The Line of Fire General’s Collection contains Issue #11 through #15 for one low price.
Line of Fire is a full-color PDF magazine series. Within its covers is, above all, crucial content that flatters fans of the Lock ‘n Load (LnL), Nations At War (NaW), World At War (WaW) systems and many others. In-depth, with tactics articles, unit and scenario analysis, and an after-action report; plus new scenarios, new maps and counters and much more. This one PDF includes all 15 Issues of the Line of Fire magazine and is a must-have for any LnLP fan.
Line of Fire #11: With 60 full-color pages and 16 scenarios, Line of Fire #11 is loaded with a feast of new content for most of your favorite Lock ‘n Load Publishing games!
The World at War (WaW) system gets a major injection of new scenarios in this issue. Six scenarios depict further carnage from the Eisenbach Gap to the bridges over the Rhine. And in a three-scenario modulette, It’s the Oil, Stupid!, the Middle East becomes the setting for clashes between Soviet airborne units and US Marines, as well as an epic clash of armor as formations of Abrams tangle with T-72s from three different tank battalions.
The Cold War gone hot is featured in the Lock ‘n Load (LnL) system as well. Read about tank tactics in the Third World War and light up the Eisenbach Gap in a new scenario for Heroes of the Gap. Or drop in with the 101st Airborne in a Band of Heroes scenario, “To the Bridge”, as intrepid paras take on a pair of indefatigable German 88mm guns guarding the vital bridge at Son, Holland, during Operation Market Garden.
Celebrate Thanksgiving with a seasonal-themed scenario for All Things Zombie, “Black Friday.” And if zombies tempt you, check out a wonderfully mutant melding of game systems (ATZ and LnL: A Day of Heroes) in “Day of the Zed” by undead maestro Mark Mitchell. The town of Last Chance, Nevada, has lost contact with the rest of the world, and the National Guard, US Army Rangers and elements of the 10th Mountain Division have all gone in to find out what’s going on. It’s LnL, and it’s ATZ. It’s unique, and it’s fun.
As always, Line of Fire is more than just scenarios. Articles, battle reports, interviews, and more are all inside. Read, play, think, enjoy.
Line of Fire #12 Is An Issue Like No Other Before It!
This 60-page issue (in full color) features a wealth of content on Lock ‘n Load Forgotten Heroes 2: a detailed review of the game containing examples of play, a gripping battle report on the scenario “A River of Perfume”, an in-depth historical article on ground operations that provides background for many of the game’s scenarios, an article on the Long-Range Recon Patrols (LRRPs) and two supporting (LRRP) scenarios, plus a third new scenario, “Ambush!”.
Also included is a complete game Raid & Riposte. Raid & Riposte is an area-combat system representing the ferocious defense of Tanenhause by the Soviet 1st Paratroop Regiment from May 13th – 20th, 1985, against repeated assaults by the Bundeswehr and US Army forces. It’s played on an 11”x17” map and uses 42 5/8” counters. Fast and fun, it’s easy to learn, and another unique look at the Cold War gone hot.
If that’s not enough, check out plenty of new stuff for the World at War system: a command-and-control HQ variant, another scenario for the SADF Chapter, a solitaire scenario on the Warsaw Pact’s attempt to crush the Solidarno (Solidarity) Movement, and part one (of two) of a modulette, Jungle Blood & Sweat, on the second Sino-Vietnamese War in 1985, which includes new counters for Vietnamese and Chinese formations.
Line of Fire #13 is Another Bountiful Issue of Our Charles S. Roberts Award-nominated magazine.
At the vanguard of this issue is the Nations at War series of games. Included are articles on the future of the series, on Stalin’s Triumph, and on strategies for the campaign in Operation Cobra; plus four new scenarios by veteran designer Matt Lohse: two on Operation Market Garden and two on Operation Goodwood.
But that’s not all. Also featured are articles on the French in Honneur et Patrie, on larger battles in World at War, Warparty fiction, an exclusive interview with maverick game reviewer Marco Arnaudo, a unique Heroes of the Gap battle report, and more.
In addition to the four Nations at War scenarios, there are plenty of others:
- The World at War modulette Jungle Blood & Sweat, started in Line of Fire #12, concludes with three more scenarios in Southeast Asia, utilizing 33 new 5/8” die-cut counters.
- British and Soviet Recon formations meet near Bitterfeld, the crucial town featured in World at War: Battles within Battles.
- The Swedes attempt to strike down a Soviet push inland from the town of Nynäsham, south of Stockholm, in another aspect of Operation Garbo.
- In two Honneur et Patrie scenarios, the Belgians launch a vital counterattack and the French and the Soviets take on each other as well as a whole new type of enemy—a rogue lunatic who’s on the lam.
- Two hot-spots in Heroes of the Gap are illuminated: one in Bavaria (on maps from Band of Heroes); the other in Libya (on the A Day of Heroes map).
Also, a new Space Infantry Enemies Variant introduces a new sense of doom to your extra-terrestrial gaming. And if all of that isn’t enough, how about a Free game! Blood on the Alma—designed by Tom Russell, with art by Gabriel Gendron—depicts the September 20th, 1854, Battle of the Alma, in Crimea, in which an Allied force of British, French and Turks met the Russians. The game includes rules, a color map, 123 beautiful 5/8” die-cut counters and a player-aid card. Its unusual mechanics and atypical sequence of play make Blood on the Alma a singular gaming experience.
Line of Fire Magazines #14 is Packed with Almost 60 Pages of Articles, Scenarios, and Line of Fire #14
World at War Expansion Module!
Open Line of Fire #14 and check out articles on the dust mechanic in Desert Heat, on the US Army’s Armored Divisions in World War II, and a compelling and poignant exposition on the zombie phenomenon. Read part two (of three) of Mark Roche’s Warparty fiction “Battle for Darg-Noth” and a rigorous report on the opening scenario from America Conquered. Or check out a Random Events Table Variant for Dawn’s Early Light.
New scenarios and counters abound.
- Use German Panther and Pz IV H tanks in a Band of Heroes showdown near Arracourt, France, in September of 1944.
- The map from A Day of Heroes gets a lot of use in three new scenarios that utilize included up-armored HMMWVs and Navy SEALs in gripping missions that reflect the dark times we live in; a fourth brings Soviets from Heroes of the Gap into a desperate encounter with US Rangers in El Adem, Libya, in 1985—played on the A Day of Heroes map.
- In “Early Birds”, a Heroes of the Gap/Honneur et Patrie scenario, Soviets and French air-mobile troops battle it out for the vital bridges at Wolfenburg, West Germany; above them, their departing transport helicopters fight it out with new chopper-vs.-chopper combat rules.
- In the Nations at War system, use new Long-Range Desert Group units in a Desert Heat scenario on the raid on Barce, Libya, and a new formation of German motorcycle infantry in a White Star Rising/Operation Cobra scenario.
- Nothing is certain in the World at War system. In “Entente Cordiale”, British Royal Lancers from Blood & Bridges stand off against an ornery French recon formation from Paris is Burning at the Rue Jean Jaures Bridge. How will the French react?
- The All Things Zombie scenario “Good Fences, Good Neighbors” will remind you that the zombies aren’t the only nasty thing out there.
Also included in this issue is Baltic Fury, an expansion module for World at War: Blood & Bridges. Baltic Fury comes with 11 scenarios, an 11”x17” map and 140 5/8” counters featuring units from Denmark, Poland, and the Soviet Union. At stake in Baltic Fury is control of the crucial sea lanes of the Baltic Sea, and battles rage between the Danes and the Warsaw Pact on the Jutland Peninsula and on the key islands of Funen and Bornholm.
Line of Fire Magazine #15 is a Colorful Issue Contains Articles, Scenarios, and a Heroes of the Gap Expansion Module: The Bear & The Jackal!
The Bear & The Jackal (TB&TJ) contains nine fierce firefights from the Soviet-Afghan War. It expands Heroes of the Gap, and utilizes new David Julian-drawn counters of Mujahideen and Soviet forces, and is played on two plus-sized (approximately 9.5” x 16.5”) geomorphic maps drawn by Marc von Martial. Grab an RPG-7 and find a rocky place to hide behind: there’s a Soviet convoy coming down the road!
Also in this issue are battle reports from A Ring of Hills and Baltic Fury and articles on Falling Stars, the evolution of a house rule in Band of Heroes, and on the history and tactics of the Soviet-Afghan War. Mark Roche’s gripping tale from the realm of Warparty, “The Battle for Darg-Noth”, comes to a conclusion with its third and final installment.
How about some scenarios? In addition to the nine scenarios inTB&TJ, there are three scenarios for the Nations at War series: two for White Star Rising and one for White Star Rising / Operation Cobra. Six scenarios continue to flesh out the World at War battlefield, including two that use a new American recon formation, A Troop/1-4 Cavalry, which features two platoons of M113 ACAVs. Both of these scenarios use components from The Untold Stories and Into the Breach, as does a third, “Crossing Points,” designed by Jeff Schulte. Matt Lohse adds another pair of scenarios for Baltic Fury (Line of Fire #14). Arrigo Velicogna sets the stage for a clash of armor between the Soviets and the Chinese1. That’s 18 total scenarios!!
Publisher Note: There are minor differences between the Bear and the Jackal expansion from Line of Fire and the reprint currently available. The current expansion module is now in its own booklet with its own module rules, scenarios, and separate Player-Aid Card instead of one inside the magazine. The maps are the same. The scenarios are laid out in the same style as the other current LnLT games now, instead of in the Line of Fire style. If you own the Line of Fire Edition there is little need to update unless you really want the latest and Edition.
Notice: Articles and Scenarios in this Magazine are more geared towards our older discontinued series Lock ‘n Load and World At War products. The latest edition of these series are now titled Lock ‘n Load Tactical and World At War 85. Updated editions of the Articles and Scenarios can be found in our Compendium products.