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'65 Action Card Expansion

'65 Action Card Expansion

Action Card expansion! A 9-card Action Card set with unique Action Cards, such as Double Strike, Sneak, and Tactics. These cards will expand the standard deck with abilities unique to the opposing forces NVA/VC or United States. You must own the base game for '65 Squad-level Battles in Vietnam to use this expansion. ...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $8.00 $6.00

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'65 Alone in the Jungle

'65 Alone in the Jungle

The solitaire expansion for '65 is now available. Based on the solitaire version of Night of Man, buyers will get their own solitaire version of ’65 replete with counters, cards, and scenarios. As the American player, you play just as you would a two-player game, the Communists are controlled by the special solitaire deck. Shadowy enemies, tactical combat, story-telling, twists of fate, it's all...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $20.00 $15.00

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'65 City Map Expansion

'65 City Map Expansion

This expansion for '65 Squad Level Combat in Vietnam includes a HUGE 22 x 34” board full of city terrain (8 part 8.5 x 11" version included). Not all of Vietnam’s battles were fought in the jungle. This large map let's you fight two, Quang Tri battles. When we add more, you'll get the updates. Must own the base game to play the scenarios in the City Map Expansion.   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $6.00

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'65 USMC and ANZAC

'65 USMC and ANZAC

This expansion to '65 Squad Level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam includes two PDF files (approximately 8.5” x 11”) of United States Marines and ANZAC counters, including rifle squads, heroes, and armored fighting vehicles, such as the Ontos, Centurion, and six scenarios featuring them (three each Marines and ANZACs). The most potent squads in the game, the Marines bring devastating firepower,...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00 $12.00

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'65: Squad-Level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam

'65: Squad-Level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam

Fast, furious, and fun! Are you looking for something new, something fresh? ’65 might be the game for you. A squad-level, tactical game, ’65 recounts the early battles of the Vietnam War, from Ia Drang to Operation Starlight, and most everything between.  The large and beautiful counters (1" to 1.375" square) represent squads, Leaders, Heroes, Snipers, M-48 and Pt-76 tanks, and more. As these...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $25.00

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'85 Afghanistan: Graveyard of Empires

'85 Afghanistan: Graveyard of Empires

’85 Graveyard of Empires is the second game in the Squad Battles series. Building on the mechanics introduced in ’65 Squad Battles in the Jungles of Vietnam, Graveyard of Empires (GOE) features squad-level battles between the Afghan Mujahideen and Soviet Red Army in a card-driven, hex and counter game. GOE introduces card-activated events, immersive helicopter rules, more tactical decisions,...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $25.00 $18.75

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A Most Fearful Sacrifice

A Most Fearful Sacrifice

It's early on July 1st, 1863, and Union Brigadier General John Buford’s 1st Reserve Cavalry Division is deployed to the west of the town of Gettysburg battling unidentified Confederate infantry advancing on the town.  All morning long, the men in gray have pressured the Union cavalry. Help finally arrives in the form of I Corps commander Major Gen. John Reynolds. He rides up to the Lutheran Seminary,...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $25.00 $12.50

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Alone in the Mountains: '85 Solitaire Expansion

Alone in the Mountains: '85 Solitaire Expansion

Alone in the Mountains is a solitaire expansion for '85 Graveyard of Empires. Utilizing an updated version of the same solitaire system used in Night of Man and '65 Squad Battles in the Jungle of Vietnam, Alone in the Mountains is a boxed game that comes complete with a full sheet of counters, a new map, rules, solitaire action cards, a Player Aid Card and 6 new solitaire scenarios for playing Graveyard...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00

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Armageddon War

Armageddon War

Following disease, famine, and economic collapse among the world's first-line powers, conventional war erupts in the Mid-East for what arable land remains. Old allies join the carnage, and the war grows, pitting age-old adversaries and their new friends against each other. Armageddon War depicts the chaos in the midst of this war. Armageddon War is a platoon level game set in the near future. The...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $25.00 $20.00

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Armageddon War: Alone in the Desert

Armageddon War: Alone in the Desert

This expansion includes rules for playing Armageddon War solitaire, six solitaire scenarios in a loose campaign, counters and cards. Each hex of enemy units in a solitaire scenario will have a “stance” counter, “aggressive”, “cautious” or “defensive”. When an enemy formation activates, each hex of units will draw a card and act according to the keywords on the card. These are shorthand...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00 $12.00

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Armageddon War: Burning Lands

Armageddon War: Burning Lands

Burning Lands is a complete expansion for Armageddon War. It features a full-sized (22" x 33") map that loosely replicates the north-western corner of Jordan (just south of the Golan heights), a full sheet of counters that features the Hezbollah and Jordanian military, and a full color rules and scenario book with six scenarios. This map is MUCH different from the two maps that ship with the base...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00 $12.00

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Armageddon War: Strategy Guide

Armageddon War: Strategy Guide

So popular with the Old School Tactical series, this is a full-color, 16-page strategy guide and example of play that will teach you how to be a better Armageddon War player. The strategy guide includes instructions on how to maximize the dice you roll, cripple the enemy with intensive fire, choose the right unit for the job, and much more. Rule the near future battlefield with the Armageddon War...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $10.00

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Armageddon War: The 600

Armageddon War: The 600

The 600 is a persistent campaign for Armageddon War. Persistent? Yes, persistent in the sense that the outcome of one skirmish affects the following battles. If you win a battle, your next engagement will be different than if you lost the battle.  Additionally, you must not only defeat the enemy in each encounter, but also preserve your force to fight in the next. This is the prime difference between...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $12.00 $10.00

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Crowbar!: The Rangers at Pointe du Hoc

Crowbar!: The Rangers at Pointe du Hoc

A commanding voice shouts “Crowbar!” from the carefully monitored radios of Ranger Flotilla headquarters aboard the LSI command ship St. James. With that signal, the 225 men of Dog, Easy and Fox Companies of Force “A” of the 2nd Ranger Battalion launched one of the most incredible and seemingly impossible assaults of military history. Tasked with landing on the beaches of Normandy, France...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $25.00 $8.80

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Flying Pig Games Free Scenario Pack

Flying Pig Games Free Scenario Pack

This is our way to thank you for your support. In the scenario pack you’ll find three new scenarios (at least that is what we are starting out with). I designed a pair for Night of Man and ’65 Squad-level Battles in the Jungles of Vietnam, and Shayne designed one for Old School Tactical Vol II. We might add more later, and you’ll be notified. That’s the beauty of Wargame Vault. If you find...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games   FREE 

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La Résistance

La Résistance

Designed by Mark H. Walker, La Résistance is a simple, yet engaging, dice and card game set during the German occupation of France in World War II. During the occupation, brave French men and women fought against the Nazi conquerors, disrupting their communications, destroying supply warehouses, and ambushing German patrols. La Résistance gives players a chance to lead a band of resistance fighters,...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $10.00

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La Résistance: Gestapo Event Deck

La Résistance: Gestapo Event Deck

The Gestapo deck adds in new, unique events, which make the game more challenging for experienced players. ...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $5.00

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La Résistance: Mes Amis C'est la Guerre Deck

La Résistance: Mes Amis C'est la Guerre Deck

C'est la Guerre cards can be purchased in-game by spending a sum of dice that is 6 or greater. These cards give players advantages and/or allow you to mess with your opponents, adding a fun "Take that!" element to the game. The base game ships with its own C'est la Guerre cards. The Mes Amis deck includes new cards such as American tanks, British commandos, and Allied planes. A big help, and big fun....   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $5.00

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Night of Man

Night of Man

Night of Man is a card-driven, tactical board game. Set in a post-alien-invasion-of-Earth universe, the squads, heroes, and tanks of Earth's Militia battle against powerful aliens with enhanced power armor, hover tanks, Mechs, and spider-like robots.   In each turn gamers draw up to a four card hand and may play a card, sometimes more, in each impulse. The cards activate units to...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $19.99 $8.00

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Night of Man: Alone Against the Aliens

Night of Man: Alone Against the Aliens

Alone Against the Aliens, the Night of Man Solitaire Expansion You must own the Night of Man base game to play this expansion. In this Night of Man solitaire expansion, Alone Against the Aliens, you can play soliatire against the Killers. The expansion includes a separate deck of cards that controls the aliens as you lead the Earth...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $20.00 $15.00

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Old School Tactical

Old School Tactical

Old School Tactical is the first in a dynamic series of fresh, tactical wargames. OST simulates, through an easily-learned game system, small unit engagements on the Eastern Front during 1941-42. Two players contest each scenario using counters representing the soldiers, guns, and vehicles that fought these desperate battles. On each turn play goes back and forth between the sides as Impulse Points...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $25.00

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Old School Tactical V1: Red Blitz Expansion

Old School Tactical V1: Red Blitz Expansion

In the vein of Old School Tactical Vol 2's Phantom Division we present Red Blitz. This boxed expansion will add more scenarios that occur during the vicious fighting of Operation Bagration in the summer of 1944. Specifically, there are 6 challenging new scenarios, and an extended battle to be gamed on Vol I's Map 1. The extended battle is a multi-part legacy scenario, where the day's gains...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $12.00

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Old School Tactical Vol I Expansion: Stalingrad

Old School Tactical Vol I Expansion: Stalingrad

This is an expansion. You must own Old School Tactical Vol I to play Stalingrad. Set in one of the most famous battles on the eastern front during World War II, a five month battle that was one of the largest and bloodiest engagments in military history. A battle of attrition between the Wehrmacht and the Red Army in brutal, house-to-house, close quarter combat within the city of Stalingrad.  Take...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00

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Old School Tactical Vol II Expansion: Airborne

Old School Tactical Vol II Expansion: Airborne

This is an expansion. You must own Old School Tactical Vol II to play Airborne. We all love 'em, a lot of film footage has been spent on them, they are the paratroopers of the 101st and 82 Airborne Divisions. The expansion includes a complete sheet of Airborne counters, rules for using them (paradrops, etc), six scenarios, and a HUGE 30" X 41" historical map (Home printer friendly 8.5" x 11" version...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00 $12.00

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Old School Tactical Vol II Expansion: Ghost Front

Old School Tactical Vol II Expansion: Ghost Front

This an expansion. You must own Old School Tactical Volume II to play Ghost Front. Ghost Front is the second expansion to Old School Tactical Vol II, covering the German's Ardennes offensive of 1944. This expansion includes a new, 30" x 41" map depicting snowy Ardennes terrain (With a home printer friendly 8.5" x 11" version included), a new sheet of 102 counters with new SS and American units, unit...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00 $12.00

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Old School Tactical Vol II: Pocket Battles

Old School Tactical Vol II: Pocket Battles

”The Old School Tactical series is know for it’s beautifully illustrated large 30” x 40” maps. They come with 1” hexes and give you lots of space to fight your battles with important information tracking on the sides. Since the games inception, players have asked for smaller maps for those times when your table space is limited and you need something smaller to accommodate a smaller play...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00 $12.00

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Old School Tactical Vol III Expansion: Hell Bent

Old School Tactical Vol III Expansion: Hell Bent

The Pacific Theater was defined by amphibious landings, beaches, lagoons, and much more. The Hell Bent boxed expansion for Old School Tactical Vol III: Pacific 1942-45 brings you that much more with an additional 30" x 41" map, yet another sheet of counters, and a bunch of scenarios to use them with. Include are scenarios for Wake Island, Tarawa (2), Peleliu (4), Luzon (2), Saipan (2), and Okinawa...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00 $12.00

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Old School Tactical Vol. II

Old School Tactical Vol. II

The popular Old School Tactical series returns for its second edition with Old School Tactical Volume II: West Front 1944-45. This iteration of the quick to learn, challenging to master, tactical game introduces the Americans to the series. Fight across the European countryside with M-10 tank destroyers and Sherman Easy Eight tanks. Pile your powerful rifle squads into venerable M5 halftracks or...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $25.00 $20.00

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Old School Tactical Vol. II: Strategy Guide

Old School Tactical Vol. II: Strategy Guide

The Old School Tactical series returns for its second edition with Old School Tactical Volume II: West Front 1944-45. This iteration of the quick to learn, challenging to master, tactical game introduces the Americans to the series. This is the popular strategy guide that teaches how to use your cardboard trrops to win your tabletop battles. The strategy guide teaches how to use terrain to your advantage,...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $12.00 $10.00

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Old School Tactical Vol. III

Old School Tactical Vol. III

Old School Tactical (OST) Vol III brings the popular OST system to the Pacific Theater of World War II. Fight in the jungles and on the beaches against both the Imperial Japanese Army and Naval (Marine) units. Unlike other OST soldiers, the fanatical Japanese have no Gut Check number, preferring death to dishonor. The Japanese also come with the new tank-killer units and, of course, rules for the famous...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $25.00 $22.00

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Old School Tactical Vol. IV: Italian Theater 1943-45

Old School Tactical Vol. IV: Italian Theater 1943-45

After the victory in North Africa, Allied planners readied a new campaign.  It was aimed at the so called ‘soft underbelly‘ of Europe.  A bold plan to knock Italy out of the war and drain Axis units from fighting on other fronts. Beginning with the invasion of Sicily in July of 1943, the Allies pressed the enemy, but there was nothing soft about the bloody fight. The drive to Messina in Sicily,...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $25.00

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Phantom Division

Phantom Division

Phantom Division is the first of our Old School Tactical Pockets expansions. This expansion to Old School Tactical VOL 2: West Front 1944-45 covers the exploits of the American 9th Armored Division. The 9th Armored (Phantom Division) fought in the Battle of the Bulge, captured the Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen, Germany, and assisted in the encirclement of the Ruhr. Phantom Division covers its part in...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00 $12.00

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Platoon Commander Deluxe: The Battle of Kursk!

Platoon Commander Deluxe: The Battle of Kursk!

"The rules. Are there any? Barely. Any experienced gamer will whip thru them in about 15 minutes and be thinking, "Am I really ready to go?" You are." -Ron Motley BGG "Well, I would say that this game not only hit my table immediately, it has stayed there and will continue to stay there. It is VERY fun to play face to face." -"Action" Jackson Riker. Kursk. Many historians believe it was the...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $25.00

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Platoon Commander Deluxe: The Battle of Kursk! Strategy Guide

Platoon Commander Deluxe: The Battle of Kursk! Strategy Guide

For the action packed Platoon Commander Deluxe series The Battle of Kursk!. This is a full-color, 26-page strategy guide. Included are tactical tips, an extensive example of play, and unit analysis. ...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $12.00 $10.00

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The Battle of Kursk!: Tracks in the Mud

The Battle of Kursk!: Tracks in the Mud

[Tracks in the Mud is an expansion for Platoon Commander Deluxe: The Battle of Kursk! Base game required to play.] The expansion includes a new sheet of counters, including Jagdtigers, King Tigers, Jagdpanthers, T-34/85, and IS-3, to name but a few. There is also a new, 22" x 17" map, and several new scenarios. Better still, two of the included late-war scenarios pit the Americans against the Soviets...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00 $12.00

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The Long Road

The Long Road

This is 1985. This is World War III. But this is not your typical World War III. There are many accurate-to-the-underwear-brand World War III games to choose from, and the ones that I have played are quite good. This, however, is not one of them. Although The Long Road flirts with reality, it’s not ready to move in and live with it. This game has a twist. From the moment I designed World at War:...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $25.00 $12.50

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The Long Road Expansion: Fatherland

The Long Road Expansion: Fatherland

Fatherland is a complete, boxed expansion for The Long Road that brings the forces of the Bundeswehr, including their devastating Leopard I and Leopard II tanks, to the Long Road system. Additionally the expansion includes a new, mounted map board, a full sheet of counters, and six brand new scenarios. (NOTE: You must have a copy of The Long Road to play Fatherland.) ...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $12.00 $10.00

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Vorwarts!: a Crowbar! Expansion

Vorwarts!: a Crowbar! Expansion

The expansion includes a sheet of new counters, including Ranger machine gun emplacements, German offensive units, and much more. Also included are six beautiful new scenarios including a shortened main scenario, smaller scenarios for each of the Ranger companies, and two counterattack scenarios in which you play as the German, counterattacking the Ranger positions. The expansion also comes with a...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00 $12.00

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Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #1

Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #1

PREMIERE ISSUE! This issue includes two games, Stamford Bridge and Hastings. Stamford Bridge is a clever game that recreates the battle of September 25th, 1066. It was at this battle that an army of Vikings and Anglo-Saxon Rebels were defeated by King Harold just three weeks before his demise at the Battle of Hastings. The Hastings game uses the same system to recreate the famous Battle of Hastings....   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $14.99

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Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #10

Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #10

There's no better way to recover from the long, hot summer than to dive into the fall's coolest gaming value - the next issue of Yaah! magazine. It's 78 sparkling (Get it?) pages of tabletop action and adventure, and you can pre-order your very own copy right here. As the days grow shorter, you're gonna need something to fill up all that extra time indoors - and this issue's game looks like a great...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $19.00

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Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #11

Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #11

Note that the video below is for the printed version of Yaah #9, be we inserted it to give you an idea of the high-quality of the magazine and components. What's the best thing about the arrival of spring? With the possible exception of warmer weather, it is - of course - the newest issue of Yaah! Magazine! Yaah! #11 makes a big splash with the issue game, Strike for Berlin, designed by Brian Train....   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $19.00 $15.00

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Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #12

Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #12

We want you to read and game what we feel is one damn fine board gaming magazine. So, we offer a discount on Yaah! #12. Why? Because we hope that you will buy this magazine and continue to buy future issues.  Read below to see what you get.  This issue's complete game is "Macarthur's Defeat", designer Arrigo Velicogna's take on the 1941 Japanese invasion of the island of Luzon. It features a full...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $19.00 $16.50

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Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #13

Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #13

Here comes lucky number thirteen. Yaah! #13 that is. This issue comes jammed with the usual number of entertaining articles, a damn fine game, and wait for it… scenarios and variants are back. First up is the The Battle of Hue! A solitaire game designed by Jay Ward and based on his popular Tiny Battle Publishing title, The Battle for Ramadi. The Battle for Hue! Allows gamers to control the forces...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $18.00

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Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #14

Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #14

This issue comes with a spiffy new, man-to-man solitaire game from one of the best solitaire designers in the industry, Gottardo Zancani. Titled Rattenkrieg, the game simulates up close and personal combat in Stalingrad, circa 1942. Rattenkrieg features a robust AI bot, and an innovative way, based on the actual size of the counter, to calculate to where a unit may move. Of course the gaming doesn't...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $18.00

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Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #15

Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #15

Here's what's jammed into the magazine's 90+ pages... First we have the clever, card-driven, hex and counter executed game. Titled, Caucasus Burning: The Nagorno-Karabahk War, 2020, the simulation is an operational design by Greg Porter covering the Nagorno-Karabahk War of 2020. You'll command formations of T-90 tanks, BMP-equipped mechanized infantry, drones, cruise missiles, and squadrons...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $18.00

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Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #2

Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #2

Yaah! Magazine #2.  In this issue we will interview the founder of The Little Game Company That Could, Alan Emerich, and take an in-depth look at one of Victory Point Game's popular titles, Imperial Stars II. We'll give you a hint on that one. Gamer Girl and wall-climber extraordinaire, Ania B. Ziolkowska, loves it.  Is that too many commas? Brad Smith, owner of Hexsides and Hand Grenades provides...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $14.99

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Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #3

Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #3

The summer issue of Yaah! is bigger, better, and gamier than ever before, as we make the move from 60 to 72 pages. That's twenty percent more space in which to wax poetic about the games we love, and that enables us to go deeper and broader, with more crunchy detail, more things to play, and a little something for every taste.   We get the party started with an in-depth look at GMT's popular COIN...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00

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Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #4

Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #4

What makes our final issue of our first year so extraordinary? To start with, there's the game, designed by Mark Holt Walker-- publisher, gamer, novelist, and mensch. Poland Strikes! is a standalone module in the Sticks and Stones series. The first entry, published by Flying Pig's sister company Tiny Battle Publishing, saw Soviets and Yankees fighting over precious land in Germany in post-nuclear...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $14.99 $13.99

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Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #5 FP005

Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #5 FP005

Yaah! Magazine celebrates its first birthday with a little something for everyone. From fantasy to historical, from grand strategy to tactical crunchiness, we’ve got you covered. As always, there’s a brand-new full game to play, a grab-bag of great scenarios for the games you love, and articles on some of today’s hottest games and most endearing classics. To start with, there’s a whole lot...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00

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Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #6

Yaah! Magazine and Complete Wargame #6

Yaah! Magazine is back with eighty splendiferous full-color pages dedicated to the games you love. With issue number six, editor Tom Russell and his merry band of writers have put together a number of features on an eclectic variety of titles, each illustrated with handsome photographs, and anchored by stylish, one-of-a-kind layout by our esteemed art director Guillaume Ries. We here at the Pig like...   [click here for more]
Flying Pig Games  $15.00

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