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Tac Air Support [BUNDLE]Click to magnify

Tac Air Support [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles.

Regular price: $2.00
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Finger and Toe Models announces its latest release: Tactical: Coyote.Yoruba Industries developed the Coyote light fire support vehicle on their own primarily as a marketing tool for their military version of the BumbleBee. With each of its large wheels powered by an electric motor, the Coyote was rugged, quiet, and with the large wheels and short wheel base highly manoeuvrable in urban areas. Yoruba’s decision to use the BumbleBee’s add-on weapons pods gave field maintenance personnel an easy way to service and customize the weapons load. Although it lacked the active defensive armor and armament of the Shiva fire support vehicle, drivers loved its quick speed and zippy handling. The Coyote’s best defense was spee...

Regular price: $2.00
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Tactical: Hexentodt is Finger and Toe Models’ version of the Weimar Aeronautical Conglomerate light air reconnaissance vehicle. From a successful air racing airframe, Weimar produced the militarized version for Air Dragoons regiments. With its vertical lift technology, Hexentodt is maneuverable enough to fight from street level to rooftops of four hundred story megaplexes, or slip above the forest canopies of jungle stretches. Armed with a single rotary gun, the Hexentodt has surprised many unwary infantry and Slagtown gangs who thought the little bird was too light to have a sting.Designed to fit inside Finger and ToesMilBee, the kit includes four military color schemes: light olive drab, brown, gray, and a camouflage. The basic a...

Regular price: $2.00
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 Watermarked PDF

Tactical: Shiva is Finger and Toe Models’ version of the air dragoons’ infantry fire support vehicle. The Shiva began life as a fire team-sized infantry transport. Although faster than most ground transports because of its use of lift fan technology to achieve hover, a vehicle limited to transporting only four or five team members was deemed too expensive. Weimar Aeronautical bought the rights to the Shiva design and production and began tricking the vehicle out in various configurations. The most effective became the Shiva Fire Support Vehicle. Its rail gun main armament could be used in direct or indirect fire modes, while the twin Gatling guns and rocket pods gave infantry commanders a wide range of fire options previously unavailable to...

Tactical: BumbleBee
Regular price: $4.00
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Tactical: BumbleBee (the MilBee) is Finger and Toe Models’ version of the Yoruba Industries LV-78 light logistics vehicle. From the successful civil airframe, Yoruba produced the militarized version, which has proven equally useful delivering squads, small vehicles, and cargo right to the battlefield, especially when the battlefield is the modern kilometer after kilometer of four hundred story high-rise magaplexes.The kit includes four military color schemes: light olive drab, brown, a gray infiltrator, and a heavily armored assault shuttle. External weapons pods and engines give the MilBee extra punch and reach. In addition there is a fully textured interior, and a military cargo pod with an interior. It can be assembled with or without the interior. The basi...

Tactical: WASP
Regular price: $6.00
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 ZIP File

Imagine you are a future police captain patrolling a vast expanse of urban decay, knowing the roving gangs, marauders, and rebels are as well armed as you–and sometimes better armed. Would you want a big stick, an equalizer whose appearance would send the Slags running? Well, captain, the planetary guard has just transferred a few of their light close air support ships to the Urban Air Support Precinct. Now when you take fire, just hunker down and grin, then whisper “ Mind the sting!”

TACTICAL: WASP is the first Finger and Toe Models 28mm standalone model, a one person science fiction VTOL with rockets and gun, and so maneuverable it can dance on a quarter. The WASP can be assembled in any of three color schemes (police gray, army camo, night ops low observabil...

Total value:$16.00
Special bundle price:$10.00
Savings of:$6.00 (38%)
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December 13th, 2010
This set is MORE than just a $6.00 savings from purchasing the models separately! This is a collection of some of the FINEST paper models money can buy. ALL are beautifully crafted models that are perfect for ANY skill level. Most [...]
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File Last Updated:
March 29, 2009
This title was added to our catalog on March 29, 2009.