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When the Navy Walked - Revised Core RulesClick to magnify
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When the Navy Walked - Revised Core Rules

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When the Navy Walked is a miniature rules set that covers an alternate history from the 1872 Victorian era to the 1909 Edwardian Industrial Age. It is a springboard for imagination and a high level game of tactics and battles set amongst the 'what if' world inspired by the classic authors of Victorian Science Fiction and Retro Science Fiction.  In WTNW players take the reins of generals and command massive armies of steam driven behemoths.  In the end,the thunder that cascades across the battlefield to settle in the souls of the fighting men will only be assuaged with the assistance of the landship!

When the Navy Walked is a strategic miniatures game in which two or more sides do battle with men and steam-driven machines.  Because the game is based on simple mathematics, one very powerful unit can be thwarted by the combined efforts of multiple smaller units.  Thusly, having a massive landship in an army does not guarantee victory over smaller armies of colonists or natives.  Players take on the roles of generals and command massive armies.  To win, a general must use hi ability to command his troops (represented by Command Points) to lead them to victory.  Be forewarned however that the war is not just on the battlefield.  A general must be ever vigilant for the spies of their enemies because sabotage is rampant among the Great Powers.

The game is about conquest, be it the Earthly conquests between the Great Powers of England, France, Germany, Spain or China or the battle for supremacy of other colonized worlds.  

When The Navy Walked is intended to be played using stands of figures randing in scale from 2mm to 15mm with units representing entire companies or battalions.  20mm, 28mm and even 32mm scales can be used instead, by replacing stands with individual figures and doubling the distances in the game, although this changes the game's scope from massive battles to smaller scale skirmish level engagements featuring squads and platoons.  Regardless of the level of game played, most 500 - 1000 point games should be playable in two to four hours. 

This is the core book that outlines the story and history behind this alternate Earth, its culture and the rules for fighting massive battles. In future supplements players will have the opportunity to play through various alternate historical scenarios including the colonial colonization of Africa and the deep dark folds of the Aether. So grab your goggles and your Aethertech and get ready for a good time filled with steam and adventure!

Optional Rules, Blank Army Rosters and Quick Reference Sheet Included!

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