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The Struggle of Standards


This is a scenario booklet for large Dark Age battles from 577AD to 1066AD, it features eight battles which give nine scenarios. There is a brief introduction to the Dark Ages and the armies which fought across Britain and Ireland during that period, you will meet Romano-British, Picts, Irish, Welsh, Northumbrians, Mercians, Saxons and Vikings. Also you will meet the leaders, warlords and kings who were never shy at drawing cold steel, for honour, greed or property.

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Melinda F June 02, 2015 12:02 am UTC
I am baffled why this product is listed under terrain. Does ANYONE on this SITE POLICE the publishers or can they pretty much put their products in ANY category they like. This is not the only offender but surely the most noticeable!
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George A June 12, 2015 9:38 am UTC
I too have no idea why it would be in terrain, and have only just noticed it, I shall attempt to put this right asap. Thanks for flagging it up.
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George A June 12, 2015 10:09 am UTC
I ticked Maps/Terrain - Maps, as the booklet contains battle maps. It therefore must also still come up in Terrain, programming, nothing more.
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Kent R May 06, 2015 8:52 pm UTC
It would alter the layout a little. Up through Brunanburh, the layout works well, with text on the lefthand page and the battlefield graphic on the right. Because Brunanburh is 3 pages long, the battles from Maldon on don't have the text and battle on facing pages. I'd suggest a full-page graphic after the 3rd Brunanburh page to keep battles on facing pages. It would help to have some guidance on forces (e.g., relative point values) of each side so that you can differentiate between a small elite force and a larger force with a lot of militia.
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George A June 12, 2015 9:53 am UTC
I take your points onboard, I hadn't thought much about page layout as it was an epub and I would expect people to just print off or look at what they wanted, but your suggestion makes sense.

I did mention at the beginning that probably the only elite troops around at this time are the main characters bodyguards/companions, apart from these there are no elites, most 'armies' of this period would have average troops in them for wargaming purposes as they tended to be professional warriors. The Romano-British, the Saxons at Maldon off the top of my head and from the readings of the scenario should have some milita/general fyrd types, this may also be the case at Fulford. I kept the info general as it is almost non existent historically and so that any rule set can be used. I hope this helps.
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File Last Updated:
May 04, 2015
This title was added to our catalog on April 17, 2015.
Potomac Publications
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