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 Hottest 19th Century from Admiralty Trilogy Group
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Dawn of the Battleship 1.1

Dawn of the Battleship 1.1

      Dawn of the Battleship simulates naval warfare from 1890 up to 1904, just before technology began to quickly change in the years leading up to WW I. During this period, there are no all-big-gun battleships, aircraft, gun directors, or radios. In the 1890s, 1,500 yards was considered effective range, and 3,000 yards was long range. If you've played other naval games, you'll have to...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $12.00

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Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 (CN)

Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 (CN)

Dawn of the Battleship 1.1   战舰黎明1.1   Dawn of the Battleship simulates naval warfare from 1890 up to 1904, just before technology began to quickly change in the years leading up to WW I. During this period, there are no all-big-gun battleships, aircraft, gun directors, or radios. In the 1890s, 1,500 yards was considered effective range, and 3,000 yards was long range. If you've played...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $12.00

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Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 (Japanese language)

Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 (Japanese language)

:lang="ja">「DAWN OF THE BATTLE SHIP:lang="ja">〜戦艦の夜明け」は、1890:lang="ja">年から1904:lang="ja">年までの海戦をシミュレートします。この時期は、第一次世界大戦に向けて技術が急速に変化する直前であり、現在の技術を搭載した戦艦、航空機、射撃指揮装置、通信機などは存在しません。1890:lang="ja">年代には、1,500:lang="ja">ヤードが有効射程とされ、3,000:lang="ja">ヤードが長射程とされていました。他の海戦ゲームをプレイしたことがあるなら、命中させたいならもっと接近する必要があります。...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $12.00

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Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 Player's Handbook

Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 Player's Handbook

This is a collection of the charts and tables that appear in the Dawn of the Battleship rules. Designed for quick reference, it provides all the charts and tables needed for fast game play. Only rules-related charts and tables are included here. The Data Annexes are provided in the scenario booklets.             This 1.1 update of the Player's Handbook incorporates Gunnery Standard...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 Player's Handbook (CN)

Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 Player's Handbook (CN)

Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 Player's Handbook   战舰黎明1.1推演手册   This is a collection of the charts and tables that appear in the Dawn of the Battleship rules. Designed for quick reference, it provides all the charts and tables needed for fast game play. Only rules-related charts and tables are included here. The Data Annexes are provided in the scenario booklets.   This 1.1 update...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 Player's Handbook (JP)

Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 Player's Handbook (JP)

:lang="ja">これは、「Dawn of the Battleship:lang="ja">」ルールに登場するチャート表を参照できる本です。素早く参照できるように設計されており、迅速なゲームプレイのために必要なすべてのチャート表を提供します。ここには、ルールに関連するチャートとテーブルのみが含まれています。データ付録はシナリオ小冊子に掲載されています。...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Dawn of the Rising Sun Annexes

Dawn of the Rising Sun Annexes

        This 28-page booklet provides information on all the ships and weapons needed to play the scenarios in Dawn of the Rising Sun scenario supplement. ...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $4.00

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Dawn of the Rising Sun Scenarios

Dawn of the Rising Sun Scenarios

      In February 1904, Russia had the world’s third largest fleet, while that of Japan’s was ranked fourth. By September 1905, Japan had become number three and Russia had fallen below the top ten. Dawn of the Rising Sun contains nineteen scenarios for the Admiralty Trilogy’s Dawn of the Battleship game, covering all the major surface engagements of the Russo-Japanese War,...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $14.00

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In Mahan's Wake

In Mahan's Wake

      In Mahan's Wake is ATG’s third supplement for Dawn of the Battleship. It has thirty-one scenarios, a mix of historical battles, like the Sino-Japanese War, near-historical (“almost happened”), and fictional scenarios.       The latter include a series of scenarios called the Great Maritime War of 1899, by William Le Queux, one of the many “war scare” books...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $18.00

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In Mahan's Wake (Chinese Language)

In Mahan's Wake (Chinese Language)

This is the Chinese-language version of In Mahan's Wake      In Mahan's Wake is ATG’s third supplement for Dawn of the Battleship. It has thirty-one scenarios, a mix of historical battles, like the Sino-Japanese War, near-historical (“almost happened”), and fictional scenarios.       The latter include a series of scenarios called the Great...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $18.00

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In Mahan's Wake Form 10s

In Mahan's Wake Form 10s

This product supports the Dawn of the Battleship (DoB) supplement In Mahan’s Wake, which provides 31 scenarios set in the pre-dreadnought period (1890 – 1904). A Form 10 lists all the statistics for the ship, along with weapon ranges and hit chances, maneuvering data, and a damage tracking form - all the information needed to use that ship in a DoB game. Consisting...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $18.00

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Monroe's Legacy

Monroe's Legacy

      This is a scenario supplement for the Admiralty Trilogy game Dawn of the Battleship. Twenty-nine scenarios cover not only historical battles, like Manila Bay (“There Came Upon Us Numberless Projectiles”) and Santiago de Cuba, but hypothetical scenarios based on historical disputes that almost led to war, and US Navy War College studies of that time. All the statistics needed to...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $16.00

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Naval SITREP #50 (April 2016)

Naval SITREP #50 (April 2016)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREP Issue #50 was published in April of 2016. Table of contents: Features DoB Scenario: Teutonic Twilight If You’ve Played Other...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Naval SITREP #54 (April 2018)

Naval SITREP #54 (April 2018)

The Naval SITREPis published twice a year by the Admiralty TrilogyGroup. It supports the Admiralty Trilogygame system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREPIssue #54 was published in April of 2018. Table of contents:   North Korea’s Armed Forces ... Just in Case Annex A - North Korean Ships...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Naval SITREP #55 (October 2018)

Naval SITREP #55 (October 2018)

The Naval SITREPis published twice a year by the Admiralty TrilogyGroup. It supports the Admiralty Trilogygame system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREPIssue #55 was published in October of 2018. Table of contents:   Features: HarpoonScenario: Convoy to Yemen, including annexes...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Naval SITREP #56 (April 2019)

Naval SITREP #56 (April 2019)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREP Issue #56 was published in April of 2019. Table of contents:   Features: Naval Combat Systems in Harpoon  ...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Naval SITREP #57 (October 2019)

Naval SITREP #57 (October 2019)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREP Issue #57 was published in October of 2019. Table of contents:   Features: Nanchang is a Museum Ship Harpoon V Scenario:...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Naval SITREP #58-59 (April-October 2020)

Naval SITREP #58-59 (April-October 2020)

The Naval SITREP supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  This special double issue of the Naval SITREP, #57-58 was published in October of 2020. It takes the place of the April 2020 issue as well as the October issue, and is sold at a reduced price.   Table of contents:...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $4.50

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Naval SITREP #60 (April 2021)

Naval SITREP #60 (April 2021)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREP Issue #60 was published in April of 2021. Table of contents:   Harpoon V Scenario: Bugout (with supporting annex data) From...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Naval SITREP #61 (October 2021)

Naval SITREP #61 (October 2021)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREP Issue #61 was published in October of 2021. Table of contents:   Tracking Changes in the Rules Harpoon V Scenario: Pasdaran...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Naval SITREP #62 (April 2022)

Naval SITREP #62 (April 2022)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREP Issue #62 was published in April of 2022.    Table of contents:   Features Harpoon Scenario: Hunt for a Queen  ...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Naval SITREP #63 (October 2022)

Naval SITREP #63 (October 2022)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogygame system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREP Issue #63 was published in October of 2022.    Table of Contents   Features The Swedish Navy and Air Force and Annexes...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Naval SITREP #64 (April 2023)

Naval SITREP #64 (April 2023)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREP Issue #64 was published in April of 2023.   Features The Finnish Navy and Border Guard Guns, Missiles, and Radars in Finnish...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Naval SITREP #65 (October 2023)

Naval SITREP #65 (October 2023)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREP Issue #65 was published in October of 2023.    Features    Harpoon Scenario: Escape from Aden    Fear God...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Naval SITREP #66 (April 2024)

Naval SITREP #66 (April 2024)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREP Issue #66 was published in April of 2024.    Features HMS Aurora’s Final Course in China A Missing Cutter ATG...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Naval SITREP #67 (October 2024)

Naval SITREP #67 (October 2024)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREP Issue #67 was published in October of 2024.    Features DoB Scenario: Battle of Souda Bay   Mighty Ike’s...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $3.00

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Naval SITREP Index

Naval SITREP Index

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by ATG. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.       This version of the index covers the issues currently available at The Wargame Vault, #14 (April 1998) through # 67 (October 2024). As new issues are added, this index will be updated. ...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group   FREE 

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