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Seastrike 1905 Naval and Coastal WarfareClick to magnify
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Seastrike 1905 Naval and Coastal Warfare


This is a full game covering Naval and Coastal Warfare in the age of the Predreadnought.

The game includes everything necessary to play. All you will need is access to a colour printer, A4 Label Paper and some card.

The portrays conflict in a group of contested islands located between two nations.  

Units provided include: Pre-dreadnought Battleships, Armoured Cruisers, Protected Cruisers, Torpedo Boats, land based gun batteries, urban areas, HQ's, and Marine units.   Island Terrain, measuring and turning templates and damage record counters are all provided.

The rules accommodate Naval Warfare and interaction with coastal forces, including landing Marines to capture areas, destroy batteries ETC.

You can choose identical forces or asymetric forces based on a points system, and there is a system for Espionage/ Counter Espionage and sides may have different missions which will affect how they score for Victory Points.

The mechansims are deliberately simple using standard D6's to hit, identify which component is hit, deal with armour penetration.  Damage is scored on ship templates or marked with counters.

The Free Downloadable Flyer document provides examples of the Counters and graphics and more details - Please Take a look !

The set includes :

The Rules - 28 pages with illustrations and examples.

A Quick Reference Sheet - Rules summary and useful tables all on two sides.  All you will need to play after a few games.

8 pages of graphics - Ship and unit counters, geomorphic islands, Damage Counters and the last page is the ship record sheet.

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January 02, 2025 9:11 pm UTC
We managed to get more than a few games in over the holidays - it plays quickly and is great fun.

We wondered about DIY ships and therefore points values for each weapon system? We did some house rules that worked well enough, but it was easier to do this by doubling the existing PV's and objecvtive budgets, starting with light guns at 1 point. The only real problem was assigning values for speed and hulls.

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December 26, 2024 7:58 pm UTC
As mentioned , I decided to get this game and reading through quickly, it is indeed a straightforward simple abstract game, tat in places echoes the 1970's Seastrike, but beware if you are looking for a detailed game about pre dreadnoughts, this is not it, this is a fun "beer and pretzels" game withthe emphasis on game

The components are clear and easy to put together and the game is easily played on any 3 feet by 3 feet area or in my case dining table. Movement is in inches and turns are made in 60 degree increments - templates are included. Firing is is resolved by a d6 to hit , anotherd6 roll crossreferenced with type and a final d6 roll against an armour save, if hit components are marked off, simple as that.

You can play a simple equal forces game but included is a simple random mission generator based on playing cards, which includes a rather nifty espionage element. I suspect this will be the best way of playing.

Couple of points for the creator, the...See more
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Mike T December 18, 2024 1:00 pm UTC
So how simple is simple? How do you reflect the gunnery solution crisis of the period? Also, by pre-Dreadnought, what period do you cover? 1905 implies RJW but there were a lot of varying designs afloat then? I would be interested in a review with the games mechanics please.
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December 24, 2024 8:49 pm UTC
Suspect this is more of an abstract game rather than pure historical, the title suggests a kind of homage to the wonderful Seastrike Modern Naval game of the 1970's. This is confirmed by the idea of two oppossing powers not named but likely red and blue who have funds to carry out a mission. Gunnery and damage is d6 based so will not be very hard.
I have Geoff's modern naval game and liked that one so. will likely purchase this once xmas is out of the way
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File Last Updated:
December 24, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on December 17, 2024.
Geoff Curran
Publisher Average Rating