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Blood on the Blade - 2nd Edition


Blood on the Blade - 2nd Edition is the newest release of Blood on the Blade, a micro but complete set of rules for solitaire or co-op skirmish game set on a fantasy background.

“Micro” refers to the small set of rules, the small time required to complete one game session and the small number of miniatures required (4-10 figures being a common range). Many micro-details are left to the player, only the “important” rules are included in the twelve pages of the game.

The game includes ten Scenarios, covering classical wargame scenes like searching for loot, attacking an enemy base, defending your territory, freeing prisoners. Event markers placed on the Map will create the needed Fog of War and randomize the placement of enemies, events and of course loot!

Scenarios can be played individually or as part of a Campaign game: in this case a flowchart will (randomly) determine the next mission; as an example, after a “Scout” mission a bad roll could send your characters on the “Ambush” scenario. Characters on a Campaign will be able to improve their characteristics, but with the improvement of the Reputation Level of your Warband, your enemies will also become stronger.

Activation of units (friendly and enemies) is managed with a pool of activation markers, but you can never be sure that every unit will be activated. When an “Enemy” marker is drawn by the pool you will roll on the ENEMY ACTIVATION table in the current Scenario to determine the unit to activate and its orders.

The rules can easily be used for non-fantasy games (Middle-Ages/Dark Ages).

*** What's new in the second edition ***

  • Mounted Characters rules
  • New Enemies (Demons, Giants, Elves)
  • Revised Enemies (Araknos, Lizardmen, Major Undeads)
  • New Character Advancements
  • Flasks and Potion rules
  • Flying and Mounted Enemies
  • Event Marker activation rules (EM are not any more static)
  • Larger Loot Tables
  • New Spells
  • New Challenge: Boss Fight! (against a single "Boss" Enemy of course)
  • Companions


    Game Rules
    10 Scenarios
    19 Enemy Sheets – more than 70 Enemies
    1 Sheet of characters for DYO scenario
    6 Ready to play Characters    
    2 Character sheets
    6 Table sheets
    2 Campaign Rosters
    1 Campaign Sheet
    32 markers

Additional free components for the game are available on the Studium CMLXV site

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Customer avatar
October 14, 2022 3:10 pm UTC
Gottardo, have you thought about contacting Modiphius to have your games published as fancy hardcovers with nice illustrations? I heard that their founder Chris is really pro solo/co-op games, and they had already published Rangers of Shadow Deep and Five Parsecs from Home/Five Leagues from the Borderland.
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Gottardo Z October 14, 2022 4:45 pm UTC
I've discussed with them about a different project (never published): I believe that, having published the Five Parsec games they are not really interested on having another "similar" title in their catalogue. But I'll try anyway before releasing the next version of the game, surely I'd love to see one of my games with a full professional layout....
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October 14, 2022 4:49 pm UTC
They have already 2 fantasy ones (Rangers and 5 Leagues) too so maybe a third (Blood on the Blade) will happen ;) Do not give up!
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Gottardo Z October 14, 2022 5:01 pm UTC
I'll try! Thanks for the support
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Cc C September 26, 2022 1:40 pm UTC
Hi Gottardo, over these years either BotB and BiS remain, for me, one of the most favourite solo skirmish games ever!
By playing several times, I’ve spotted a few minor typos (listed below) in the Enemy tables section regarding some enemies damage track and HP discrepancies (often crucial when you need to know if the enemy would be dead or still alive!)

Hope this game is still supported
Best wishes
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Cc C September 26, 2022 1:45 pm UTC
Demons RL1-2: for each demon, their HP stat and Damage Track entries don’t match (i.e. Lesser Demon has HP12 but 15 circles, Scale Hide Demon has HP14 but 17 circles, Huge Demon Is ok, Tentacled Demon HP13 but 16 circles, Rending Demon HP14 but 17 circles)
- Pit Fighters RL3-4: Great Ghoul has HP22 but 20 circles
- Plaguetouched RL1-2: Ogre Rats HP9 but 10 circles
- Plaguetouched RL3-4: Beastmen HP 20 but 18 circles
- Necromancer RL3-4: Necromancer HP10 but 11 circles
- Bosses RL1-2: Shelob HP50 but 51 circles
- Bosses RL3-4: Demon Prince of Blood HP89 but 86 circles
- Giants RL2-4: Mountain Giant HP55 but 53 circles
- Demons RL3-4: Tentacled Demon HP13 but 15 circles
- Elves RL2-3: Ranger HP12 but doesn’t have the Damage Track at all
Customer avatar
Gottardo Z September 26, 2022 3:03 pm UTC
Thanks a lot for spotting those typos! I've just uploaded a new version of the Enemy file that should fix all the wrong tracks (and sure, the game is still supported)
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Cc C September 26, 2022 5:15 pm UTC
Thanks for the rapid update!
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Andrew G September 27, 2022 5:18 am UTC
Thanks Gottardo~!
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Dorian A January 02, 2022 6:29 pm UTC
I just grabbed this on sale together with all the associated free content. I have no idea yet what it is all about but I have to say it all looks fantastic (those Battle Pack hex maps and printable minis!!) and the amount of content is astonishing!
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Cc C July 28, 2021 8:24 am UTC
Hello, and congrats for this great game!
I have a doubt about Enemy Activation: Attack (Easiest PC).
Which character should I select as the “Easiest”?
Is the one with lower TN, Shield, damage reduction or what else?
Thank you very much!
Customer avatar
Gottardo Z July 28, 2021 8:40 am UTC
"Easiest" is the PC with the lower TN after considering all the modifiers (this includes of course shield and terrain modifiers)

Thanks a lot for the support.
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Cc C August 01, 2021 7:30 am UTC
Another two questions:

1) 1VP can be exchanged for 2xp. Should I give these xp to ALL characters (each model gets 2xp), or should I distribute among them?

2) in Escort scenario, I have no clear how/when to use the Research Objectives table (cleric, scholar, medic)

Thank you very much, this game is awesome!
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Gottardo Z August 02, 2021 8:06 am UTC
1) Each character can spend one VP to gain two XPs: those XP are associated to the character that spent the VP (cannot be distributed)
2) The Research Objectives table simply provide some background about the NPC and his research; it has no impact on the game.
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Gabriele G April 25, 2021 1:50 am UTC
I need clarification about the advanced rule of event marker:"Even if in LOS of a PC, activated Event Markers are automatically revealed only when they engage a PC: a PC will reveal an activated EM in LOS and within 10 MP during its activation". I have to reveal the activated event marker when it engages (as rules, in contact with) the Player Characters or when the EM activated moves in Los and within 10 MP from PC?
Customer avatar
Gottardo Z April 25, 2021 7:36 pm UTC
During the activation of an EM, the EM is never revealed if it moves in LOS and range of a PC: only if the EM engages a PC you reveal it.
During the PC activation instead you apply the standard rules (reveal an EM in LOS and range).
This means that an activated EM can move near a PC but you will have to wait your activation to reveal it.
Hope this clarifies the question.
Customer avatar
Gabriele G April 25, 2021 11:08 pm UTC
Ok the rules is clear during the activation of the EM: I reveal the EM only if it enters in contact with a PC (engage).
But I need to understand the "in Los and within 10MP" during the activation of the PC: have I to consider different rules to reveal the EM if it is static or activated; does I reveal an activated EM with 10MP instead of 2MP of a static MP? Or it is an error on the rulebooks and EM are considered all in the same way and revealed during the activation of PC only when PU moves within 2MP?
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Gottardo Z April 26, 2021 10:42 am UTC
Static EM are revealed within 2 MP while activated EM are revealed withing 10 MP. Distinguishing beween the two types of EM is not difficult during the game (you can use a token/marker in case).
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Gabriele G April 26, 2021 10:59 pm UTC
Thank you. Now for me t is all clear.
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Aee V January 21, 2021 1:10 am UTC
I have a few questions so far.
In warband creation do I use Campaign Tables II or III?
Weapons and armor in the two groups of tables have different stats, are these correct?
Seems like there's no reason not to choose to have two weapons, is there supposed to be something more to this?
Customer avatar
Gottardo Z January 21, 2021 11:26 am UTC
In the warband creation you use Campaign Table III to select the equipment (weapon and armour). You use the Character Advancement table on Campaign II only for those characters with extra XP.
The weapons and armour tables in Campaign Table II are only used when you spend a Loot Point to generate the loot type; you don't use those tables in the warband creation.
Currently you can only use one weapon during combat, even if you are equipped with two (or more) weapons: rules for dual attacks will be soon added to the rules (probably they will appear for an early playtest on the support website).
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Gottardo Z January 21, 2021 11:41 am UTC
P.S. The only exception is the use of daggers a secondary weapon in hand: see the Aghamon Gazette #2 for more details
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Aee V January 21, 2021 5:09 pm UTC
Thanks for the answer, looking to play my first game soon.
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david P February 09, 2020 2:32 am UTC
Hi thanks for the Blood on the blade/Space/Dungeon rules.
Am enjoying playing the Blade version yet to try Space/Dungeon version.
Best set of solo skirmish rules i have used.
I have one question about the other markers in the game the ones labeled Grappled i cannot find any mention of this marker in the rules what are the Grappled markers used for.
Customer avatar
Gottardo Z February 09, 2020 10:55 am UTC
Hi David: the Grapple marker is used with some enemies capable of a special attack (Grapple); see the Zombie Leader as an example. Those rules will probably be inserted in the main document in the future.
Thanks for the support!
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Konstantin K January 10, 2020 5:09 am UTC
Hello! Really looking forward to try this out! Can you please clarify one question regarding the rules?
In the Movement section the Rules say “Units can be freely moved in any direction up to their Move capacity”. Can the unit change the direction of their movement in the middle of one action? Like “move 2 MP North and 1 MP East” to turn corner, for example? Thanks!
Customer avatar
Gottardo Z January 10, 2020 7:37 am UTC
Yes, you can spend the available MPs changing the direction during the movement with no costs for turning.
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Tom B December 24, 2018 5:36 pm UTC
Any discount for purchasers of 1st edition
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Gottardo Z December 27, 2018 8:59 pm UTC
- Customers that bought BoTB in the last 30 days will receive an email to get this new edition for free
- All other customers should have received a discount voucher to get the new version at an unbeatable price

If you are an existing customer and you’ve not received your voucher, feel free to contact me at, including in your email the Order ID on Wargame Vault (you can find it on the email received by Wargame Vault when you bought BoTB or on your Orders info in the Wargame Vault site).
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