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 Hottest Medieval (500 to 1400) from Finger and Toe Models
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Ancient Eard

Ancient Eard

Finger and Toe Models announces the release of the 15mm/28mm card stock ruined city Ancient Eard. Ancient Eard has fourteen different wall segments up to six inches high.  There are six straight walls, some with windows, doors, and buttresses; four corners; two T-sections; a monumental doorway; and a rose window.  Although they were designed with 28mm adventuring and skirmishing in mind, none of...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $7.50

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The beautiful Priestess Tiy motioned to her bodyguards. Two axemen stepped forward, their kilts’ swishing seemed too loud in the silence of the catacomb. The first raised his axe in preparation, while the second grabbed the handle of the old wooden door. Flinging it wide, he stepped back, only to see his companion engulfed in a gout of flame from beyond the door. “Uncle Horeb was right....   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $10.00

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Dice Tower Historic

Dice Tower Historic

“Alea jacta est!” Match your dice tower to your game.  Plop one of these (or all four–they’re available as a bundle) on your table.  It looks like one of your terrain pieces.  The basic tower is three inches square and nine high.  When they dice roll out, they can’t scatter because the receiving tray traps them.  No more crawling around on the floor searching for one fugitive die. ...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $4.00

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European City Gate

European City Gate

Finger and Toe Models announces the release of the 28mm card stock European City Gate. The building can be assembled either as a single piece with all the floors glued together or as stackable blocks, allowing your gate to tower over other buildings or huddle between newer construction. The European City Gate is easy to assemble and versatile enough for Renaissance through modern games. It is designed...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $3.00

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Moorish Watchtower

Moorish Watchtower

Looming above the plaza beside an ancient Roman amphitheater in Malaga, Spain, the Moorish Watchtower has stood guard for nearly a millennium. The Finger and Toe model is ten inches tall and comes with two optional ruined wall sections. There is a parapet on top for your guards. Although the model represents a specific historic structure. Many cities have centuries old buildings side by side with...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $3.00

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Rusgorod: Baba Sofia's Dom

Rusgorod: Baba Sofia's Dom

Finger and Toe Models announces the release of the 28mm card stock Rusgorod: Medieval Baba Sofia’s Dom. Head into the wilds of Old Europe’s East. Explore the dark world of Baba Yaga and the peasants who feared her. Ilya Kyril was one of Rusgorod’s wealthier merchants, and after his death, his widow Sofia continued the business. To her family, she was kindly Baba Sofia. To the...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $5.00

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Rusgorod: Boyar Pavel's Dom

Rusgorod: Boyar Pavel's Dom

Finger and Toe Models announces the release of the 28mm card stock Rusgorod: Medieval Boyar Pavel’s Dom. Head into the wilds of Old Europe’s East. Walk the dark forests of Baba Yaga and the peasants who feared her during a time when wolves were free to stalk the streets at night. Pavel Pavelvich was Rusgorod’s leader because his grandfather was appointed by the Grand Prince of...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $7.00

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Rusgorod: Bridges

Rusgorod: Bridges

Finger and Toe Models announces the release of the 28mm card stock Rusgorod: Bridges.  Head into the wilds of Old Europe’s East.  Walk the dark forests of Baba Yaga and the peasants who feared her during a time when wolves were free to stalk the streets at night.  But in a forest clearing there’s a dark and poor small town, Rusgorod.  Included are three bridges from Rusgorod’s history. ...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $4.00

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Rusgorod: Ivan Korskov's House

Rusgorod: Ivan Korskov's House

Finger and Toe Models announces the release of the 28mm card stock Rusgorod: Medieval Ivan Korskov’s House.  Head into the wilds of Old Europe’s East.  Explore the dark world of Baba Yaga and the peasants who feared her.  Ivan Korskov was one of the wealthier merchants of Rusgorod, but, truthfully, that’s a low bar as his village was not wealthy.  His home comes in two versions: log and plank...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $5.00

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Rusgorod: Medieval Russian Hovels

Rusgorod: Medieval Russian Hovels

Finger and Toe Models announces the release of the 28mm card stock Rusgorod: Medieval Russian Hovels.  Head into the wilds of Old Europe’s East.  Explore the dark world of Baba Yaga and the peasants who feared her.  If your adventure starts in a tavern, it’s just the hovel where a peasant brewed his mead-like medovukha.   Inn’s?  A willing peasant’s dirt floor.  Rusgorod: Medieval Russian...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $5.00

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Rusgorod: Merchants

Rusgorod: Merchants

Finger and Toe Models announces the release of the 28mm card stock Rusgorod:Merchants. Head into the wilds of Old Europe’s East. Walk the dark forests of Baba Yaga and the peasants who feared her during a time when wolves were free to stalk the streets at night. But in a forest clearing there’s a dark and poor small town, Rusgorod. While it may be poor, that doesn’t mean there’s...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $8.00

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Sand Covered Church

Sand Covered Church

Based on the real sand covered church outside Skagen, Denmark, the Finger and Toe model includes the now long gone sanctuary roof. During the Little Ice Age, parishioners cut down trees, brush, and scrub in a desperate attempt to keep warm. As a result, the countryside reverted to its natural state of shifting sand dunes which eventually covered all of the church but the bell tower. Once abandoned...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $2.50

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The Lost City

The Lost City

Dr. Zumail Hedron of the University of New Mexico Institute of Archaeology announced an institute team had finally located Qiba, the lost temple city of the Tumaran culture. “Unfortunately,” Dr Hedron explained, “we lost contact with the team after a brief transmission that said only ‘wonderful things, I see wonderful things.’ We are hopeful contact will be restored.”...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $4.00

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Timbuktu Houses

Timbuktu Houses

Aminata quickly glanced behind her as she fled down unfamiliar alleys.  No sign of Mansa Musa’s guards.  Grabbing grapple and its rope from her waist belt, she tossed it to the closest roof, skidding to a stop, then climbed quickly.  In moments, flat atop some merchant’s roof, she panted and peered into the dark alley below.  The trample of confused feet and equally confused voices told her...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $7.00

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Troll Home

Troll Home

“Mors, you can’t go in there! It’s creepy! See those spider webs! It’s called Troll Home for a reason! I’m telling Mom!” Ignoring his sister, Mors plunged ahead, scrambling through the large hole broken through the massive stones of the ancient watchtower. An older, more experienced child might have asked what could make such a large hole in such thick stones....   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $6.00

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Tzak-Nal City Walls

Tzak-Nal City Walls

“I am Ix-Chel! Defend my city, oh ye faithful!” TZAK-NAL: City Walls from Finger and Toe Models contains everything you need to fortify a small 28mm Meso-American city. Inspired by the ruins of Tulum, TZAK-NAL: City Walls, represents the defensive walls of a small Meso-American city, but this is a city and temple in decline. Plaster is peeling, moss grows along...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $4.00

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Tzak-Nal: Palace

Tzak-Nal: Palace

"No, my child, we nobles aren't gods. Do the gods live in such magnificent palaces? Do the gods have servants as lovely as ours? " Dr. Megan Topol struggled against her captors and broke free, screaming abominations at the assembled nobles in their feathered robes and flamboyant headdresses. From a pocket in her cargo pants she pulled a Wessler 9mm semi-automatic pistol. With a single round...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $5.00

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Tzak-Nal: The City

Tzak-Nal: The City

"The altars cry for blood. Who are we to deny them?" Finger and Toe Models announces TZAK-NAL: The City, everything you need to build a small 28mm Meso-American city. Three noble houses and two peasant hovels are designed as shells that fit over ruined bases, so you can show battle damage or use the bases to build a ruined city for your adventurers to...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $6.00

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Tzak-Nal: The Temple

Tzak-Nal: The Temple

"I am Ix-Chel! Look on my temple, ye mighty, and despair!" Finger and Toe Models announces TZAK-NAL: The Temple, everything you need to build a small 28mm Meso-American temple complex. Inspired by the temple of Tulum, TZAK-NAL: The Temple, represents the main temple of a small Meso-American city, but this is a city and temple in decline. Plaster is peeling, moss grows...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $6.00

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Venice: Churches

Venice: Churches

Caterina de Padua, Venice’s famed thief the Midnight Rose watched the Campo de San Marti from her perch atop a small church, Santa Maria de whatever–the name wasn’t important. What was important was the larger basilica style church visible beyond the campo.  La chiese de Santa Marina di Laguna.  She was waiting for her mentor and handler, Father Vittorio to light their special signal lamp. ...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $7.00

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Venice: Merchant Prince

Venice: Merchant Prince

In the darkness of the new moon Caterina da Padua watched the fat merchant’s house from a nearby rooftop.  The family claimed descent from the fabled Polos, so tomorrow Caterina saw herself purchasing linens from Constantinople, paying from her newly filled strong box.  Tonight that shipment of gem stones would be hers, penance for the sins of greed and pride.  Never boast, not within Caterina’s...   [click here for more]
Finger and Toe Models  $7.00

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