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America's Aircraft

America's Aircraft

America’s Aircraft lists the US Navy, US Coast Guard, and US Air Force aircraft in service between 1955 and the present day. It is designed as a sourcebook for Harpoon, fifth edition, but it can also be used as a general reference. Organized as a collection of annexes, this publication provides statistics on aircraft and any modifications or upgrades they received, sometimes many...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $20.74

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American Fleets 2012 Standard

American Fleets 2012 Standard

For the first time statistics for US ships and aircraft, and all their weapons and sensors are available in Command At Sea(CaS) 4th Edition standard. American Fleetsincludes over 250 ship classes and over 190 aircraft, many of which have not appeared in CaSformat before. All earlier listings for these ships and aircraft have been reviewed and updated to include information...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $19.90

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Arctic Fleets 2012 Standard

Arctic Fleets 2012 Standard

Arctic Fleets provides the ships, aircraft, weapons and sensor data for the navies and air forces of Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and the Soviet Union (We know the Netherlands isn’t in the Arctic, but we had to put it somewhere) to use with Command at Sea 4th edition. Earlier listings of Russian and Dutch  ships and aircraft have been updated with information from many new...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $19.16

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Baltic Arena 2012 Standard

Baltic Arena 2012 Standard

In Baltic Arena, lead author Christoph Kluxen weaves together 13 scenarios and 11 articles that cover the forgotten naval theater of World War II. Baltic Arena's well-researched scenarios have something for everyone, covering the compete range of operations from submarine attacks to full convoy actions. Eleven articles examine topics such as the Finnish naval and air forces, a chronology...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $13.13

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Best of GDW's Harpoon SITREP

Best of GDW's Harpoon SITREP

      GDW’s Harpoon SITREP was published quarterly between January 1989 to January 1994. Each issue provided a mix of scenarios, articles on naval warfare and technology, and statistics on weapons systems. All this was designed to support the very active Harpoon miniatures gaming community, and was supported by them. Most of the bylines in each issue were of players who wanted to...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $23.69

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Best of the Naval SITREP

Best of the Naval SITREP

Best of the Naval SITREP collects articles on naval history, technology, wargaming techniques, book reviews, and of course, scenarios for Command at Sea and Harpoon (we hadn’t published FG&DN yet). First published from October 1994 to October 1997 (issues #1 to #13 of the Naval SITREP), the twenty-plus year old articles have been updated the current edition...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $32.65

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Bywater's War 2012 Standard

Bywater's War 2012 Standard

In 1925, naval analyst and former spy Hector C. Bywater wrote what today would be called a “techno-thriller.” His novel described a hypothetical conflict between Japan and the USA, set in his near future, 1931. His background in naval tactics, ship design, and history made him the perfect person to write the story, which was wildly popular. In addition to being well-written and exciting, he...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $20.04

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China's Navy

China's Navy

China’s Navy lists the ships and aircraft used by the People’s Liberation Army Navy and Air Force and Chinese Coast Guard, in service between 1955 and the present day. It is designed as a sourcebook for Harpoon, fifth edition, but it can also be used as a general reference. Organized as a collection of annexes, Annexes A and B provide statistics on ships and aircraft respectively...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $23.90

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Clear the Coast

Clear the Coast

Most of the naval battles in WW II weren't fought by big ships, but by small craft – torpedo boats, gunboats, subchasers, minesweepers, and the like. These battles aren't as well-known as the big fleet engagements like Matapan or Leyte, but the day-to-day patrolling, minesweeping, and convoying by these feisty small craft were just as important.             Pat Hreachmack has collected...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $19.73

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Command at Sea, 4th ed, 2nd printing Player's Handbook (Japanese Language)

Command at Sea, 4th ed, 2nd printing Player's Handbook (Japanese Language)

このハンドブックには、Command at Sea、第 4 版規則のすべての図表が含まれています。 プレイヤーが最も頻繁に使用されるルール部分の独自のコピーを保持できるようにすることで、プレイをスピードアップします。 This handbook contains all the charts and tables from the Command at Sea, 4th edition rules. It speeds play...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $5.10

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Command at Sea, 4th edition, 2nd printing (Japanese Language)

Command at Sea, 4th edition, 2nd printing (Japanese Language)

Command at Sea(CaS)は、第二次世界大戦の戦術海戦をシミュレートすることができる、受賞歴のある 海空戦システムルールセットです。この海空戦システムは、ほぼすべての第二次世界大戦の海戦を正確かつ一貫した結果でシミュレートすることができます。勝利はプレイヤーの戦術や計画、および指揮下の艦船や装備に大きく依存します。...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $19.41

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Commonwealth Aircraft

Commonwealth Aircraft

Commonwealth Aircraft lists the British, Australian, Canadian, and New Zealand aircraft in service between 1955 and the present day. It is designed as a sourcebook for Harpoon, fifth edition, but it can also be used as a general reference. Organized as a collection of annexes, this publication provides statistics on aircraft and any modifications or upgrades they received, sometimes...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $20.82

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Dance of the Vampires

Dance of the Vampires

      In 1985, I was working with Tom Clancy on the military thriller Red Storm Rising, although we hadn’t settled on that title yet. The novel depicted what was called in the 1980s the “Central Front scenario,” a massive, all-out invasion by the Soviets and Warsaw Pact countries against NATO, with the goal of destroying NATO politically and militarily, as well as occupying as much...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $13.13

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Dawn of the Battleship 1.1

Dawn of the Battleship 1.1

      Dawn of the Battleship simulates naval warfare from 1890 up to 1904, just before technology began to quickly change in the years leading up to WW I. During this period, there are no all-big-gun battleships, aircraft, gun directors, or radios. In the 1890s, 1,500 yards was considered effective range, and 3,000 yards was long range. If you've played other naval games, you'll have to...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $15.18

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Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 (Japanese language)

Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 (Japanese language)

:lang="ja">「DAWN OF THE BATTLE SHIP:lang="ja">〜戦艦の夜明け」は、1890:lang="ja">年から1904:lang="ja">年までの海戦をシミュレートします。この時期は、第一次世界大戦に向けて技術が急速に変化する直前であり、現在の技術を搭載した戦艦、航空機、射撃指揮装置、通信機などは存在しません。1890:lang="ja">年代には、1,500:lang="ja">ヤードが有効射程とされ、3,000:lang="ja">ヤードが長射程とされていました。他の海戦ゲームをプレイしたことがあるなら、命中させたいならもっと接近する必要があります。...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $15.71

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Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 Player's Handbook

Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 Player's Handbook

This is a collection of the charts and tables that appear in the Dawn of the Battleship rules. Designed for quick reference, it provides all the charts and tables needed for fast game play. Only rules-related charts and tables are included here. The Data Annexes are provided in the scenario booklets.             This 1.1 update of the Player's Handbook incorporates Gunnery Standard...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $5.40

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Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 Player's Handbook (JP)

Dawn of the Battleship 1.1 Player's Handbook (JP)

:lang="ja">これは、「Dawn of the Battleship:lang="ja">」ルールに登場するチャート表を参照できる本です。素早く参照できるように設計されており、迅速なゲームプレイのために必要なすべてのチャート表を提供します。ここには、ルールに関連するチャートとテーブルのみが含まれています。データ付録はシナリオ小冊子に掲載されています。...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $5.74

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Dawn of the Rising Sun Annexes

Dawn of the Rising Sun Annexes

        This 28-page booklet provides information on all the ships and weapons needed to play the scenarios in Dawn of the Rising Sun scenario supplement. ...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $6.78

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Fear God & Dread Nought 2nd Edition

Fear God & Dread Nought 2nd Edition

Fear God & Dread Noughtis the Admiralty Trilogy Group’s tactical game covering war at sea from 1906 - 1925. Players can use ships, aircraft, and submarines to fight historical battles or experiment with “almost happened” or “what if” scenarios. While comprehensive, the rules are easy to follow for both experienced gamers and those new to naval gaming. They cover not only gunnery...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $22.19

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Fear God & Dread Nought 2nd Edition Player’s Handbook

Fear God & Dread Nought 2nd Edition Player’s Handbook

The Fear God & Dread Nought, 2nd edition Player’s Handbook is a collection of the charts and tables that appear in the FG&DN 2nd edition rules. Designed for quick reference, it provides all the charts and tables needed for fast game play. Only rules-related charts and tables are included here. The Data Annexes are provided in the scenario booklets and data annexes.             This...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $5.21

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Harpoon Naval Review 2003

Harpoon Naval Review 2003

When formulating their strategies, the world’s navies always plan to put their best forces in position to deal with any problem. However, reality rarely cooperates with these plans and naval forces often find themselves faced with situations for which they are not be prepared.             From hypothetical Cold War actions to current encounters and potential future conflicts, Harpoon...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $19.21

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Harpoon V

Harpoon V

Harpoon fifth edition is the latest version of an award-winning series that began with its original release in 1980. In addition to updating and simplifying the rules for modern tactical naval and aerial combat, the fifth edition now includes naval combat system development, mines, ballistic missile attacks and defense, unmanned vehicles, land-attack cruise missiles, non-acoustic ASW sensors, as...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $26.01

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Harpoon V (Japanese Language)

Harpoon V (Japanese Language)

ハープーンの最新作である第5版は、1980年の初版発売以来、数々の賞を受賞しているシリーズの最新版です。この第5版では、現代の戦術的な海戦・空戦のルールを更新・簡略化したほか、海戦システム開発、機雷、弾道ミサイル攻撃・防衛、無人車両、陸上攻撃型巡航ミサイル、非音響型ASWセンサーなどの改良が加えられています。本作は、デザイナーの豊富なゲームデザインと海戦の経験を生かし、本格的でリアル、かつ、エキサイティングな現代海空戦SLGに仕上がっています。...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $25.71

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Harpoon V Player's Handbook

Harpoon V Player's Handbook

This Player's Handbook for Harpoon fifth edition collects all the tables in the rules and organizes them for quick reference to speed play. It is not a complete rules set, but players can use the handbook to consult rules tables without having to pass a rules book back and forth.       This June 2021 second printing has been updated with all errata and changes since the first printing...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $6.91

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Harpoon V Player's Handbook (Japanese Language)

Harpoon V Player's Handbook (Japanese Language)

この『ハープーン第5版プレイヤーズハンドブック』は、ルールに含まれるすべての表を集め、素早く参照できるように整理し、プレイのスピードアップを図るために製作されました。このハンドブックは完全なルールセットではありませんが、プレイヤーはこのハンドブックを使って、プレイ中にルールブックに掲載された図表を探すことなく、ルール表を参照することができます。...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $7.10

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High Seas Fleet, 2nd Edition Annex Booklet

High Seas Fleet, 2nd Edition Annex Booklet

The High Seas Fleet Data Annexes booklet provides the ship and aircraft data needed to play the High Seas Fleet Scenarios, as well as data for the major units and some “almost built” classes. The annexes cover the ships and aircraft of Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Russia, and Turkey.             This second edition of the Annexes has corrected...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $21.46

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High Seas Fleet, 2nd Edition Scenario Booklet

High Seas Fleet, 2nd Edition Scenario Booklet

      High Seas Fleet2nd edition provides over forty scenarios for all the major WW I naval actions, which include the well-known big battles like Jutland (broken into three parts, as well as the complete engagement), Dogger Bank, and many smaller fights. The scenarios often include variants, covering historical “almosts” and “what ifs”.        This second edition...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $21.19

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High Tide, Second Edition

High Tide, Second Edition

High Tide, 2nd edition is a scenario supplement for the tactical naval miniatures game Harpoon V. It is is a collection of scenarios covering the Cold War naval confrontation between the US/NATO and the USSR/Warsaw Pact at the end of the 1980s, when both navies were at their peak of power. First released by Clash of Arms in 2003, it has been updated using twenty years of new history,...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $26.41

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Home Fleet 2012 Standard

Home Fleet 2012 Standard

Home Fleet’s140 pages contain the many warships and military aircraft of the Royal and Commonwealth Navies from the Second World War. Almost every Command at Seaproduct published by Clash of Arms has included British and Commonwealth ships fighting all over the world. Listings for the various ship and planes and weapons were published as needed in each supplement, but now the information...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $20.90

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In Mahan's Wake

In Mahan's Wake

      In Mahan's Wake is ATG’s third supplement for Dawn of the Battleship. It has thirty-one scenarios, a mix of historical battles, like the Sino-Japanese War, near-historical (“almost happened”), and fictional scenarios.       The latter include a series of scenarios called the Great Maritime War of 1899, by William Le Queux, one of the many “war scare” books...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $22.81

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La Guerre Navale 2012 Standard

La Guerre Navale 2012 Standard

La Guerre Navaletells the story of the French Navy in WW II, a major fleet with first-class ships and well-trained crews that was robbed of its chance to defend France by the German Blitzkrieg of May 1940, its ordered destruction at Mers-El-Kebir by the British leadership, and its scuttling at Toulon in defiance of the Nazis.             Twenty-two scenarios provide historical battles...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $19.81

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Mediterranean Fleets 2012 Standard

Mediterranean Fleets 2012 Standard

For the first time the Admiralty Trilogysystem covers the Greek, Turkish, and Yugoslavian Navies. Previous listings of Italian ships and aircraft have been updated with information from many new reference sources (including naval experts in Italy who were consulted and graciously shared information that resolved many questions. Fire control and ASW capabilities especially benefitted from their...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $18.11

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Mighty Midgets, 2nd edition

Mighty Midgets, 2nd edition

During World War II, battleships and aircraft carriers often overshadowed the exploits of motor torpedo boats and motor gunboats. However, these mighty midgets performed invaluable services, venturing out night after night to face enemy naval, air, and ground forces. They operated in every major theater, from the warm waters of the Pacific and Mediterranean to the cold waters of the North Sea.  ...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $20.16

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Modern Chinese Maritime Forces, Second Edition

Modern Chinese Maritime Forces, Second Edition

      Modern Chinese Maritime Forces, second edition is a naval reference book by Manfred Meyer, a noted artist and illustrator. It provides up-to-the minute information on Chinese sea power. It lists all vessels in service of the Chinese government. – not just the People’s Liberation Army Navy, but the Coast Guard, China Maritime Surveillance, China Fisheries Law Enforcement...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $98.55

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Naval SITREP #14 (April 1998)

Naval SITREP #14 (April 1998)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections. The Naval SITREP Issue #14 was published in April of 1998. Table of contents:   CaS Scenario: Gunboat Diplomacy British Bangor Minesweepers in Japanese...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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Naval SITREP #15 (October 1998)

Naval SITREP #15 (October 1998)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections. The Naval SITREP Issue #15 was published in October of 1998. Table of contents:   CaS Scenario: The Battle of Pala Passage          After-Action Report...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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Naval SITREP #16 (April 1999)

Naval SITREP #16 (April 1999)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections. The Naval SITREP Issue #16 was published in April of 1999. Table of contents:   Harpoon Missile Seeker Note Six Months of American Airpower Operation Hula - The...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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Naval SITREP #17 (October 1999)

Naval SITREP #17 (October 1999)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections. The Naval SITREP Issue #17 was published in October of 1999. Table of contents:   WW II Bomb Loads CaS Scenario: Cape Spartivento á la Française The Development...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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Naval SITREP #18 (April 2000)

Naval SITREP #18 (April 2000)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections. The Naval SITREP Issue #18 was published in April of 2000. Table of contents:   CaS Scenario: Midway Cruiser Action Harpoon Aircraft Gun Attack Strengths,...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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Naval SITREP #19 (October 2000)

Naval SITREP #19 (October 2000)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.  The Naval SITREP Issue #19 was published in October of 2000. Table of contents:   New Naval Gun Systems CaS Scenario: To Light the Torch Referee’s Comments...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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Naval SITREP #20 (April 2001)

Naval SITREP #20 (April 2001)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.    The Naval SITREP Issue #20 was published in April of 2001. Table of contents:   Harpoon Scenario: Testing UNFOR The Japanese-Australian Alliance New...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $11.69

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Naval SITREP #21 (October 2001)

Naval SITREP #21 (October 2001)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections.    The Naval SITREP Issue #21 was published in October of 2001. Table of contents:   The FG&DN Gunnery System: Why Divide by Two? Harpoon Scenario:...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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Naval SITREP #23 (October 2002)

Naval SITREP #23 (October 2002)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections. The Naval SITREP Issue #23 was published in October of 2002. Table of contents:   CaS Scenario: Fight for the Fjord HMS Nottingham Grounds Harpoon...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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Naval SITREP #24 (April 2003)

Naval SITREP #24 (April 2003)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections. The Naval SITREP Issue #24 was published in April of 2003. Table of contents:   CaS Scenario: Operation Tembu New Faces in the Russian Fleet The UCAV Arrives...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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Naval SITREP #25 (October 2003)

Naval SITREP #25 (October 2003)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections. The Naval SITREP Issue #25 was published in October of 2003. Table of contents:   CaS Scenario: Full Force Z NATO Designations for New Russian Aircraft The...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $9.59

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Naval SITREP #26 (April 2004)

Naval SITREP #26 (April 2004)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections. The Naval SITREP Issue #26 was published in April of 2004. Table of contents:   Ubisoft Press Release Harpoon Designers’ Press Release FG&DN...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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Naval SITREP #27 (October 2004)

Naval SITREP #27 (October 2004)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections. The Naval SITREP Issue #27 was published in October of 2004. Table of contents:   Harpoon Scenario: Taiwan Tripwire Annex A - Ships for Taiwan Tripwire An...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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Naval SITREP #28 (April 2005)

Naval SITREP #28 (April 2005)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections. The Naval SITREP Issue #28 was published in April of 2005. Table of contents:   WW II Database for Harpoon II and III CaS Scenario: The Admirals Act...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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Naval SITREP #29 (October 2005)

Naval SITREP #29 (October 2005)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections. The Naval SITREP Issue #29 was published in October of 2005. Table of contents:   New GHQ  Releases New Viking Forge Ship Releases New Figurehead Ship Releases...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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Naval SITREP #30 (April 2006)

Naval SITREP #30 (April 2006)

The Naval SITREP is published twice a year by the Admiralty Trilogy Group. It supports the Admiralty Trilogy game system with scenarios, articles on history and technology, and rules expansions & corrections. The Naval SITREP Issue #30 was published in April of 2006. Table of contents:   New GHQ  Releases New Viking Forge Ship Releases New Figurehead Ship Releases CaS...   [click here for more]
Admiralty Trilogy Group  $10.69

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