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Handcrafted Dungeons:: Basic Dungeon Tiles set 2Click to magnify

Handcrafted Dungeons:: Basic Dungeon Tiles set 2


You've spent countless hours painting your fantasy miniatures to look their best, why not play on some of the best looking gaming tiles?

You can see a 11 page PDF DEMO at our site here: 

Handcrafted Dungeons are literally that, crafted and painted by hand. All the details added to the furnished tiles are also hand built components and placed in the dungeons to add to the adventure's mystery, depth, danger and treasure hunting appeal. While a bit of retouching was necessary to clarify certain features, modify some stone colors, or show lines, everything you see was either made by hand, or built from a scratch model kit as in the case of the skeletons. We made the tiles from an air dry clay, used real stones, sand, and twigs, scraps of wood and then stained, painted and antiqued the tiles. Even the arms and armor on the skeletons was hand built.

            Our sets include tiles in their most basic, unfurnished variants as well as adorned or ‘staged’ versions.  The staged tiles come with bones, skeletal remains, chains, bridges, barrels, staircases, doors, pits, collapsed portions of the ceiling, coffins, crates, blood spatters, treasure piles and more. Using standard one inch tiles, these grids are perfect for 20, 25, and 28mm fantasy games.


Basic Dungeon Tiles set 2 can be used alone, but we recommend adding it to set 1 as the first set contains more standard corridor sections as well as entrances from outside into the underground realms you create, plus, 4x4” end caps or ‘dead end’ sections to avoid running a dungeon off the table. By combining sets 1 and 2, the possibilities for truly enormous dungeon complexes can be achieved, thrilling your players and making for miniature games they won’t soon forget.


Handcrafted Dungeons: Basic Dungeon Tiles Set 2 Includes 63 tile pieces:

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28 8X8” Chamber tiles, 5 being empty rooms with 6 variations of these that are furnished rooms. Two of these chambers have tiny rooms set inside a network of single file corridors while the twelfth is a lava-filled chamber with mere stepping stones as possible access to the chambers beyond. One false step here and players will be rolling up a new character!

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23 4x8" corridors and 4 variants of a 4x4 inch short passage. These include a variety of, unadorned hallways, as well as several with doors, some with hexagon or round wide points, others with nooks, pools, bonfires or worse, firetraps in both their on and off depictions. These halls, added to those from set 1, will offer plenty of options for joining various rooms, or extending onward and outward for a labyrinth.


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3 8x8" Corridor sections, including the 'L' turn, T-Junction and four-way cross junction.


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4 8x8” tiles to create a massive 16x16” chamber.


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3 Paper Model Door sheets are also included offering 4 cut and assemble, free-standing double doors, and 3 single doors. These doors are optional components and are scale models requiring simple cutting, folding and the application of a few drops of glue. Adhesive magnet strips can also be applied to their bottoms to add extra stability and weight.


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2 Accessory Token Sheets: Two accessory sheets are also included containing tiles of various dimensions to be used during gameplay to reveal traps, treasure, skeletons, a pool, well, bonfire, campfire, bottomless pit, weapons, sarcophagus, stairs, rubble, and much more. Many of these tokens also appear in the furnished versions we’ve created and included in the set, and some are different versions of those from set 1. These can be cut from the sheet and either placed on a game square loosely or, adhered to the tile with some sort of removable adhesive for either in-game play or photocopying to create your own custom furnished tiles.


For VTT (Virtual Table Top) play, we have included a zipped folder full of all the floor tiles as 300dpi JPEGs, along with the accessory tokens as PNG files.

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You can see a 10 page PDF DEMO at our site here: 

Basic Dungeons Set 1 found here

Other sets in production


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Eric S July 23, 2018 7:14 am UTC
Would be interest in picking up both Handcrafted Dungeons: Basic Dungeon Tiles sets 1,2&3 as soon as the print on demand is available. Is there any way to set up an email notification for when that happens?
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