Ancient big birds, flightless, very strong, resistant, can run fast. Apparently the brave managed to tame them, but it's rumors. Apparently they flooded and burned the Romandorf settlement. Meeting them on the road will not be pleasant.
Miniatures designed for all RPG, table battle and adventure games, fantasy, modern, science fiction. Miniatures designed for scale... [click here for more]
The Forge contains a blacksmith figure. The model has a center and a removable roof so you can play inside. The PDF file includes several layers of options. There is also a detailed instruction.
... [click here for more]
The pandemic came suddenly. The virus has possessed people, it is not known whether they are dead or alive, but they attack...
Cardboard figures, scale 28-32mm. The set comes with multiple layers of color options.
No special abilities or tools are needed for gluing. You only need glue, a steel ruler and a modeling knife. The best effect will be on matte photo paper with a weight... [click here for more]