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Cover Me! WW2 Combat

Cover Me! WW2 Combat

Cover Me! is a game of individual combat between single infantry squads, their support weapons, and the occasional armored fighting vehicle. Each player controls a handful of soldiers. Infantry for all major combatants of WW2 are included, along with many iconic vehicles. Works with any scale using your existing miniatures No basing requirements as long as figures are individually based Prioritizes...   [click here for more]
Blue Boxer Rebellion  $5.00

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Iron and Blood: Easy Rules for Gaming The Franco-Prussian War

Iron and Blood: Easy Rules for Gaming The Franco-Prussian War

Doomed cavalry charges! Rattling mitrailleuses blasting holes through ranks of spiked-helmeted Prussians! The deadly accuracy of the Chassepot rifle vs. Krupp artillery! If you've ever wanted to game the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71, but were put off by the steep entry cost, this might be what you're looking for. This is a set of miniatures rules that are easy to learn, completely intuitive, and...   [click here for more]
Blue Boxer Rebellion  $3.00

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Red Stars and Crosses

Red Stars and Crosses

This is an Eastern Front 1941-45 campaign expansion for Stars & Crosses Revised Edition 1.2, the game of WW2 company-level combat in 6mm scale. You will need a copy of the core rules to play. This expansion includes rules for dust clouds, digging in, flares, antitank ditches, and extreme weather hazards. Unit counters are included for Soviet units, plus new German units. Four scenarios are included....   [click here for more]
Blue Boxer Rebellion  $4.50

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Stars & Crosses North Africa

Stars & Crosses North Africa

This is a campaign expansion for Stars & Crosses Revised Edition 1.2, the game of WW2 company-level combat in 6mm scale. You will need a copy of the core rules to play. This expansion includes rules for dust clouds, desert terrain, digging in, flares, antitank ditches, desert hazards, and sandstorms. Unit counters are included for Italian units, plus new British, German, and American units. Four...   [click here for more]
Blue Boxer Rebellion  $4.50

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Stars & Crosses Revised Edition 1.2

Stars & Crosses Revised Edition 1.2

The most playable, versatile rules set for company-level WW2 combat available anywhere. Playable with 6mm miniatures, counters, or as a hybrid. Each player controls one or more infantry platoons on the western front in 1944-45, plus a custom force of armor, artillery, and ground attack aircraft. The core rules take only minutes to learn, and the expert rules are entirely modular, allowing you to...   [click here for more]
Blue Boxer Rebellion  $6.00

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