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by Fabio R. S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/13/2021 14:34:32

Triumph! retains many of the strengths of its famous predecessor (e.g. rule-light, small army size, generalized unit types), then tries to improve some of its limits with success. The textbook is clear and understandable. Armies are not confined to 12 elements, but each unit has a point value, making armies more customizable and allowing more strategic choices during army preparation. Auxilia, a source of much malcontent among DBA players, have been split into different categories, while trying to improve playability and historical accuracy. Psiloi and Light Horse have been reclassified in different unit types as well, adding more flavour and making javelinmen or horse archer-heavy armies playable. However, because the historical wargame community is so dispersed and divided in terms of which rules to play, I think army portability across different rule systems is important as well. Having more unit options also may create portability issues, and require some rebasing, the case of Rabble being the most notable example. Nonetheless, a much needed improvement over DBA and similar systems. Much recommended!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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by Christoph D. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/31/2020 05:51:07

Brought together the Dbx and other games into an easy to read rulebook, probably the best rulebook for this timeera I ever read and, of course, played!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
by Juan F. O. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/29/2017 03:10:45

Great DBxish game. They have put together all their experiece in DBx games to do a great game!! Very happy with it :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
by Peter M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/16/2017 03:33:44

I desperately wanted to like and enjoy DBA rules but couldn't quite get past the troop type nomenclature and the lack of troop variation. A Hoplite army of 11 Spears & 1 Psiloi lacks any character for me. Whilst Triumph rules are unashamedly based on DBA there is enough variation to make it its own beast and I have to say that I like the differences. An increase in troop types makes armies far more interesting as does the fact that not all comprise 12 elements. The troop types are a better fit for the different historical epochs covered and and don't simply rely on the weapon they may happen to hold in their hand. I also find that the troop types utilised make it easier to replay historical battles. I particularly like each army having designated battleline troops which means that whilst there is control over deployment the armies set up with some resemblance to their historical counterparts. It is worth visiting the forum and reading the authors explanation behind each of the troop types and what they represent. Whilst I have no problem with the troop types represented by the labels of Javelin Cavalry and Bad Horse they seem unnecessary as they could just as easily be referred to as Cavalry and Horse. This is because the first will undoubtedly be referred to as JavCav which annoys me already and Bad Horse sounds like the rider is constantly admonishing his horse.

So whilst these rules are derivative they display enough innovation to be worth the purchase. The online Army Lists and print on demand Terrain Cards (also available fron the vault) bode well for future support for the rules. I look forward to future developments for the Triumph rules.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
TRIUMPH! Terrain Card Deck
by Peter M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/16/2017 02:46:17

Fantastic product with profesiional appearance and arrived swiftly after purchase. These cards make it quick and easy to devise a battlefield that is challenging, different each time you play and tends to have a more historical feel to the battlefield than some other terrain generation sytems. Ideal for the solo gamer who needs/wants to create quick random battlefields. Whilst designed for Triumph wargame rules they can easily be utilised for many gaming systems,genres. Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
TRIUMPH! Terrain Card Deck
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by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/10/2016 13:17:03

Great game system. This is a perfect system for quickly playing pre-gunpowder miniatures battles. The rules are easy to learn and you can play 2 or 3 games in an evening. Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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