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C'est la Guerre - Fast Play Wargame for the Age of Muskets

C'est la Guerre - Fast Play Wargame for the Age of Muskets

As the technology of war advanced the musket became the great equalizer. If your troops would fire, the enemy would incur casualties, regardless of whether your troops were the better trained or the more experienced. The effect of a thousand poorly trained, ill commanded troops firing into a block of men should not be ignored. Therefore a simple system was developed to account for a unit suffering...   [click here for more]
Bozbat Games  $9.99

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From Muskets to Rifles... Fast Play Wargame for 19th Century Conflicts

From Muskets to Rifles... Fast Play Wargame for 19th Century Conflicts

From Muskets to Rifles… is based upon C’est la Guerre: Fast Play Wargame for the Age of Muskets. This system was designed to provide a fast yet satisfying game play, not necessarily a “realistic” simulation of battle recreation. Bases or ‘Units’ in the game do not represent a certain number of men or artillery pieces but are abstract representations of force. From...   [click here for more]
Bozbat Games  $9.99

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