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Rifles in the Ardennes


"You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terrors. Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.”  - Winston Churchill


The quiet, frosted hills painted with ancient woods which characterized the Belgian Ardennes were rattled and thundered to life as they became the setting for one of the most renowned battles in all of history.


Rifles in the Ardennes recreates the tense action that characterized Ardennes in a unique single-player format.  Designer and Artist Gottardo Zancani has replaced the literal map typical of World War II games with a stylized track, allowing for endless customization of the battlefield.  


A simple solitaire system allows the recreation of small combat engagements (five to ten units per side) over a bevy of scenarios. Blind chit draws and die rolls, combined with artfully crafted charts create an impressive “artificial intelligence,” embuing the game with a true fog of war.


The rules are generic enough to cover many periods and genres (the World Wars, Classical Battles, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and more), but the units (American, German, and Russian) and scenarios are specific to the European theatre of World War II, focusing on the years 1942-1944.


A fast paced and exciting solitaire World War II game, Rifles in the Ardennes offers electrifying combat action in a tiny package.


    43 Unit Counters

    42 Operational Markers

    One Simplified Map Card

    Three Army Sheets

    A Whopping Eight Action-Packed Missions

    One Full-Color Rulebook

Game Design and Art:  Gottardo Zancani

Players:  One

Duration:  60-120 Minutes

Complexity:  Low

Solitaire Suitability:  Extremely High

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Chuck S April 23, 2020 9:36 pm UTC
(Sorry to ask here but I'm not on Facebook.)

Under Enemy Force Activation--

Advance: .... "If no empty Terrain Features are present and friendly forces are on the stripe, place a COVER marker on the Group. Remove the COVER marker from the Enemy unit or Group (if any)."

First sentence says to place a COVER marker then the next sentence says to remove the COVER marker.

Please explain.

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Stephan B April 23, 2020 9:42 pm UTC
Gottardo (the designer) is active on BGG:

That exact question was answered recently in one of the Rifles forums, but i am unfortunately not able to figure out exactly which post it was, so don't have a link.
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Chuck S April 25, 2020 3:34 pm UTC
Sorry -- I just re-read it and understood it. Brain dead.
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Mark C February 07, 2020 5:36 am UTC
Having problems with the download prompt not responding.
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Neil A December 09, 2019 8:20 pm UTC
Just want to say that I have made my counters single-sided, apart from the Event tokens, so no alignment issues. Glued the counters to 2 layers of cereal box card to make them thick for handling
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Beck S February 05, 2018 1:55 pm UTC
Thanks for your comments, Stephan. The "generous black borders" which allowed you to hide small alignment errors in your Print and Play Counters are not accidental. The black is intentional bleed, so that minute shifting as the counter stock moves through the printing machine will not cause discernable aberrations.

With Rifles in the Ardennes, as with our other games, the counter file we offer you is based on the original layout used by our printer for the physical game available at We generally make slight modifications to these files so they can be printed on standard printer paper. Most of our games use 5/8" counters, using one of two layouts. In both of these layouts, rows of counters are layed out adjacent to one another, which for you means less cutting. In the layout for the nice big 1" counters we used for Rifles in the Ardennes, all the counters are cut separately, with a little bleed on all four edges. This die (the actual machined die...See more
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Stephan B February 05, 2018 2:37 pm UTC
Hi, Beck! Thank you for your feedback! i'm going to recommend an even easier counter/token layout for print-and-play purposes: place the front and back sides of the counters on the same side of the paper and place a "fold" line down the center. When folded along that line, the front and back sides meet up automatically, eliminating tedious alignment issues. Here's an example:

Which, when printed out and folded, looks like:
(Clicking on that image should open up the notes attached to it. The first one has no notes. Depending on whether you're logged in to Google at the time, you may also have to tap the "(i)" button on the top/right.)

With that approach it's trivial to construct double-sided counters by hand. While that example doesn't demonstrate it, it can also be helpful (i learned later) to leave a gap between the two halves, rather than having the fold line...See more
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May 31, 2018 4:04 pm UTC
I can't be the only one that is waiting for POD counters that have select-able quality options?

We have cracked the code with local and affordable map printing. Why do counters remain such an arcane printing problem?

I can imagine that rapid prototype development and changes would benefit as well.
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Stephan B February 04, 2018 12:31 pm UTC
For what it's worth, here's my photo album of the PDF edition of RitA, with pics of the assembled counters and whatnot:
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Adrian R February 04, 2018 8:29 pm UTC
That's a great job you did with the counters. I'm intimidated by them myself. I have printer everything else, but don't know how to get the front and back of the counters to match perfectly. Would you mind telling me how you did it?
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Stephan B February 04, 2018 9:21 pm UTC
Thank you, Adrian :).

The trick to lining them up, actually, was relying on the massive black borders to accommodate for my mistakes :/. i misaligned many of them, one by almost 2mm, but the generous black borders allowed me to hide that by simply edging in the finished counters with a black marker. My cardstock pieces (beer coasters, actually!) are quite small - 93x93mm - so i had to cut out the printed counters into manageable chunks - no larger than 3x3 counters would fit. To get them "basically" lined up i would first glue one side of the counters to a beer coaster and let it try. Then i used a ruler to draw some lines from one edge of the coaster to the opposite edge, aligned along the edges of one row/col of counters. For those lines, i'd make sure that the line went all the way to and OVER the edge of the beer coaster, so that i could see where they ended when i flipped the coaster over. Then i'd flip the coaster over, draw the same lines on that side (by connecting the "over-the-edge"...See more
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Adrian R February 05, 2018 4:24 am UTC
Thank you for sharing! That actually sounds very do-able. I'll give it a try next weekend. I'm anxious to play this game!
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