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B17: TWENTY FIVE MISSIONSClick to magnify
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Winner of the first place for the best game with innovative mechanics, 2nd place for the best game of the event, 2nd place for the best game in solo mode, and 2nd place for the best game in another language.


Game rules + full game. In English

(Reglas Completamente en español Las hojas de juego mantienen el idioma ingles, esto no afecta el juego)

(Règlement entièrement en français. Les feuilles de jeu conservent la langue anglaise, cela n'affecte pas le jeu)

B17 Twenty five Missions is a game in which we will live the experience inside a B17, and in which we will bomb various targets to overcome the goal of 25 missions to return home.

This is a Roll And Write mechanics game for one player with a minimum duration of 20 minutes.

To play it is recommended to have:
  • The bomber sheet, the objectives sheet and if you are playing in campaign mode the mission report sheet (It is recommended that the sheets be with a polypropylene protector)
  • An erasable marker.
  • Various D6 Dice


Complete 1 match without the bomber being shot down.
Complete all 25 missions (campaign)

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You can buy the expansion Pack 1 here

You can buy the expansion Pack 2 here

You can buy the expansion pack 3 here

You can buy the expansion pack 4 here


You can buy the expansion AVRO LANCASTER here


twitter: @SoliDivi

You may be interested in our other games, we leave the link!


photography Daniel Niemi

Visit our board game page!!  SOLITARY DIVISION


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Tilman G September 30, 2022 6:57 am UTC
There is one Page with a complete black Logo of the company. If you need to save ink, check if you print it.
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David B September 16, 2022 11:22 am UTC
Can you reduce the file size down on the extra missions? I am having problems exporting it. Thanks. Dave
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Solitary D September 16, 2022 5:38 pm UTC
Done, you can download it now
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File Last Updated:
October 03, 2022
This title was added to our catalog on September 05, 2022.