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Halt the Hun!


Halt the Hun!

Late World War One Western Front Skirmish Rules

Halt the Hun! is a relatively quick, simple skirmish game for 28mm figures set on the Western Front in late World War One (1918). Players use 10-sided dice to determine the results of actions including attacks & panic checks. Each side - which can consist of one or more players - controls units of either Allied or Imperial German troops. You can build your own “army” using a simple system or use one of the premade battlegroups provided.

There are three PDFs provided with the game. The first is the rules set (25 pages plus a quick reference sheet). The second contains army lists, unit cards, tokens, and templates (54 pages). The third is a sample skirmish game described in detail with lots of examples of the rules in action (13 pages).

The Halt the Hun! rules include a unique initiative system, simple combat resolution, rules for morale, smoke and gas, and special rules for officers, NCOs, chaplains, nurses, and tanks. The rules are packed with photos of figures from this period as well as contemporary recruiting posters. There are more than 100 unit cards included to create a wide variety of British, French, German, Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, Scottish, and American battlegroups; there are also sample battlegroups provided in three sizes for the British/Scottish, French, Germans, and Americans. Guidelines are provided for small, medium, and large skirmishes; there are scenario ideas as well as a 1-page quick reference sheet. Optional Event Cards are also included if you’d like to add some interesting twists to your game (including strafing runs and calling in artillery).

Heed the call, assemble your troops, and head to the front! Halt the Hun! is a perfect excuse to get some of the wonderful figures available for this period onto your tabletop!

(Brigade Games, Great War Miniatures, Warlord Games, and Nick Eyre of North Star Military Figures all kindly gave permission for professionally painted miniatures from their figure lines to be included).

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Discussions (4)
Customer avatar
Stuart H August 02, 2024 6:25 pm UTC
Hi Robert,
Just a small question, I was wondering if any thought had been put in to other tank types that aren't in the rules set? For example the Whippet for the British and Schneider CA.1 for the French?
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Robert L August 05, 2024 4:10 am UTC
Thank you for your question about other types of tanks. Yes, there are playtest versions of the Whippet and the Schneider CA 1. I need to find where I hid them on my computer, so it may take a few days, but I will let you know when I find them.
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Stuart H August 06, 2024 7:33 pm UTC
Thank you for the reply! I look forward to seeing them.
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Robert L August 07, 2024 3:47 am UTC
Hi Stuart,
The playtest tank stats (and revised stats for the Renault) are in PDF format. Please email me at and I'll send you a copy. Thanks, Rob
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Gary K July 12, 2024 7:30 am UTC
Hi Robert
Played the rules at our club last night and very positive and a good game, a couple of queries
1. If an NCO or officer has four hits and is now down to two, does he take a panic check
2. Grenades, we found them too powerful but we were using the hits calculations wrong, we now believe this to be the sequence,
a) Throw to hit as normal
b) Once the location of the hit is determined including deviations, then roll to HIT EACH figure within the template as you would when determining any hits, but -3 for any intervening hard cover, one query from a player is why only hard cover and not soft cover modifier as well, my response is that it is an explosion so soft cover cant repel it.
thanks for your response and we shall be gaming this again several times in the coming weeks, a very good set of skirmish rules was agreed by all
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Robert L July 12, 2024 2:29 pm UTC
Hi Gary,

Thank you for trying the game with your club - I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Regarding your rules questions: NCOs and officers do not need to make Panic checks if they lose half or more of their wounds. If an NCO or officer is attached to a unit of infantry and he is killed, this does count toward triggering a Panic check for losing a unit member. NCOs/officers count as a single unit member in this case.

You are correct about how grenades work. Your response about soft cover not helping makes sense, but there is actually supposed to be an additional -1 penalty to hit targets in soft cover (in addition to other bonuses and penalties). This is not clear in the rules, and I appreciate your asking about it.

Please let me know if any other questions, etc. come up.
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Gary K July 13, 2024 8:58 am UTC
Great thanks for the response and appreciate the ongoing support
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Gary K July 17, 2024 5:42 pm UTC
Hi Robert enjoying the game even more now, mortars etc now being used, one query from one of the players, actions are performed by the unit, doe this mean a unit can either throw a grenade or shoot, or both, in other words each figure performs an action within the unit, thanks
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Robert L July 17, 2024 5:59 pm UTC
Glad you are enjoying the game, Gary. When activated, each member of a unit may make either a ranged attack or a melee attack (but each unit member only gets one attack). As noted under Combat on p. 6, members of the same unit can perform different kinds of attacks as appropriate, so some could throw grenades while others shoot. Please let me know if any other questions arise.
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Gary K July 17, 2024 6:58 pm UTC
thanks again for the quick response and it all makes sense once again
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Gary K July 19, 2024 3:33 pm UTC
Hi rob
Another good game at the club and a couple of new players who asked me some questions, would be grateful if you could answer them please
1. Officers and NCO's can take four wounds and each hit on them causes a wound, the player has a sniper who can target these leaders, however his comment was that it is likely to take a whole game to remove a leader as he can take four hits, can a leader lose more hits from any individual shot, grenade or melee weapon.
2. Pistols, shot guns and some other range hand weapons can be used in melee, is this an additional shot or taken as a melee score with bonus of some sort.
Everyone still likes the game for skirmish WW1, and also noted DONT GET CAUGHT IN THE OPEN
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Robert L July 19, 2024 4:19 pm UTC
Thank you for continuing to play HtH at your club, Gary!

Great question about officers and NCOs. The rules as written are meant to make leaders "heroic" and hard to eliminate, so as you note, they are only supposed to take 1 wound from any single shot/grenade/melee weapon. We went back and forth on this in playtesting, but ended up deciding to stick with it, since (sort of like when you quickly lose a tank) it felt discouraging to lose leaders quickly.

If your group doesn't mind this possibility, here are a couple options that have been used: You can allow sniper shots (at short range, at least) to cause 2 wounds, or you can allow snipers who roll a modified 10+ to hit to do extra damage (e.g., 2 wounds, or even d4 wounds if you want to make one shot potentially fatal).

Regarding pistols and other ranged weapons that can be used in melee: this isn't clear in the rules, so I appreciate your asking. It is intended to mean that even if you are in base to base contact...See more
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Gary K July 19, 2024 5:27 pm UTC
Thanks Rob that makes sense for having a sniper, it justifies the cost of having one, as for the range weapons in combat that is ironically how we player it.
One other query was in melee does anyone benefit from cover, I used the wording that base to base contact must be made by the figure so no cover benefits apply as it is man to man and not a unit melee resolution as in other rules
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Robert L July 20, 2024 4:42 am UTC
I agree that snipers are too expensive without having some extra benefits, so I typically just allow snipers to roll d4 for wounds at close range, but I encourage you to choose the option that your group likes best for a particular game. Your interpretation about no cover benefits in melee is also correct. Thanks again for asking.
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Gary K July 20, 2024 8:05 am UTC
Hi Robert good idea for the sniper hits, and thank you for your continued support on the rules queries.
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Robert L June 23, 2023 7:09 pm UTC
Thank you for the wonderful review, Sean! We really appreciate it.
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Sean N June 22, 2023 11:23 pm UTC
Great rule set, exactly what I was looking for! This is obviously a labor of love for Jade Tower Studio, simple and fun rules, beautiful artwork, layout and very cool vintage recruiting posters.

I am going to very much enjoy this, being a casual WWI minatures buff, thank you JTS! And for $.69?? You guys are robbing yourselves!
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Sean N June 23, 2023 7:20 am UTC
Sorry about the duplicate posts, thought this was the review.
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