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Ex Eradicus: BetaClick to magnify

Ex Eradicus: Beta

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Eradicus is a two-person coop miniatures-agnostic tabletop skirmish game. It's designed so you can bring your own minis and use whatever's at hand, from old game minis or defunct toys to 3d printed minis to custom models made for the game. In it, players control hero characters and fight against an AI controlled opponent force.

You can think of Eradicus as a cross between a tactical skirmish game and a role-playing game. In it, you play alongside others, instead of against them. Your heroes right against enemy models and units which are controlled by a number of different archetypes, which determine the kinds of actions they try to take.

Like other skirmish games, the goal of each game isn't necessarily to annihilate the opponent. Sometimes it may be as simple as escaping across one side of the map while the enemy blocks you. Other times, it may involve controlling a number of objective tokens in order to gain more victory points than the enemy teams.

In addition to your objective, each battle also has one or more complications, which can drastically alter the way you need to play in order to win.


The Rules

Each time you attack, you pick a weapon or power, and then either Speed, Power, or Magic to attack with. Most weapons and powers are only good at one, or maybe two particular attack types. Likewise, defenders usually have strong defenses and weak defenses. Because of this, it may be advantageous to target models that you're good at killing and leave the ones that are good at killing you to other models better equipped for them, though they'll probably try to stop you. You may also find that you sometimes need to use an attack type your model is bad at in order to take advantage of your opponent's weakest defenses.

Then you roll an attack roll composed of one or more polyhedral dice, for example 1d4+1d6+1d8. The defender rolls the matching defense for their model. You take the highest of these dice and compare it against your opponent's roll. If the attacker ties or exceeds the defender, they score a hit and roll for damage the same way. This makes combat snappy and efficient, while keeping everyone engaged every step of the way.


Movement and Maneuvering

Because of the vast array of awesome models available to play with, Ex Eradicus also includes a number of different movement types. Each of these movement types has pros and cons as to how they interact with the terrain, such as walls, obstacles, and hazards. Some movement types, like Fly, and Teleport allow you to largely bypass obstacles, while others like Phase may allow you to make sweeping hit-and-run attacks on your opponents.


Tactical Options

When you activate a model, you have more options than simply moving or attacking. You get two actions, and can do things ranging from using powers or weapons to removing debuffs, charge up attacks, dive behind cover, or manipulate items on the field.

There are also a few things you can do that don't count as actions, such as certain triggered reactions (like attacking when someone flees from melee with you) or drop an item.



A major component of Ex Eradicus is the ability for players to create their own items, models, and units. We want you to be able to play with whatever miniatures you have, and more importantly whatever miniatures you want. Have you always wanted to use that giant demon prince, but never had an opportunity? Go for it! Have some really cool monsters that are way too neat to leave as random mooks? Send them in as heroes!

The rules for creating items and models are simple and straightforward. With the application of some stat offsets and squaring values, you can quickly and easily calculate the value of things on pen & paper, using a calculator, or using our app. And once you've got the rules for something, it's very easy to reconstruct it later even if you don't have access to the original paper, document, app, or source.

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File Last Updated:
May 16, 2023
This title was added to our catalog on February 28, 2023.