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Void Admiral


Rogue admirals rally their fleets in this space combat miniature wargame.

-Build a fleet of mighty warships and arm them with an assortment of deadly weaponry.
-Maneuver your fleet about the battlefield taking advantage of firing arcs, terrain and careful timing.
-Play as one of nine factions, each with its own unique ships and special abilities.
-Utilize a command board, spending assets to perform special actions.
-Experience special missions, campaign play and even tournaments.

Shatter your enemies, dominate the star-sector and establish your legacy!

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Dupont D November 15, 2024 11:49 pm UTC
I have a few questions about the rules :

* About the brute command board : for the "3 - Use after shooting with one of your capital ships. They may perform (it's "preform" in the pdf ;) ) an immediate boarding action." Does that mean I don't have to be in base contact to do the boarding action ?

* About boarding action : is it intended for the self destruct sequence to be automatic ? It feels like to me it's a no-brain choice in most cases, since boarding actions are quite restrictive to be able to do and you usually want to be sure to win anyway instead of shooting / ramming. TBH I feel like boarding actions are still not worth it, especially if my opponent can blow its ship anyway to do damage to me in all cases (If it was automatic for Disciples, that would make perfect sense but I feel like all factions shouldn't be as suicidal per default).

Thanks for the hard work, really love the game so far
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paul K November 16, 2024 4:15 am UTC
*yes, the ship still has to be in base to base in order to board. Normally the boarding rules prohibit a ship from shooting and boarding in the same turn... this ability just lets them do both.

*Self destruct is automatic, and sometimes it is just blatantly the best choice. But sometimes not... if you have a light ship with 4 hull being boarded by a ship with 8 hull, you'll likely take an average of 2 damage (which is potent, but maybe not worth blowing yourself up over). It's worth noting that you have to make the decision to self destruct before any attack dice are rolled.

Boarding is generally pretty good when your opponent has a full compliment of shields or has their hatches sealed, and you're unlikely to be able to break through and hurt them with your cannons or lasers. Carriers especially often find boarding more effective than shooting because they don't have many hull mounted weapons.
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Francisco E October 16, 2024 10:39 pm UTC
QQ: squadrons.. it says it may move as they want. This means they don't abide by the move 4" before turning.. in essence they move wherever they want and end up facing wherever they want ? Can they snake around terrain for example ?

( truly a great game, removes all the little things that annoyed me of BFG - which I still loved - and of course much improved command system with the SAGA style boards... I do hope you'll do more fleets.. we have the GW universe.. maybe you can do Babylon 5 ? )
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paul K October 17, 2024 1:53 am UTC
So the intent is that squadrons follow the normal movememt rules. Saying they can "move as they want" is to say that they don't have to maintain formation while moving...they just check coherency at the end.

I may well do more fleets. I've got a couple of ideas floating around in my head :)
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Francisco E October 17, 2024 2:25 pm UTC
wow.. important... so they still observe the 4" before turn.. I saw the let's play and they were just moving freely so that biased my reading...

I tell you.. I love BFG but I was tired that it had so many tweaks needed that I had stopped playing... your rules are just fantastic...

you should expand to other universes.. and maybe you can do a few adjustments to the currents.. your system looks very balanced.. but maybe you could give an option like paying an extra point to add an extra weapon set.. to address some variants that are not covered ? if it is slightly not cost effective maybe it won't unbalance and it will only be for those that want the fluff ? ( I might try that ) ...

Let me know if you need playtesters.. I bought your pdf and I ordered the print on amazon just to support you so.. you can see I am a FAN :) ...

thank you for this game ( I am pushing it to everyone I know )
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Brandon M September 12, 2024 12:20 pm UTC
I'm really enjoying this so far, any chance of releasing a points-based ship builder to make custom fleets?
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paul K September 16, 2024 5:21 pm UTC
I'm probably not going to do a points system. Generally I find them too easy to exploit. However, I'm not ruling out the idea of creating a supplement at some point with some extra fleets. What were you thinking you'd like to build?
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Brandon M September 17, 2024 4:53 pm UTC
I'd be all over that. Reusing some of my SW:Armada stuff. Doing Imperials as Loyalists and Rebels as Merchants isn't having quite the same feel.
I was even toying with the idea of trying to fit some WWII naval stuff into the system, just restricting the turn radii a bit.
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paul K September 18, 2024 9:00 pm UTC
Interesting. I'm not much of a star wars gamer. It seems like an interesting property because of the massive disparity in the fleet scale. What would you say the core aspects of each fleet would be?
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Philip G March 17, 2024 9:45 am UTC
When using Miners as a faction can combined firepower be used with Cannon Turret and Blasting Cannon? I assume so as they behave the same way. Its just that your opponent may quibble over which is the keyword.
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paul K March 17, 2024 6:14 pm UTC
For sure you can. They are both just cannons (there are only technically 3 weapon types, missiles, cannons and lasers). The names are there to add flavour and to draw attention to the fact that the turrets can target additional arcs.
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Adam K March 13, 2024 4:06 pm UTC
Can I premeasurehave distances ? If squadron of 3 small ships each with 4 cannon dice combine fire then they can get salvo of 12 dice?
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paul K March 13, 2024 8:12 pm UTC
Yes and yes.

I didn't mention pre-measuring in the rules, but the intent is that you can... unless you and your opponent want to agree not to.

Shooting with squadrons on page 18 says you can combine fire into a single salvo. (If the ships are in different range bands and will suffer different accuracy modifiers, you'll need to roll each ship individually and then add together the total number of hits)
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Adam K March 13, 2024 9:13 pm UTC
Thanks, I'm after test game and it was fun and brutal.
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Philip G March 12, 2024 7:08 pm UTC
I can't write a review because I have bought the Amazon POD instead of the PDF here. This game is excellent. The faction core abilities, command boards and subtle difference in ship characteristics and load outs produce distinct games styles for each faction. The rock, paper, scissors interaction with the weaponry and ship defences require a combination of fire patterns and inter ship co-operation to take down vessels. Wrapped around solid core game mechanics the above description creates an inbuilt complexity without bogging the game down with overloading the board with markers or book-keeping.
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paul K May 13, 2024 8:52 pm UTC
Hey Philip, I just released a 1.1 update and it gives clarity to both of your question. Many thanks for spotting them :)
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Philip G March 04, 2024 10:14 pm UTC
How do you use fighters? Fighters are 'sent' on bombing runs and I assume are retained as tokens. You 'spend' fighter tokens to intercept bombing runs, so I assume are lost and regenerated at the start of a new turn. I think 'spend' is meant to prevent a stalemate that may occur when multiple fighter tokens face each other. With 'spend' there is a least a pay off. I would be grateful for clarification. It's a great game.
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paul K March 04, 2024 10:41 pm UTC
I see your confusion, under bombing runs it does say you select a number of tokens to "spend". But then it later says "sent" on the bombing run.

But yes, tokens are spent when sent on bombing runs, and they are spent when sent to intercept. You can almost think of them like a dice that you spend to roll.

The tokens only remain on the ship if you don't use them. And don't forget that each ship generates a new token at the start of each round for each fighter bay it has (to a maximum of double it's fighter bays).
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Philip G March 05, 2024 4:49 am UTC
Thanks, I did begin to think all tokens were spent after writing. Cool set of rules.
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paul K March 06, 2024 7:35 pm UTC
It's always good to hear this sort of feedback. I'm slowly making adjustments to my master copy, looking for any ways to improve clarity. I'll probably put out a version 1.1 in the next six months with slightly tighter wording.
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Rob F February 29, 2024 9:31 am UTC
Got a printed copy on Amazon, and wanted to let anyone wondering on getting this game nor not my thoughts. It's a solid game, it has a fast slim rule set that is deep enough not to get dull nor feel like a game on training wheels. It's like the Dragon Ball Z abridged version of BFG, all the fun and non of the bloat.
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Vane D February 10, 2024 11:45 pm UTC
I don't know if BFG really needed a rewrite, but this is a delightful attempt at such. In essence, a streamlined BFG with SAGA dashboards. $2 well spent.
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