provides a competant Artificial Intelligence opponent. I use the system in role playing games , as well as miniatures. A lot of work was done here to provide more than a randomized way of getting units to react and move.

I employ the system with Combat Patrol * TM, these cards are also available on this site for purchase.

The cards are well printed and are of high quality, as is the system it creates which seeks to portrait in almost any role play or table to wargame.

Well worth the money.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Hostile Tactical AI
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