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Gear Krieg: German Walker Compendium I: LokiClick to magnify
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Gear Krieg: German Walker Compendium I: Loki


The German Walker Compendium I: Loki your comprehensive guide to using the German Loki superscience walker in Battlefield Evolution World at War: Gear Krieg.
The German Walker Compendium I: Loki takes a detailed look at the many types of this superscience walker for your German forces from all theatres and periods of World War II! Each vehicle is detailed with background information, factory variants, field modifications and a modelling guide.
Included are the Loki Ausführung A to G, the "Flak-Loki", Ausführung E-X and even the experimental X1 to X3 prototypes; the book also provides new Traits, an AFV force list and an extended German armoury to add to your games of World at War: Gear Krieg.
As with our previous books, you will get in fact three books with this deal:
1.a full-colour version with many high quality pictures of fully painted models addition, a black-and-white text-only printer-friendly version
3.and all the unit cards to field these vehicles conveniently on the tabletop

All units in this book are designed by the same principles as the existing vehicles in the Battlefield Evolution: World at War and Battlefield Evolution: Pacific War rulebooks, also written by Agis Neugebauer.
This book requires the use of Battlefield Evolution: World at War, available from Mongoose Publishing.

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May 14th, 2011
Im not into GearKrieg per se. I don't own a single model. However this is a beautiful publication with many inspirational photos that are a joy to look at and gain painting tips from. Cheers Mark [...]
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