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Mythos Encounters Horror Skirmish EXPANDEDClick to magnify
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Mythos Encounters Horror Skirmish EXPANDED


Cooperative Miniature Encounters in the Cthulhu Mythos

Mythos Encounters is a miniature skirmish game of the Cthulhu Mythos. This is a cooperative game, in which Investigators work together to face the horrors of ruthless cultists, mysterious alien creatures and the elder gods themselves.

Your investigators can face enemies head-on, trusting in your strength and weaponry, or take a more subtle approach using stealth and gathering clues to gain an advantage.

Enemy creatures in Mythos Encounters change from encounter to encounter, and their behavior is determined by a variety of AI tactics.

As your investigators progress through each encounter, they will gain new abilities, equipment and allies that will allow them to face even greater threats. They may also gain permanent physical injuries or debilitating mental disorders.

Mythos Encounters is played as a series of linked encounters using your own terrain and miniature figures. This game has no official terrain or miniatures.

New, Expanded edition includes 2 new professions and six new encounters!

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Alexander P February 29, 2024 4:48 pm UTC
Hey Russell,

Quick question.

Is there any way to play this game with just three characters and not four? Maybe leave everything as is, or give them some buff? I feel like solo controlling all 4 works, with 2 people each player controlling 2 characters also works, and works great at 4, but at 3... One player has to control 2 characters. Its a bit.. idk lol. Just wondering if you ever had to deal with something like this and if there was a solution of any kind?

Thank you so much!
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Russell B March 01, 2024 6:26 pm UTC
Hi Alexander.

Mythos Encounters includes adjustments for playing with 2 or 3 investigators (on page 69) and has been fully playtested with those size teams. The adjustments for 3 players are that investigators start at level 1 (instead of 0), get 2 bonus shared clues in each encounter, and encounters last one extra turn. The investigators also get one extra shared downtime action (to help with healing, repair, etc). The difficulty adjustments work as is because they are based on total investigator level, so difficulty will increase more slowly with fewer investigators.
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Marshall G February 21, 2024 4:10 pm UTC
How many different enemies are included in this book? It looks like, from the table of contents that there is only a few pages dedicated to them. I have tons of Cthulhu: Death May Die minis that sound like they would work very well for this game, but I want to make sure there's enough variety and stats for them. Can you make your own? Are rules provided for this, or would it be an easy thing to do? Thanks!
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Russell B February 22, 2024 11:14 pm UTC
Mythos Encounters only stats out the enemies needed for the three stories, and now for the new fourth story. There are other stats for potential allies, neutral animals, etc. That said, it would be simple to stat out new creatures. Basic stats are fairly simple, maybe with one or two special abilities. The enemies are as follows:

Animated Dead (zombies)
Avatar of Yog-Sothoth (humanoid)
Brain in a Jar
Various Cultists
Dark Young of Shub-nigurath
Shubling (sort of grick-ish)

The story 4 expansion adds...

Lesser Spawn of Yog-sothoth (from Dunwich Horror)
Greater Spawn of Yog-sothoth (from Dunwich Horror)
Witch Hunter
Rat Swarm
Hex Beast ("stick" creatures)
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Russell B February 22, 2024 11:27 pm UTC
I should also point out that, although it's possible to just put some creatures in an encounter with a few clue markers, the game as it is uses events and event paragraphs that are read during each encounter based on those events. See the free download of the Story 4 pdf (Horror of Oldwitch) for examples.
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Marshall G March 07, 2024 12:39 pm UTC
Thank you for breaking it down for me. I appreciate that. It's very nice that you are still releasing content for this and I hope that there will be more. It sounds like fun, I'll give it a shot! :)
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Russell B February 20, 2024 10:03 pm UTC
New free Story - The Horror of Oldwitch - added to this product
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julien P July 02, 2023 2:44 pm UTC
Does this game utilize a diceless mechanic?
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Russell B August 18, 2023 10:08 pm UTC
No, despite the published name, it's fairly dicey. Rolls are generally a polyhedral die (bigger is better) and another polyhedral die (the difficulty).
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Robert M June 07, 2023 7:38 pm UTC
Soo getitng the game and setting up to do a full review on it. Have heard great things and really looking forward to trying it out.
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Jay D June 21, 2023 8:24 pm UTC
Have you had a chance to play it yet?
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Robert M June 22, 2023 2:19 am UTC
Yes and REALLY REALLY enjoy it. Writting up and doing a full Review on it on my YT channel i have upcoming.
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julien P October 20, 2023 1:27 pm UTC
Whats your youtube channel?
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William M January 03, 2023 9:47 pm UTC
Hello! I'm new to wargame skirmishes, and I'm wondering if Mythos Encounters has the ability for solo play, as well as co-op? Thank you!
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Russell B January 31, 2023 7:23 pm UTC
Yes, it works just as well solo. Solo players control all 4 investigators. Bad guys and civilians use a priority-based AI.
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Robert M June 10, 2023 3:19 am UTC
Is their and expansion for the game out that add new stories or anything?
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Russell B August 18, 2023 10:10 pm UTC
I'm working on a fourth story for Mythos Encounters based loosely on Dunwich Horror. Have the miniatures painted and have started playtesting. Should be available in about two months.
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Michael R October 21, 2021 3:40 am UTC
Wait, this is just the core rules with some added content? Why couldn't the extra stuff just be an expansion? I bought the original, so what do I do here, just buy it again?
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Russell B October 31, 2021 11:16 pm UTC
This rule set has been added to the original rule set, too - so if you bought the original, you should have gotten an email and have access to this though your original purchase.
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File Last Updated:
February 20, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on October 06, 2021.
Diceless Hero Games
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