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Romulan Armada Unity


Uncloak and Strike from the Shadows!

A meeting of empires as a famous game system joins the Star Fleet Universe. Romulan Armada was done as a joint venture between Amarillo Design Bureau and Majestic Twelve Games. This 84-page rulebook includes the Essential Starmada Rules, 37 starships (Romulan, Federation, and Gorn) and eight bases (Romulan, Gorn, Federation, Klingon, Kzinti, and Tholian), and complete rules to bring the Star Fleet Universe alive in the Starmada game system.

This fast-playing game easily handles squadrons of ships as they encounter their enemies and battle to see who is indeed the best commander.

Ships included are the Federation battlecruiser, Concordat-class dreadnought, and strike cruiser; the Romulan dreadnoughts (the Behemoth and Condor classes), heavy cruisers (FastHawk, FireHawk, and Kestrel classes), and command cruisers (Conqueror, NovaHawk, and RoyalHawk classes); Gorn heavy battlecruiser, command cruiser, and medium cruiser; battle stations for the Gorns and Romulans, mobile bases for the Federation, Gorns, Klingons, Kzintis, Romulans, and Tholians; an armed priority transport;  and many other ships.

This book is complete and ready to play.

This edition unifies the previous Nova and Admiralty editions, so there will no longer be Starmada fans who cannot game together. The new rules preserve the best of both previous systems, and add dynamic seeking weapons rules that do what seeking weapons are supposed to do: force the enemy to move out of key areas or shoot his way through a swarm of drones.

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Paul H October 10, 2017 10:09 am UTC
Any chance of a POD option? This book is impossible to get in the UK and I'd much rather have a physical copy.
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Leanna C October 10, 2017 1:36 pm UTC
Paul, your best option may be to wait until all the books are out and order them direct from ADB. Or this store has said it will order from us: Clifton Road Games
16 Clifton Road, Exeter, EX1 2BR, UK
01392 259 988
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Paul H October 18, 2017 2:03 pm UTC
Hi Leanna, thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately I've already explored both of those avenues. The games shop told me that their distribution partner had ceased to carry ADB product. Shipping from ADB is unfortunately significantly more than the cost of the books, I was quoted $60.00 in 2016 and makes that prohibitively expensive. Annoyingly Majestic XII print EU orders in the EU on demand so their own books are a reasonable price but they have told me that they don't have the rights to do that with the ADB books based on their rules so they only supply those in the US.
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Paul H October 18, 2017 2:06 pm UTC
To be clear "I was quoted $60.00 in 2016"... to ship the Nova edition version of this book.
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Leanna C October 18, 2017 2:10 pm UTC
Paul, please email us directly at to verify that shipping cost. The shopping cart always assumes the worst case scenarios and we always refund the excess.
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Paul H October 23, 2017 11:20 am UTC
Email sent.
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John F October 02, 2017 4:58 am UTC
Is it possible to get a complete list of ships included in this set?
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Leanna C March 28, 2024 7:44 pm UTC
John, I am so sorry. Somehow I missed your question.

Here is the list:

Starship Display Sheet Index
Albertosaurus-class Heavy Battlecruiser ......................................... BCH ......................... Gorn ........................... 70
Allosaurus-class Battlecruiser ........................................................... BC .......................... Gorn ........................... 75
Allosaurus Rex-class Command Cruiser .......................................... CC .......................... Gorn ........................... 72
Armed Priority Transport .................................................................. APT ....................... General ........................ 84
Battle Station .................................................................................. BATS ........................ Gorn ........................... 80
Battle Station .....................................................................................See more
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