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Vulcania The Role-Playing Game


CORE RULEBOOK - Vulcania is a tabletop role-playing game full of action, conspiracies and investigation, set in the smoky atmospheres of the industrial revolution of a Fantasy - Steampunk world.

Vulcania is a 436 pages all-in-one rulebook (in English and Italian language) containing rules needed to play, both for players and Narrators. No need to buy dozens of books to jump into the mayhem!  

The Letvian War ended ten years go but new powers are already plotting in the shadows. Explore a mysterious world, where human life is scattered among six volcanic archipelagos surrounded by a stormy sea. Take to the seas or soar in the skies aboard an Airship, face lethal enemies with the power of sword and alchemy and unearth lost secrets. Honing your skills to survive the bleak moors of chaos and harness the power of your own mind.

The war might be over… but there is no shortage of reasons to fight

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Stacie W January 13, 2025 7:22 am UTC
Since the english versions are sold out on the GearGames website will this ever get a Print on Demand option on here or will they get reprinted?
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Phillip G December 13, 2022 8:09 pm UTC
I'm gonna chalk this up to a translation issue, but I thought someone should let you know that one of your regional past experiences is a racial slur.
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Simone R December 13, 2022 9:08 pm UTC
Hi Philip, which one are you referring to? We are saddened that there could be such a misunderstanding as racism and any other kind of discriminatory attitude are not part of our values. We detest any form of discrimination
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Phillip G December 14, 2022 4:55 am UTC
Once again, I am positive this is not intentional and most likely just a translation issue but one of your regional past experiences is called Shylok. To give you some context I would advise you to check this wikipedia entry, mainly the part in reference to anti-Semitism:
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Simone R December 19, 2022 9:00 pm UTC
Apparently, it was a term used in a discriminatory sense in the 1600s. "Today the word Shylock is often used to refer to any relentless and revengeful moneylender; in fact, any relentless person". In any case, you did well to point it out, we will try to be more careful in the future. If anyone was offended, we apologize, it was not our intention at all.
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Richard H February 28, 2024 5:10 pm UTC
Has this been changed or removed yet?
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Phillip G June 11, 2024 3:19 am UTC
I brought up the issue and they wrote it off because they did a half-hearted google search to back up their belief. I would love to run this game but I have players who would immediately be offended by this slur. So no, they never fixed it because they refuse to believe it is broken.
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De la Viscario R August 01, 2022 12:51 am UTC
Hi, do you have an email for business contact?
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Simone R December 13, 2022 9:00 pm UTC
Hello! Sorry for the late replay, you can contact us at
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Hendrik N April 11, 2022 1:21 pm UTC
How do the listed opportunities for enemies work? As npcs don't roll for themselves, do they only trigger when the Narrator spends Gears of Fate?
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Hendrik N April 11, 2022 1:34 pm UTC
Ignore my question, I found the answer in the Enemies chapter! Teaches you to always read rulebooks cover to cover! ;-)
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ASHLEY D December 16, 2020 4:20 pm UTC
Some questions about potential errata.

Page 296 - In example block 1, shouldn't the number of wounds inflicted on Vas be 2, as a natural roll of 4 is in the green damage progression position - shown in example block 2.

Some of the adversaries have weapons that are not listed in the attack (for example, machette for the Brute on page 298). Is it fair to say that any player centric weapon's damage track is simply inverted if used by an NPC. (i.e. running from 12 to 1 instead of 1 to 12)
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Simone R December 16, 2020 10:18 pm UTC
Hi A D! You are right, we were focusing on explaining how the Narrator can use the Gears of Fate and we did not notice the inaccuracy. And it is correct to say that any weapon's damage track is simply inverted if used by an NPC. We added some reserve weapon for narrative necessities.
Thanks for the report, it's really useful for us!

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ASHLEY D December 17, 2020 10:44 am UTC
Some more errata (for the English version)

Page 6, second column - incorrect idiom - "easier done than said" should read "easier said than done".

Chapter 1
Page 24, stat block - typo - "Arti" should be "Arts".

Page 49 - clarification - How many vices can a character have? Is that up to the GM?.

Page 54 - typo - Italian text used in the English version diagram

Classic Character Sheet PDF - sheet is missing clickable boxes for the weapon damage tracks.
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Simone R December 17, 2020 2:37 pm UTC
Thanks again AD!!! We will collect your indications to complete the corrigendum. The Classic sheet has not the clickable boxes for the weapon damage tracks. That function has been implemented recently in our new sheets.
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Mar B December 10, 2020 9:02 am UTC
Ma alla fine il file è in italiano o inglese? Perché io lo voglio in italiano.
In più, cosa si intende con "watermarked pdf"? Che ogni singola pagina ha il watermark sopra? Perché se è così, io quei 6€ in più per togliere il watermark li pago
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Simone R December 10, 2020 1:46 pm UTC
Ciao, il manuale è disponibile sia in italiano che in inglese. Il Watermark riporta il tuo nome e il numero d'ordine molto piccolo in basso a a sinistra ed è una tutela contro la pirateria, non è di nessun fastidio per la lettura o la visualizzazione
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Michael S April 16, 2020 2:02 am UTC
The file labeled as being the English version with bookmarks is the Italian version of the game.
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Simone R April 16, 2020 5:16 pm UTC
Hi Michael,
it was an issue of DTRPG for the browser version.
Now it's all ok.
Thank you for your support!
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Michael H April 02, 2020 2:48 am UTC
Is printing and copy/paste still disabled? If so I’m not interested.
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Simone R April 02, 2020 5:38 pm UTC
Hi Michael,
printing and copy/paste enabled.
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Chris T April 01, 2020 9:14 pm UTC
I just want to express my gratitude for a full thirty pages worth of preview.
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Simone R April 02, 2020 5:44 pm UTC
Thank you Chris for your support!!
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Ron B April 01, 2020 5:58 pm UTC
Other than being able to read it, what exactly do you envision is the benefit of a PDF you cannot print or copy/paste from? Serious question.
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Paul B April 02, 2020 1:58 am UTC
I seriously would love to know the answer to that question. Literally 100% of the reason I ever get any book in PDF format (I only read physical books) is to be able to make my own reference sheets (by copy/pasting from the PDF instead of typing everything myself) or print out relevant information (charts, tables, maps...).

The decision to disable copy/pasting and printing also looks incredibly petty given that I've literally never encountered this on any product available on DriveThru before. Not exactly a good look for a company I've never heard of before.
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Simone R April 02, 2020 5:37 pm UTC
Hi Ron and Paul,
we began our adventure on DTRPG choosing to disable copy/paste and print as it was a possibility that fell within the options of this platform. Thanks to your comments we realized how important this possibilities are for all our supporters and so we decided to ENABLE THE COPY/PASTE AND PRINT on this and the next works that will be published here.
We hope you will appreciate this choice.
Thank you for your suggestions.
Customer avatar
Ron B April 02, 2020 6:34 pm UTC
This is great news! Thanks for the quick reply.
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Paul B April 02, 2020 10:05 pm UTC
Great news indeed!
Positive responses to feedback are always appreciated.
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Colin C March 31, 2020 10:26 pm UTC
Hi. How are range and movement handled: Mats and miniatures? Specific measurements (such as exact metres) that are tracked or largely ignored/handwaved? Broad zones/bands for easy Theatre of the Mind play? Something else?
Customer avatar
Simone R April 01, 2020 3:19 pm UTC
Hello Colin, range and movement are handled with specific measurements. We use the Cubitus, a custom unit of measurement which corresponds to about 1,3 meters. In the rulebook, you can find the rules to use the combat grid (1 cubitus = 1 square), but it's not a judgment call. You can easily play Vulcania in a narrative way if you prefer.
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Robert P March 31, 2020 6:46 pm UTC
Any deetz about the system please? Thanks, Rob.
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Alexandre L March 31, 2020 6:49 pm UTC
And a preview also would be interesting. Also What's the actual page count of the file? Tab to the right says 436 pages but the description above states 464 pages...
Customer avatar
Simone R March 31, 2020 8:19 pm UTC
Hi Alexandre,
we have enabled the preview of the first thirty pages we hope you enjoy it.
The right count of the pages is 436 we have corrected the description accordigly.
Customer avatar
Simone R March 31, 2020 8:40 pm UTC
Hi Rob,
yes of course! You can refer to our Gear Pills videos. Enjoy them and let us know if you need more material!

Episode 1 -
Episode 2 -
Episode 3 -
Episode 4 -
Customer avatar
Robert P March 31, 2020 9:14 pm UTC
Thanks!! :)
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