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Horse & Musket: Dawn of an EraClick to magnify
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Horse & Musket: Dawn of an Era


Horse & Musket: Dawn of an Era
Game design: Sean Chick
Art: Ilya Kudriashov
Hex Number: 12
Duration: 60 to 90 minutes
Players: 2
Solitaire Suitability: High
Theme: 17th Century, 18th Century
Series: Horse & Musket

This PNP has been updated with the 2021 changes.

Sean Chick's Horse & Musket is a simple tactical game system covering musket warfare from Vienna in 1683 to Appomattox in 1865. This first volume in the series, Dawn of an Era, covers warfare in the west from 1683-1719, which saw matchlock muskets and pikes give way to flintlocks and bayonets. Ranks became thinner and battles more linear as firepower and infantry discipline became the deciding factors.

Double-sided terrain tiles and thirteen armies not only allow you to recreate the twenty historical engagements contained within the scenario book, but also any number of  battles both real and imagined. This is the era of Marlborough and Eugene, of Catinat and Luxembourg, of William III and Charles XII, of Peter the Great and Rob Roy Macgregor: loyalists and rebels, Georgians and Jacobites, the Grand Alliance and the defiant Bourbons - they're all here:

Vienna - September 12, 1683 – “We came, we saw, and God Conquered.”
Sedgemoor - July 6, 1685 – The Bloody Assizes
Killiecrankie - July 27, 1689 – Slaughter at Sundown
Fleurus - July 1, 1690 – The French Cannae
Aughrim - July 22, 1691 – Bloody Hollow
La Prairie - August 11, 1691 – Double Ambush
Neerwinden - July 29, 1693 – Le Tapissier de Nôtre Dame
Marsaglia - October 4, 1693 – The Massed Bayonet Charge is Born
Narva - November 30, 1700 – Charles XII Smashes the Russian Army
Chiari - September 1, 1701 – Catinat’s Last Battle
Klissow - July 19, 1702 – Charles XII Invades Poland
Blenheim - August 13, 1704 – “A Famous Victory”
Fraustadt - February 13, 1706 – The Swedish Cannae
Turin - September 7, 1706 – Eugene’s Greatest Victory
Almansa - April 25, 1707 – Battle of the Exiles
Poltava - July 8, 1709 – The Student Surpasses the Master
Malplaquet - September 11, 1709 – Mort et convoi de l'invincible Malbrough
Villaviciosa - December 10, 1710 – A Bourbon on the Spanish Throne
Sheriffmuir - November 13, 1715 – Confusion on the Moors
Glen Shiel - June 10, 1719 – Rob Roy’s Last Battle 

Designer Sean Chick has taken a simple core system and embellished it with nuanced special rules for differences in infantry doctrine and armaments without depriving the game of its elegant, primal simplicity. And for folks who want added depth and complexity, there are a number of optional rules for facing, formation, nationalities, and more that will allow you to tweak the game to suit your own playstyle and preferences. 

The result is a big, splendid game for a big, splendid era.

  • (1) 33" x 17" map
  • (352) 5/8" counters
  • (54) 2" x 2.5" hex tiles
  • 16-page Rulebook
  • 28-page Scenario Book
  • 1 Player's Aid Card
  • 1 Turn Track
  • You will need (4) ten-sided dice
  • You will need (2) six-sided dice
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Eamon H September 23, 2022 6:50 pm UTC
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Alistair B August 22, 2022 9:59 am UTC
Only one page of the 16 page Quick Preview is displaying any content
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Ryan H March 04, 2022 11:10 pm UTC
I saw the video on your youtube channel from 6 months ago about the redux, are these files going to be updated to have the new counter art etc?
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Andrew B July 03, 2021 10:58 pm UTC
Hi there. In the description it says that the game has high solitaire suitability. Are there specific mechanisms for solo play to control the enemy as AI?
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Daniel R August 27, 2021 6:31 pm UTC
No, there are no special mechanics or AI for playing solitaire.

The reasons why this game plays well solitaire are:
1. You have a variable number of Activation Points (APs_ each turn. You receive a base number plus a number based upon a die roll.
2, The number of APs you receive is only enough to do just a few things (most of your units will not activate each turn)
3. This creates situations in which sides are quickly reacting to developments.

I make a plan for both sides to drive the greater narrative but I find myself making small adjustments every turn. Changing a plan, say defend this terrain, is not so easy because a few of your units can activate a turn and (infantry and artillery) units that are not supported by nearby friendly units tend to get into deep trouble quickly.

The complexity level is about the same as any of the Command & Colors series but H&M is less luck dependent (and even more so if you play C&C with the Tactician cards)...See more
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David C October 01, 2020 3:26 pm UTC
Finally got around to printing off the rules and scenario book but have a couple of problems. Some of the pages have printed with a blacked out background or parts of the page are blacked out. For example, the unit attributes page from the scenario book has a section for Special Scenario Rules. I can only read every other attribute starting with Fortified city. This means that he isn’t, third and 5th and so are are blacked out. Also page 2 of the rule book features the terrain types. The images are fine the text and surrounding field are blacked out. Also page 14 of the rule book has printed two black boxes! Finally, the scenario maps themselves - should they have coordinates printed somewhere for unit deployments? The boxes next to the units indicating the colour have printed as a square box with the colour showing in the bottom left hand corner. HELP!!!!
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Noel W October 17, 2021 6:04 pm UTC
Try printing as image.
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James N May 08, 2020 8:31 pm UTC
Are the documents for this A4 or just in US legal?
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Tom R May 09, 2020 2:42 pm UTC
It's US letter sized.
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Colin C September 15, 2019 6:37 pm UTC
Hi , can I get the map printed from the pdf by a professional printer ? Would this be possible ?
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Tom R May 09, 2020 2:42 pm UTC
Yes, go right ahead (and sorry for the delay in responding, didn't see this until now).
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David Michael H April 02, 2019 4:11 pm UTC
To be honest, I printed my tiles single sided. It helps getting the right tiles in a much easier way. Need ten woods, go to the woods bag and get them. In a double-sided world, I always find the tenth woodis on the back of another terrain type already in position, which means flipping all the others. I fully understand double-sided tiles if you have to ship games, but for pnp.........
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Daniel R August 27, 2021 6:37 pm UTC
I agree.

I printed the counters single sided and prefer to stack the strength points one on top of the others. For example, I stack a "4" Line Infantry as 4 counters with the "4" strength on top, the the "3" strength below, etc. and I just remove the top counter when a unit takes a casualty. Very mechanically simple.

This is possible even with my 7/8" counters (I printed the counters at 140%) because two 7/8" units still fit side by side on the map without the need to enlarge the map.
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Adrian R March 07, 2019 4:26 pm UTC

In order to determine if the PNP version of this game is a good option for me, is there a way to know how many Letter-sized pages I need to print for the counters and hex tiles?
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Mary H March 07, 2019 6:56 pm UTC
Hi Adrian,

You will need to print two double-sided countersheets and three double-sided hex tile sheets.

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Adrian R March 08, 2019 3:56 am UTC
Thank you, Tom!
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Szymon K February 04, 2019 11:44 pm UTC
Hi, I've noticed a single fault within the files - the terrain tiles aren't precisely aligned, the rows are going slightly down towards the right edge of the sheet, which wouldn't be a problem if the reverse side of the same sheet was mirrored... Unfortunately, the back side follows the exact same alignment - in effect, after sticking both sides of the sheet to a cardboard and cutting them they simply don't match.

As for now I am going to print the back of the tiles once again and replace the faulty ones, but for the sake of next purchasers - would it be possible for you to fix this issue?

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Mary H February 05, 2019 4:06 am UTC
Huh, that's really strange. It's the same exact template we use for printing and we don't have any kind of alignment problem and haven't heard anything like this from customers in the past, so I'm not sure what's going on there. We'll try to look into it though.
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Adrian R March 22, 2019 1:42 am UTC
Hi Tom!

Just curious to know if you were able to solve this issue. I noticed the same thing in the files I got a couple of weeks ago from this site; the tiles are not aligned precisely, which makes it very difficult to align both back and front sides on the same cardstock sheet. If you're interested here's a screenshot of the issue (I drew a red horizontal line to make it easier to see the problem):

Another thing I noticed on the terrain tiles is that some are not "framed" correctly by the hex outline. You can see it here: Is there any way to fix these files, or should I just "try" to ignore it (I don't think I'll be able to, but...).

Thanks in advance

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Mary H January 08, 2019 1:41 am UTC
Hi Szymon, It was just the PAC that was updated. The update note disappeared before I finished typing the notice and the system had already sent out the email about the change. I added a separate PAC with today's date 190107 which has some minor changes. This PAC corresponds to the back page of both the RB and SB. Print the PAC instead of the back pages of the books or print out the PAC to replace your old PAC.
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Szymon K January 08, 2019 7:28 am UTC
Hi Tom,
what a relief :) Thanks for your insanely quick and precise answer. Have a great day!
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Szymon K January 07, 2019 8:48 pm UTC
Hi, I've just received my printed rulebook and scenario book and a moment later got notified about the update. Could you please give me a hint if the changes are extreme or rather cosmetic? If possible, I would love to avoid printing the files again :)
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Mary H September 27, 2017 5:51 pm UTC
Hi Andy. Not a stupid question at all. You do get all the scenarios listed with the PnP version. Best, Mary
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Andy P September 29, 2017 10:36 am UTC
Many thanks - helpful and speedy reply
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Andy P September 27, 2017 5:12 pm UTC
Hi - this may be a stupid question but do you get all the scenarios with the PNP version?
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Thomas T May 16, 2017 11:34 pm UTC
Okay, this is a board game, listed by the publisher as retailing for $85. What do we get for $15?

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Tom R May 16, 2017 11:52 pm UTC
Hi. Tom from Hollandspiele here. I'm not sure I understand the question. We provide PNP versions of all our titles, and the PNP versions cost less than the retail. This comes with all the files you would need to print-and-play the game - counters, tiles, map, rulebook, charts, etc. It's much more time-intensive than our other games to PNP simply because there's a much greater quantity of stuff to print, mount, and cut, and I'm sure for many folks, getting the physical edition that we produce makes more sense. But we always want to provide the option to folks who are feeling crafty, or for whom transatlantic shipping is an issue.
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Thomas T May 19, 2017 5:22 pm UTC
Well, that's what I wanted to know. Not being familiar with your products, I wasn't sure whether this was a complete version or just the rulebook. Thanks for the clarification.

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