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A Clear and Present Madness

A Clear and Present Madness

"A Clear and Present Madness" is a free expansion for "Warfare in the Age of Madness" and focuses on late 20th and early 21st century conventional and asymmetric warfare adding new elements, new, battlefield threats, new traits, new actions, new gear, and new game play. It also introduces an expanded and more flexible force creation system that includes three levels of play and force specialization....   [click here for more]
Visceral Impact Studios   FREE 

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Warfare in the Age of Madness 1.1

Warfare in the Age of Madness 1.1

Warfare in the Age of Madness is a game of company-level battles in a dark near future. Designed for 15mm figures, opposing forces fight to survive by scavenging supply caches from the battlefield, stripping enemy casualties of their gear, and raiding the enemy field camp. Features include easy to learn rules, small armies of just a few dozen 15mm figures (about 10-12 elements/stands) and a few vehicles,...   [click here for more]
Visceral Impact Studios  $9.95

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Warfare in the Age of Madness QRS 1.1

Warfare in the Age of Madness QRS 1.1

Download the Warfare in the Age of Madness Quick Reference Sheet (QRS) for FREE! This QRS is compatible with version 1.1 of the main rule book. ...   [click here for more]
Visceral Impact Studios   FREE 

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