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Missile Threat (Modern Air Combat)

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Air Combat 1960 - 2000

Missile Threat is a simple yet comprehensive modern air combat game, covering every major air conflict from 1960 to 2000, and designed for use with miniature aircraft.

Missile Threat is aimed at providing a realistic air environment and short games of less than 2 hours (including preparation).

What does Missile Threat offer?

  • Simple yet accurate mechanics: Missiles actually track aircraft in-game, forcing you to conduct defensive breaks or last-ditch missile defenses.
  • Fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, ground forces, naval vessels and air defenses all play an important role
  • Stats for over 250 different aircraft
  • 11 Conflicts covered: Vietnam, Arab-Israeli wars (Six-Day, Yom Kippur and 1982 Lebanon war covered), Indo-Pakistani Wars, South African Border War, Ogaden War, Iran-Iraq War, Falklands, 1991 Gulf War, Bosnia / Kosovo, Eritrean-Ethiopian War, and the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis as a bonus conflict. Many of the longer conflicts are split into periods for more accuracy as units and tactics evolve.
  • Each conflict has a tailor-made aircraft and ordnance list for each faction, as well as accurate options for ground assets like SAM sites and AAA.
  • Flight plan "bidding" system: Players must write a flight plan before the game starts, indicating when aircraft will enter and leave the game. Will you try to get your ground attack aircraft in before the enemy fighters arrive? or wait until later? Will you send your fighters in early because you know the enemy will try to get their bombing done early?
  • Complete air environment: Ground assets like AAA, SAM sites and various radars are an important aspect of the game, allowing weapons like the AGM-88 HARM to have a use and for SEAD flights to have a purpose.
  • Pilots can be shot down, wounded, captured by enemy ground forces, picked up by on-call SAR helicopters, or make their way back to friendly lines on foot. Rescuing downed pilots is important for victory.
  • 4 Mission types to fly: Combat Air Patrol, Strike, Combat Search and Rescue, and Close Air Support. CAS missions will see an active land battle being fought while you attempt to support friendlies.
  • Detailed yet simple rules for Naval Vessels and Submarines. Naval Vessels can launch and recover helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft, and could potentially be caught unprepared for combat...
  • Forward Air Controllers, Recon, AWACS, AEW and Anti-Submarine Warfare aircraft all have a purpose in-game
  • Campaign System provided so each game can have an effect on the next: Wiped out all the enemy SAM sites? I guess you won't need to focus on SEAD as much any more!

Missile Threat is the culmination of 8 months of research and play-testing. Markers are provided for the various missiles, ground assets and ground forces, as well as naval vessel markers for the Falklands.

Please note that the Digital version has 2 extra pages, allowing for more detail on ground forces. We are currently having issues updating the printed files, so are trying to rectify this.

Missile Threat Introduction Video:

The Solo Rules and Mercenary Air Campaign are available here as 'pay what you want':


Advanced Solo Campaign & A.I. System are available here, also as 'pay what you want':

Tabletop Simulator module:

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Customer avatar
Timo O November 27, 2023 9:33 am UTC
Hey, super Rules. I just bought them and I’m waiting for my planes. Are there any templates for the Radars and for the „locked“ and the Ground assets

Keep up the good work!
Customer avatar
Tom J November 27, 2023 10:26 am UTC
Hi Timo O, glad you like the rules!
There are printable markers for all the ground assets, radars, missiles and tokens required for the game. These are in the PDF or in the back of the printer book. I advise printing these out on stiff card from the PDF.
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Nicolai B April 06, 2023 12:14 pm UTC
I absolutely love this game, Is there a possibility to get this and your other games in the near future via

Or is it only available here ?

Keep up the good work !
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Tom J April 07, 2023 6:45 am UTC
Thanks Nicolai, our games are currently only available here, but we could definitely check out getting them on sites like
Glad you're enjoying the game!
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Nicolai B April 08, 2023 5:02 pm UTC
Hey Tom, thanks for the quick reply.

That would be really great if the whole thing would work via lulu. Because to order the whole thing from Uk or Usa is unfortunately always a bit costly ( as a european)
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Tom J April 09, 2023 1:02 am UTC
Hi Nicolai, I've set this up, see if this link works
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Nicolai B April 09, 2023 8:34 am UTC
Wow, that's great, many many thanks Tom.

Would there also be a chance to get Hind&Seek,cornered wolf and Boocoo fire mission? (I stop asking now, I swear *laugh* )
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Tom J April 10, 2023 4:22 am UTC
Hi Nicolai, sure I'll see what I can do - wasn't too difficult to set up since I have all the files ready to go (just a slightly different cover format)
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David D October 29, 2021 12:10 am UTC
Looks intriguing...! A few questions:
1. Where did you get that cool playmat?
2. How many altitude levels are there?
3. Do multi-crewed aircraft have any advantages (or disadvantages)?
4. What is the scale?
5. Do all aircraft have the same turn radius?
Customer avatar
Tom J October 29, 2021 12:44 am UTC
Hi David glad you like the look!
1. Mat is from DEEP CUT STUDIO, I asked them for a custom WW1 / WW2 fields and they supplied me this image. You could choose any image though, or ask for a different look.
2. Generally 6 levels, but some aircraft can go up to 7 or even 8 if I recall correctly (that's more like U2 or Blackbird territory though)
3. Larger aircraft show up more easily on radar, and often have extra weapons such as tail cannons for certain bombers.
4. 12" = roughly 3nmi, but distances beyond this increase exponentially, so 24" = ~60nmi. There game uses a formula used to determine radar and weapon distances beyond 12", but the player doesn't need to know this (although it is supplied in the extra sections).
5. Turning is a combination of how much speed you currently have, how tightly the aircraft can turn, and how powerful the engines are. Some aircraft naturally turn faster than others, but having lots of speed lets you turn further without stalling. Powerful...See more
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Sean B October 04, 2021 5:10 am UTC
Enjoying the game, simple yet comprehensive! Quick question, what happens if mandatory movement takes an aircraft off-table?
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Tom J October 04, 2021 9:19 am UTC
Hi Sean, glad you're enjoying! It's not specified in the rules (although it certainly should be), but if an aircraft leaves the table via turning or mandatory move, it is considered to have left the game and returned to base.
Hope that helps!
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Eric G September 05, 2021 4:11 pm UTC
The game looks very interesting and I like the more results oriented combat system. As with some of the earlier comments I would like to know how to get the full Complete Aircraft and Ordnance List v.1.7. It did not come with the published booklet and I seem to be unable to find it in Wargame Vault. Can you tell me if it comes in any other format?

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Tom J September 05, 2021 10:07 pm UTC
Hi Eric, glad you like the look of the rules. The Complete Aircraft and Ordnance list is only available in digital PDF format - its in the file downloads for this title - you should see it when you go to the Missile Threat page here on Wargame Vault. let me know if you can't find it, I'd happy to email it to you.

Hope that helps!
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Jonathan E March 10, 2021 10:43 pm UTC

Looks like an interesting set of rules but I have a couple of questions:

Do the aircraft stats include planes like the Supermarine Scimitar or the Hawker Sea Hawk?

Why no transport aircraft stats?

I'm looking for a set of rules to use in an imagi-nation campaign so more unusual aircraft stats is a good thing for me.


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Tom J March 10, 2021 11:17 pm UTC
Hi Jonathan, there aren't stats for the Scimitar or Sea Hawk, but a system is provided to stat out any aircraft using their real-world specifications (that's how all the aircraft data in the game is generated), so you can easily work out any aircraft you'd like to play with.
Alternatively, you could email me and I can stat them out for you in a few minutes :)

There are no fixed-wing transport aircraft because we tend to focus on air combat, and fixed-wing transport aircraft are often more towards the rear areas and not in dogfights. There are transport helicopters though!
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Jonathan E March 11, 2021 3:35 pm UTC
Hi, thanks for the prompt reply. I guess I want transport aircraft stats as some scenarios may well involve attempted interceptions of escorted flights.

I'm not sure I'm at all knowledgeable enough to generate aircraft stats unless the data in commonly available sources, eg wikipedia, is accurate and comprehensive enough. Happy to try mind.
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Tom J March 11, 2021 10:07 pm UTC
Hi Jonathan, all the data is from the wikipedia entries on the various aircraft, usually just from the "Specifications" section, so it should be easy enough to find. Like I said, if you're having trouble, I'm happy to stat those aircraft out for you (and some transport aircraft), just flick me an email at once you get the rules :)
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Thomas M June 18, 2020 11:41 pm UTC
Are the aircraft lists in the rulebook the same as the separate file? If not, what's the difference? Liking what I see so far.
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Tom J June 18, 2020 11:49 pm UTC
The Complete Aircraft and Ordnance list sorts all the aircraft from the main book by period and nation of production, as well as adding a bunch of extra aircraft such as prototypes. It's intended for use with the Mercenary Air Campaign, and also for "what if" and/or "imagi-nation" games. Happy gaming!
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Thomas M June 18, 2020 11:53 pm UTC
Thanks for the quick reply!
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Jeff F June 18, 2020 11:54 pm UTC
and where is the separate file located?
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Tom J June 19, 2020 1:28 am UTC
You can download it "Complete Aircraft and Ordnance List v.1.7"- check your Wargame Vault library
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Eduardo P February 19, 2020 7:46 am UTC
Too many artificial and annoying mechanisms built-in the rules that let you scratching your head and thinking "well, … eeer … and if I have a big or medium table, why have to deal with these absurd reduction in range and distances? Keep it optional for small tables". A good try and researched game, but that let you without a the flavor of playing any real. It seems like a hex game and not a “simulation”. It do not feels real. Not a good option.
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Stefano D June 11, 2019 9:07 pm UTC
Could it be possible to play this game using a hex map?
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Tom J June 12, 2019 4:15 am UTC
I have seen some of our air combat games played with a hex map, I guess you substitute 1 hex for 1", and work out some way to determine turning. Perhaps have a look at this blog? He uses Lacquered Coffins (our WW2 air combat game with similar mechanics, especially with regards to turning and mandatory moves), modified for modern air combat, on a hex map:
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Stefano D June 13, 2019 6:55 am UTC
Thank you for your suggestions, i'm going to watch that blog!
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Alexander A May 31, 2019 3:11 am UTC
Game looks good. How many pages is the softcover standard color book? And is there any additional charge to ship it to me? I've never ordered a hard copy before, but I'm thinking about it with these rules.
Thanks for info!
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Tom J May 31, 2019 5:20 am UTC
Hi Alexander, the printed book is around 160 pages, and there will be a shipping charge, which you will be able to see during the purchasing process (which you can cancel at any time). It's quite a large book, hence the price. Make sure you choose the softcover + PDF version, so you get the free PDF as well :)
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Piotr F May 26, 2019 12:45 pm UTC
Hey guys,
so I have been wondering how did you make the missiles models? is there any tutorial available online or were they bought?
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Tom J May 26, 2019 10:45 pm UTC
Hi Piotr, the missiles are made from white 'pipe cleaners', often found in children's arts and crafts kits. The end 1cm of the pipe cleaner is trimmed with scissors, as closely as possible to the wire, making the 'missile' part, then the section behind the 'missile' is painted, first with a band of yellow, then a band of orange, then a band of red. If you want a smoky soviet missile, you can also paint an area of black too, behind the red.
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Marcus W September 14, 2018 5:55 pm UTC
How many aircraft a side is the game designed for:

1. The minimum for a good, balanced game?
2. Maximum for a two player game?
3. Multi player games?

I am really looking for a game flexible enough to handle 10-20 aircraft a side, with a little more granularity than the Wings at War (Tumbling Dice - I like these for some larger games though), but not as complex as some other popular sets.

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Tom J September 14, 2018 11:35 pm UTC
Hi Marcus:

1. 2 - 4 aircraft is around the minimum
2. There's no real limit, 4-6 aircraft each side will give you a ~1.5 - 2 hour game. Adding more aircraft will just increase the play time and the set up, as you need to get all the missiles and ordnance organized for each aircraft. 30 aircraft per side would be manageable as there is no off-table record keeping, and no pre-plotted movement.
3. You could easily have more than 2 players, although the game doesn't specify any ways to do this - having a player control a portion of a strike force for example. You could have 2 players vs 2 players, each player taking control of different elements within their team.
3 or 4 player free-for-all might be a bit odd historically, but there's nothing stopping you playing them :)

This game is designed for modern air combat, and is fairly granular with regards to tracking individual missiles and individual ground assets like radars and AAA, if you want something in the middle ground...See more
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Jason A August 26, 2018 9:04 am UTC
Hi, was wondering how the solo rules compare to the main set? Probably end up getting both given the PWYW option but just wondered. Thanks in advance
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Tom J August 26, 2018 9:41 am UTC
The solo rules just give you options for playing solo. They use exactly the same basics as the main rules, but give you options for randomly generating enemy aircraft and ground assets.
The mercenary air campaign allows you to play quite a different game of Missile Threat - managing a small group of mercenaries as they do missions and attempt to survive, buying aircraft and ordnance and hopefully getting paid if they complete missions...
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Jason A August 26, 2018 9:54 am UTC
Great, many thanks Tom
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Chris B July 20, 2018 4:22 am UTC
What types of miniatures do you use for this game? Are there any paper miniatures that you recommend as a good fit?
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Tom J July 20, 2018 5:19 am UTC
Hi Chris, we usually use 1/600 miniatures from Tumbling Dice, but 1/300 or 1/144 would work fine. You could look at the Junior General site for paper miniatures here:

As long as the size of the base is the same for each aircraft, the exact size doesn't matter too much.

Iliada Game Studio also have a few paper miniatures you could look at:
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Chris B July 20, 2018 10:27 pm UTC
Thanks for such a fast reply. Is there any reason flat miniatures not on bases, such as those made by Paper Forge, wouldn't work?

Also, is there a way to see a list of aircraft that come with the game rules?

Finally (for now), do the rules include needed markers, templates, etc. for PnP purposes?
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Jeff F July 20, 2018 10:58 pm UTC
A protractor and a means to show speed and altitude (done with 2 d6 in the tabletop version).
Flats should work fine.
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Tom J July 21, 2018 2:06 am UTC
Flat miniatures would work fine as-is, it would just mean that larger aircraft had a larger footprint for targeting purposes, and vice versa.
For a list of aircraft: Take every aircraft used in combat operations from 1960 - 2000, then remove any transport aircraft and tankers (although transport helicopters remain). Then add a few prototypes and more modern aircraft like the F-35 and Su-47. Every aircraft involved in every major air conflict from 1960 - 2000 should be covered, and If I've missed one, I supply the system by which stats and points values can be worked out (and I can add aircraft to the game and/or post their stats on the forum). There are 280+ different aircraft and variants included in the game so far, from the AM.3C Bosbok to the AH-56 Cheyenne, with all MiGs and F-'s in between!

Markers are included for missiles, game tokens, ground assets, naval vessels, radar arcs and a few more, all you need to play is a protractor and some dice.

Hope that helps :)
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Alexander A May 31, 2019 3:06 am UTC
just want to ad - very happy with my Trumpet plastics in 1/350. Plenty of Soviet and US options. lovely minis.
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Jim C July 13, 2018 1:12 pm UTC
I hosted a Vietnam scenario at Historicon 2018. Players were handling the the planes with little assistance within the hour. A comment was made on how historical the game felt. Everyone had a fun time- which is the end result!
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June 18, 2018 6:22 pm UTC
On my wish list, but I'm not an air war table game aficionado so waiting for the sale (hopefully soon!).

How does this game deal with Shaw, Bonanni, et al. modern (post-F16/F15 world) BFM/ACM which basically comes down to aircraft aspect/signature and "turn". Given the name Missile Threat, it's the first thing that came to mind. Is this more focused on the raw Korea and Vietnam eras? I liked the video.

(as an aside, recommend anyone interested search youtube for the "Art of the Kill". Dated, but still great in my opinion)
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Tom J June 19, 2018 2:48 am UTC
Missile Threat does cover fighter maneuvers, including defensive breaks in order to break lock or evade missiles. There are also older maneuvers like Split-S and Yo-yos included.
The game covers all air combat from 1960 - 2000, so Korean War falls just outside that. You'll see the full list of conflicts/theaters in the description above - it goes all the way up to the 1991 Gulf War, Bosnia, and the Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict in 1998 / 1999.
The complete aircraft list also has more modern aircraft like the F-35 and Su-35, etc.
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