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A d10 based wargames rules system for naval warfare in the age of the guided missile.

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Monte M November 28, 2022 3:57 pm UTC
Any updates ready or in process? How about setting up a facebook group? I think Yahoo Groups have gone away?
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telzy A September 03, 2023 8:29 pm UTC
Yes yahoo is gone. There was talk about a facebook but I don't think it ever happened.

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June 21, 2020 2:32 pm UTC
Hi. Is this game solo friendly?
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Berkat H November 24, 2019 9:59 pm UTC
Any new edition or update ?
thanks for your answer
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Martin B December 14, 2020 11:23 pm UTC
Not as yet. Sorry !
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Patrick C April 20, 2017 6:25 pm UTC
I have Shipwreck, and have run games with it at local conventions. It is really excellent and easy to learn.

The yahoo site is good, and as many ships as you can think of are in fact there. I highly recommend it, as well as Freeplay '88 when it arrives here.
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Tim B October 20, 2016 1:33 am UTC
I was concerned about the availability of ship data cards for nations other than US/UK/Russia(USSR) and no publisher website as well. I found on BGG that there is a Yahoo group for the ruleset.

There are over 500 members with modest activity (10 posts per month or so.) I joined last night and got accepted this morning. I checked out the file section and found a bonanza of ship cards for ever Asian and European country that I have ships for.

Many are created by group members with group discussion and concensus in creating the stats. There are also player aids, optional rules, QRS and errata there. Also contributions by some naval gaming names I hold in high regard.

Oh yeah these rules have some good comments on tmp too. They say the rules are "simplistic" vs. Harpoon 4, but what rules aren't.

I'm a SBG 3.0 fan and have most of their modules but their website has gone MIA and they don't seem to have any active support groups like SHIPWRECK does....See more
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HARLEY G September 07, 2016 7:09 pm UTC
It's been years since I read the rules (borrowed copy from a friend) but as I recall it has vessel classes detailed for US, and Russian fleets as well as some British. There are no TO&Es however it's up to you to research proper fleet lists. The expansion Freeplay 88 covers more ships. And may have TO&Es.
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Ronald B September 05, 2016 1:41 am UTC
What fleet lists does this rules set have?
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Vandering Publications
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