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Cover Me! WW2 CombatClick to magnify
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Cover Me! WW2 Combat

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Cover Me! is a game of individual combat between single infantry squads, their support weapons, and the occasional armored fighting vehicle. Each player controls a handful of soldiers. Infantry for all major combatants of WW2 are included, along with many iconic vehicles.

  • Works with any scale using your existing miniatures
  • No basing requirements as long as figures are individually based
  • Prioritizes player agency in matters of move and morale: you get to decide when it's time for one of your soldiers to take cover and restore your combat effectiveness
  • Ammo is a finite resource but you don't have to count every bullet
  • Leaders have concrete effects on morale and motivation
  • Figures can be assigned unique traits or skills
  • Weapons are realistically modeled and playable, including rifle grenades, mortars, antitank weapons, satchel charges, mines, and flamethrowers, as well as firearms and grenades
  • Terrain elements are clearly defined and easy to agree upon
  • No table clutter; each soldier's status and ammo is tracked on a small card
  • Rules for hidden movement, campaign play, and solo/co-op play are included
  • Standard OOB or point buy options for choosing your squad members
  • Includes German, Italian, Japanese, Soviet, UK, and US infantry squads and many vehicles
  • copious diagrams that explain core concepts in visual format
  • concierge-level, prompt support from the author and a vibrant online Facebook community
  • Separate printables PDF included with base labels, counters, figure cards, vehicle cards, and ability cards

Watch Pauli Kidd's review of the game here:

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Richard B September 13, 2023 9:43 pm UTC
Are there going to be more vehicle cards or the stats for them?

I mainly play eastern front 1941.


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Douglas A September 24, 2023 1:08 pm UTC
Hi Rich, what are some Eastern Front vehicles you'd like to see? I can stat them up for you. If you haven't already checked out my wargaming FB page, it's here.
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Richard B September 24, 2023 11:40 pm UTC

I joined Facebook but could not find any tank stats.

T-26, 28, 35, BT-7, BT-7A, BA-6, SU-76, IS-2,IS-3
PZ-IIIJ. PZ-38T, Jagdpanther

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Douglas A September 24, 2023 11:46 pm UTC
Hi Rich, when I have a little free time, I'll stat some of those vehicles and send you a PDF via my group facebook page.
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Steve F August 30, 2022 10:29 am UTC
Doug, I recall mention of a FaceBook community on the Cover Me! ad on TMP, but have been unable to find it. If there is a community would you please direct me to it? Thanks!
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Douglas A August 30, 2022 11:07 am UTC
Hi Steve, join us at
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Steve F August 30, 2022 4:04 pm UTC
Thanks Doug, I tried the address and all I get is a warning the link to the page isn't available -- the link may be broken or the page has been removed.

I find the rules to be very good and interesting and I look forward to getting this to the table very soon.
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Douglas A August 30, 2022 8:55 pm UTC
Hi Steve, not sure why the FB link isn't working for you. Try doing a group search on FB for "Stars and Crosses".
Glad you're liking the rules so far!
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Gene S August 21, 2022 4:06 pm UTC
Hi Doug. Could you please add a cover page and table of contents? I love that you have an index but this would be great to add those two things. Thanks.
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Douglas A August 21, 2022 4:21 pm UTC
Hi Gene, I don't usually include a cover page on a PDF because most folks just skip printing it to save ink. And I felt the book was too short for a TOC. I'll see what I can do.
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Douglas A August 21, 2022 5:03 pm UTC
Hi Gene, I just added a Table of Contents file and an image of the cover art, they should download automatically to your library but let me know if they don't. Good suggestions!
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Gene S August 21, 2022 5:23 pm UTC
Awesome! Thanks. I love in the ruleset you give great visual examples. I'm a visual learner.
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Douglas A August 21, 2022 5:26 pm UTC
Me too! Probably why I'm an art teacher.
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August 21, 2022
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