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Hail Of Fire

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"Hail Of Fire" is a company-level, WWII miniatures war game designed specifically to be simple and fast-playing, while also forcing players to navigate the "fog of war". Features include secret action points, hidden deployments, and a delayed combat resolution system, all of which are easy to execute and track using a few dice and tokens rather than maps or other bookiing.

Best of all, the rules provide this in only a few pages of simple and to-the-point intruction! So if you're looking for a deep, unique tactical experience and are more interested in playing rather than reading long rulebooks, print out the PDF, grab some models, and jump right in!


• Intended for 15mm miniatures or smaller. Infantry based in teams, vehicles based individually, and units of models being platoons.

• Dice needed are D6s and a single D10. Measurements are in inches. Tokens are needed to mark "suppressed" teams and "received fire points". I use small 8mm dice for the latter, 100 of which can be purchased online for only a few dollars.

• Written for 1 vs 1 games, with team-play and solo-play easily accomplished.

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Customer avatar
Alex W December 24, 2023 8:16 am UTC
Hi, Brandon

A couple of questions have come up after playing HoF again but with the more recent version of the rules, which i hope you can find the time to answer:

1) Non-turreted vehciles, like a StuG, have a 90 degree arc of fire. I read that as you imagine a line straight ahead of the vehicle and you can hit a target 45 degrees either side of that line, i.e. for a total arc of 90 degress. A gaming buddy of mine reads it as being 90 degrees either side of that line, i.e. 180 degrees in total or anywhere forward of the vehicle (like FoW does it). Which interpretation is correct?

2) "If revealed immediately after enemy movement, subtract the distance moved from the listed ranges." - I knnow you've answered this to another customer but I wanted to make sure I had this right. So I have to reveal a hidden panzer schreck team in concealing terrain (lets say a hedgerow) and 8" + from a British sherman. BUT if that sherman has just moved 4" I take that distance...See more
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Brandon F December 28, 2023 2:55 am UTC
Hi Alex! Sorry for the delay, we just got back from traveling for xmas.

1) You've got it right! The technically correct way to right it would probably be +/- 45º, but none of my friends seem to know what that means lol

2) Again, nailed it. And if the Sherman moved 12", you can put that shreck team literally right next to it assuming there's some terrain there that offers concealment. If you don't reveal it then and decide to wait, you'll have to reveal it again outside of 8", in terrain.

3) Soft cover is no longer a game term. Terrain offers concealment, some terrain ALSO offers hard cover. The concealment affects the to-hit roll, while the hard cover part is reflected when resolving RFPs. If looking behind the curtain, the change intentionally made things more survivable.

4) Yes, you can reactivate a PL team, thereby reactivating an entire platoon in the same turn. However, no, you cannot activate something with Hero Points more than once in a given...See more
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Alex W January 15, 2024 2:08 pm UTC
That's great - thank for the comprehensive answers!

I think my only minor (and it is very minor) complaint with the rules is the more compressed ratings for armour and firepower (when compared to FoW) which means when statting up vehciles not in your army lists you have to accept a lack of granularity and a bit of sameness (again, compared to FoW). However, i can see why you went for the more simplified scheme and I was listening to the We Have Ways Of Making You Talk podcast recently where James Holland mentioned a US Army study that showed that there was a +/-30% variance in armour protection in Shermans depending on plant of manufacture, quality of steel, quality of welding etc, etc. So the very fine and predictable granularity gamers expect to differentiate between the armour on an M4 and an M4A3 and so on might just be gamer nerd autism anyway.

And I shudder to think how much the variance in armour protection might have been on T-34's....
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Brandon F January 17, 2024 8:24 pm UTC
You're welcome! And I totally get the issue for the compressed ratings, I'm obviously not a rivet counter and I prefer the small numbers. That said, I suppose there's nothing stoping you from using FoW ratings or those another game you like. I haven't given the math any thought, but I would assume you'd see more kills and fewer suppressions.
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Larry C October 19, 2023 5:43 pm UTC
Brandon, wow, quick response...I'm impressed. Thank you for answering both my questions. Your explanations were clear and succinct. What impressed me most was the hidden teams concept. It presents real opportunities for both aggressor and defender to statically and tactically place their units for an ever-evolving situation. Not knowing where the enemy is located is realistic. Also, the enemy is not aware of where the aggressor is located. Flank attacks, ambushes, etc. makes an interesting and nail-biting game (fun too!) for both parties. The HE explanation answered all my questions. HOF gives the gamer a chance to really think out of the box and not laterally. You don't know where the enemy is located, and they don't know where your forces are. Excellent! A thinking game at last. Warmest Regards, Larry
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Larry C October 18, 2023 9:00 pm UTC
Hi, I really like HOF, it's a good system but two sections are unclear to me, the Hidden Teams part and the HE rounds. First, the Hidden Teams. Do you reveal the concealed INF or gun unit when you come within 16"? If so, why are you subtracting the distance moved from the listed ranges? For example, you move a recce unit 12", it's now 8" from the concealed unit (an AT gun section). Since it is within the 16" range, is it revealed and if so, can it perform opportunity fire? Where does the subtraction of distance moved come in? Just need this section clarified. Second, the HE rounds. If a PAK 40 fires at a Inf unit, do you use the ROF or the AT number to determine damage? All help is appreciated. Many thanks, Larry
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Brandon F October 19, 2023 3:40 pm UTC
Hi Larry! First, hidden teams. Forgive the long explanation... The Hidden Unit rules are an alternative to using blinds or mapping down where teams are before the game. So "revealing" teams is a game term meaning to declare where you've decided teams are deploying. Defender can decide where to deploy teams after the game has started, within certain restrictions, one being 16" away from attacking teams. Attacking teams movement is subtracted from that 16". If the attacker decides to race their tanks at full speed towards the other table edge, potentially moving MORE than 16", they allow the defender to deploy their best AT teams RIGHT NEXT to their tanks (if terrain permits). Of course if the defender doesn't take the opportunity to deploy those teams immediately after that movement, they forfeit the opportunity and the "reveal" restrictions are reset. The defender can use Hero points to fire immediately, or simply wait until their turn begins. And similarly, the attacker can't...See more
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Brandon F October 19, 2023 3:50 pm UTC
Oh, and HE rounds. Cannon fire works exactly as rifle fire, except that it can potentially destroy armor. So a pak40 rolls its RoF against infantry, just as any other team. HE simply means those shots ignore the modifier for concealment. So one pak40 shooting at infantry in a building rolls 2 dice, each needing 4+ to hit, and each hit places 1 RFP on a valid enemy team. This means that the pak is as effective as a team of rifles when shooting infantry in the open, however the pak has the edge when firing at infantry in cover, and of course is really good at shooting at tanks, while infantry shooting is ineffective.
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Julen M July 30, 2022 2:34 am UTC
Hi there
After purchasing the game I can't download the file. It appears on my library but without a download button, its the first time that happens to me here. What is happening?
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Brandon F July 30, 2022 7:23 pm UTC
Hi Julen! I'm not sure what would cause that or how I would fix it, but until I figure it out, send me an email at retroboomgames (@) gmail . com and I'll email you a pdf copy. Also, heads up that a new update will be coming out in a few weeks, so keep your eyes peeled for an email from wargamevault to download that for free.
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Julen M July 31, 2022 9:16 pm UTC
Thanks a lot for answering, email sent. I will check the news too!
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Donald W. D December 30, 2020 10:35 pm UTC
In view of the price, I hate to quibble, but the file will only print up to page 6 (out of 21).
I don't think it's my printer; I didn't use mine, I took it to FedEx to print and got exactly the same result on two different machines.
If the publisher is still supporting this, could someone please take a look at the file?
This looks like a really good set of rules - clean, concise and containing a number of interesting ideas (new to me, anyway) - and I'd really like to be able to print a hard copy. Thanks!
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Brandon F December 31, 2020 1:45 am UTC
Hi Donald! Well crap, that's not good! I've re-uploaded the 21 page pdf, so give it another go and then let me know what you find. People download the rules just about everyday and I haven't heard a complaint, so I sure hope it was just an issue with that specific download! ;)
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Donald W. D January 01, 2021 6:45 pm UTC
Thanks, Brandon; I'll download again, give printing it a shot tomorrow, and get back to you with the results.
Happy New Year to you!
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Donald W. D January 04, 2021 10:10 pm UTC
Tried again today. Unfortunately, got the same result (prints the first 6 pages). The rules look really good, so I think at this point I'll go to Plan B (make a pen-and-ink copy of the quick reference sheet) and give them a try.
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Brandon F January 04, 2021 10:23 pm UTC
Well, the bad news is neither myself nor my friends can replicate the issue. The good news though is that you can email me at retroboomgames (@) gmail . com and I can immediately send you the full pdf directly! :)
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Donald W. D January 08, 2021 4:58 pm UTC
Thanks! That is good news indeed. Sending you an email now.
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Chuck S January 15, 2019 4:12 pm UTC
I read reviews and the AAR then immediately downloaded the rules. Some interesting concepts here! I could definitely use some more tank stats (I play North Africa). Thanks.
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Brandon F January 15, 2019 5:10 pm UTC
Thanks, Chuck. I'm not sure when I'll be able to start it, but a North Africa specific supplement is planned, as well as NWE, East front, and PTO. And in the meantime if you happen upon stats or special rules you like, email me so I can play with them!
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Manuel A October 04, 2018 4:23 pm UTC
Are there any scenarios/unit stats or plans for such for the PTO?

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Brandon F October 09, 2018 3:05 am UTC
Hi Manuel,

I don't currently have plans to do scenarios or unit stats, though I know some players have come up with their own. If there's enough interest and time allows, I'd love to compile the best and make them available for download. If you have potential suggestions or other thoughts, always feel me to contact me personally.

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Brandon F December 18, 2016 3:23 am UTC
For folks interested to see how the mechanisms work together in context, here is an AAR that walks through a game and describes in decent details the systems in motion:

Part 1:

Part 2:
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Brandon F April 30, 2017 10:15 pm UTC
Just an FYI that few mechanisms have evolved since this walkthrough was published, but it still gives an accurate portrayal of the feel of the game and how systems interact.
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Brandon F September 08, 2016 8:14 pm UTC
Make sure to check out our website for more info and news:

And also join our Facebook group to talk to other players:
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Timothy G August 29, 2016 12:34 am UTC
Hello. I just downloaded Hail of Fire and overall I'm very happy. I like that it packs a lot in a small package. One question about anti-armor fire: They way I read it, if an AT 1 hits an Armor 2 it would roll two ping dice. But an AT 1 would roll three ping dice against Armor 3. This seems like it's more effective against better armor which seems odd. Thanks in advance!
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Brandon F August 29, 2016 4:32 pm UTC
Thanks for your support and for reaching out! When shooting at armor, you always roll a number of dice equal to the weapon's AT value. The type of dice depend of target. So an AT 1 weapon will always roll 1 die. If shooting at AV 0, it would be a pen die, if AV 1 or higher then the die would be a ping die. Let me know if that makes sense.
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Timothy G August 29, 2016 7:24 pm UTC
I think I got it. Let me use a couple examples just to be sure: A Sherman (AT 3) fires at a Panzer IV (AR 1). It would roll two pen dice. Example 2: A M3 Stuart (AT 2) fires at a Panther (AR 3). It would roll 2 ping dice (or 1 due to the difference in AT/AR?)
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Brandon F August 29, 2016 8:16 pm UTC
To clarify, the Sherman (AT3) rolls 3 dice. So against the PzIV (AV1) it would roll 1 Ping die and 2 Pen dice. You'll always roll a number of dice equal to the AT value of the weapon. Ping for each die up to the AV of the target, and Pen for each die over the AV. The Stuart will roll 2 dice (AT2) but they will both be Ping dice, as the Panther has a higher AV than the weapon's AT rating. Does that make sense?
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