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APMR #1, Avalon Mini-Games #120Click to magnify
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APMR #1, Avalon Mini-Games #120



How many times have you looked at some new figures in the store only to say “Those are neat but I don't play that game.” Or seen a game but not had the figures to play?  Now that problem is solved.  This is a game of miniatures combat that utilizes any      miniatures you own.


With these rules you can recreate classic military battles, like Gettysburg and the Battle of Hastings. You can see what would have happened if a squad of Viet-Nam-Era U.S. Troops went to the Alamo and fought against the Mexicans, or if Space Marines were helping the Greeks at Thermopylae.  Anything you'd like to do is fair game.


The game itself is divided into four primary parts - Skirmish Combat, Mass Combat, Vehicles and Creatures and Special Powers.  The Skirmish rules, presented here, are for the actions that include less then 24 figures on a side, and use primarily 25-30mm figures. 


Note that you will need this first part of the game rule as this product supplies all the basics rules and mechanics for the system as a whole.


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Reviews (3)
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January 7th, 2018
Worst set of rules ever seen! The cost of wepons in missing. There are a game mechanic called "Armor", but there no cost for this value, worst the "Defense" value (with a cost and different mechanics) came from Armor! Rules confused [...]
August 10th, 2014
this is a" no purpose" miniature rules. the cost for weapons or armor/defense is not indicated. many mistakes. (bastard sword supposed to be more lethal are not). it' s impossible to hit an ennemy with a sword who deal 1 dammage, if a light [...]
October 7th, 2011
The game is nothing more than the All Purpose Miniatures Rules published by Crunchy Frog in a new wrapper. Avalon seems to be breaking the system up into installments. This installment is the skirmish game. No massed or massive combat is included. No [...]
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File Last Updated:
October 03, 2011
This title was added to our catalog on October 03, 2011.
Avalon Game Company
Publisher Average Rating