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Caldoom and the Ship of Dreams

Caldoom and the Ship of Dreams

A Novella about the Caldoom Sector. Every so often a spaceship needs servicing. When this happens the mechanic does the metaphorical equivalent of crawling underneath and giving that long low whistle that tells you this is going to cost you. So what is an honest supercargo going to do when he’s told he needs to raise a fortune in less than a month, just to pay for the repairs? “Andrey, freshly...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $2.52

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Caldoom by Starlight

Caldoom by Starlight

The guide is written to expand and supplement ‘Hell by Starlight Campaigns.’ It allows the reader to expand their trading experience. Or alternatively gives them somewhere new to run to when they’ve made other places too hot for them. Ideally this will be an asset to both the solo player as well as the one with enthusiastic opponents. Alongside trading opportunities, the guide starts the exploration...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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Deep Water on Derin Su

Deep Water on Derin Su

On the good jobs, Alasya is a security consultant, wears a skirt and carries a pistol discreetly. When her luck runs out and work is short she is a mercenary, wears fatigues and carries a carbine. This might be a good job. There again she's assisted by a smuggler with a dislike of the kitsch and a young woman for whom life has been interesting.  Pregnant to the wrong man, there was trouble, killing...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $3.15

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Hell and Fateful Decisions

Hell and Fateful Decisions

The idea behind this set of rules, aimed at smaller scale figures, is relatively simple. It is to place the player in the position of Battalion Commander. The idea is to cover the period from the First World War to tomorrow. They’re designed to be played with 6mm figures but obviously work for 2mm, 6mm, 10mm, and I know people who’ve used them with multiple based 15mm figures. Because of this...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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Hell and Uncivil Disorder

Hell and Uncivil Disorder

Generic modern (and even SF) wargames rules for the scruffier and more disreputable side of warfare. This set of rules is for wargames set after the start of the 20th century, we’ve even fought SF games with them. Whilst we’ve normally used them with 15mm/20mm/28mm figures, the rules evolved out of a single sheet of A4 set of 1/300 rules known as Kalashnikov Tribal. So we play the games using 6mm...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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Hell by Daylight

Hell by Daylight

Hell by Daylight has been play-tested for over thirty years if you take into account that the first edition was written on a typewriter at some point in the 1990s. The aim of the rules is to cover skirmish gaming, (so once you know the rules you can deploy a platoon or weakened company, with supports. But bigger isn’t necessarily better.) People do comment that the morale rules are a bit simplistic,...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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Hell by Starlight

Hell by Starlight

These Science Fiction skirmish rules are based on the fire team. Whilst men move and fire as individuals, they are all part of combat units. Whether these units are regular infantry formations or the following of tribal or feudal chieftains doesn't matter. These formations attempt to keep together, and share a common reaction. This formation is normally between three and five figures. Two or three...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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Hell by Starlight Campaigns

Hell by Starlight Campaigns

The guide is written to help both the player with enthusiastic opponents but also to support the solo player as well. My hope is that it will help you build science fiction campaigns that let you use comparatively small forces, but in a realistic manner. In this universe you’re not a major player, in fact you’re probably not even a major nuisance. You’re just a jobbing merchant, trading your...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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Hell in Microcosm

Hell in Microcosm

Welcome to ‘Hell in Microcosm.’ This set of rules has the battalion as the manoeuvre unit. Stiffened and supported by the specialist troops from within the division, the battalions are the cutting edge of your force. Aimed at 6mm and 2mm figures, once you get used to the rules you can contemplate deploying divisions. When we originally used these rules, we fought battles ranging in time from the...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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Hellfire is a set of 1/300th (6mm) scale science fiction wargames rules which allow you to play a variety of different types of SF games, whilst managing to capture some form of unique flavour that makes the game more than just WW2 with las-cannons. The aim is to produce battles in a universe which isn't overly militarised. It is a universe where the black sheep of the family returns with a battalion...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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Hellfire and the Fall of Empire?

Hellfire and the Fall of Empire?

This is designed to be a science fiction solo campaign. It will produce battles which you can, if you wish, play with an opponent, but I’ve also provided suggestions for solo play there as well. The campaign is designed to work with Hellfire rules which are 1/300 Sci Fi, but frankly you wouldn’t have to do much tweaking to fit the campaign to another rule set should you so wish. In this campaign,...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $3.78

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Hellfire Campaigns. The Universe at Your Feet.

Hellfire Campaigns. The Universe at Your Feet.

This guide is written to help you fight wargames campaigns. The guide is written to help both the player with enthusiastic opponents but also to support the solo player as well, Although written with Hellfire rules in mind, a lot of the campaign systems will work comfortably with any rule system you like. The rest will be be easily modifiable to cope with whatever rules or figure scale you want to...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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Hellfire in the City

Hellfire in the City

Hellfire in the City is a stand-alone solo sci-fi wargames campaign. Starting small and building your forces as you go, your aim is to control the sprawling city of Velonopolis. The city is currently a patchwork of territories controlled by everything from petty thugs leading their bands of street scum through to corporate askari supported by mecha. As well as city creation and discovering what hostile...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $3.15

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Hellfire under Water

Hellfire under Water

Hellfire under Water is designed as a supplement to Hellfire. ‘Boldly going’ where Hellfire had too much sense to go. It’s not intended to be a free standing set of rules in itself. This supplement covers actions fought under, on, and over, water with emphasis on the activities of submarines and other submersibles. As well as extra rules to use with Hellfire there are also three scenarios, two...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $3.78

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Hellfire, Coast to Coast

Hellfire, Coast to Coast

Another world, another selection of solo wargames campaigns for Hellfire, the 6mm sci fi rules for people with small figures and large imaginations. On the temporarily misplaced world of Hind II you can lead caravans across the wastes, jockey for power in an ancient city whilst trying to ensure that the barbarians remain outside the gates, dominate petty city states, or carve your way to eternal glory...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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In On a Chance

In On a Chance

The first novel in the Touchdown Collection When you arrive home after a long absence, there's always a few things that need sorting out. Sometimes they can be more complicated than you initially thought. But at least there are opportunities for an honest man to make money, with maidens to be rescued and tyrants slain, or was it the other way about. And who uses energy carbines any more? Military...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $4.41

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Justice 4.1

Justice 4.1

The First novel in the Tsarina Sector series When somebody shoots down a documentary maker, what are they covering up? Haldar Drom of the Governor's Investigation Office on Tsarina finds himself dealing with illegal population control drugs, genetic engineers, starmancers, and the risk of brushfire wars. Who knows how far up the chain of command the corruption reaches? You use what you can get,...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $3.78

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Kalashnikov Tribal Battalion

Kalashnikov Tribal Battalion

My aim with these rules was to create something which allowed you to fight larger battles, where each base is a battalion. The rules cover the period pretty much from the development of the magazine rifle onwards, but you can doubtless fudge that. The aim is to allow you to fight several different sorts of game. Yes you can have the clash of regular armies. But you can also have the sort of counter-insurgency...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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Law 3.3

Law 3.3

The third novel in the Tsarina Sector series A reasonably honest insurance loss adjuster and a traffic cop are forced to go on the run, All because a space pirate and his criminal organisation want them dead. Safety of a sort can be found on Tsarina but before they can get there they want to find the information that will lead to them be welcomed there with open arms. On a not entirely welcoming...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $3.78

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Plague 1.4

Plague 1.4

The fourth and final novel in the Tsarina Sector series.  In the final book in the series, war breaks out as Tsarina's enemies finally strike. One of them wishes to conquer, the other merely wishes to sterilise a continent to be on the safe side. With rogue nanotech, enemies who may no longer be considered 'properly human' and subversion and corruption from within, things are starting to get complicated....   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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Plain tales from the Archonate.

Plain tales from the Archonate.

In which we stumble upon a new hero. A man not afraid of hard work, even if he does involve working on a world where the temperature is measured in Kelvin, it rains methane, and the food is frankly poor.   We meet old friends and help sweep under the carpet the mistakes of the past. We have talking dogs, triceratops armed for war, lost Empires, slave planets, and a modestly successful confidence...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $4.41

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The Incredible Events of the Century and the Attack of the Inner Planets

The Incredible Events of the Century and the Attack of the Inner Planets

A set of wargames rules aimed at smaller scale figures, which will hopefully help you refight the wars of the later 19th century. They allow you to refight not merely the invasion of the Martians but have rules for building your own armoured trains and warships. They also allow you to design and built your own armoured fighting vehicles, taking advantage of all the modern technological advances you...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $5.04

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The Parthians; historical background - army lists - campaign game

The Parthians; historical background - army lists - campaign game

The purpose of this guide is two fold. On one hand, it is to give the interested wargamer a guide to the Parthian armies and those of their enemies and to put the armies in a historical context. For many people the Parthians are a vague presence on the eastern edge of the world. As this guide shows, they were really a bridge between civilisations, linking Rome with India, acting as a barrier to nomadic...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $4.98

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War 2.2

War 2.2

The second novel in the Tsarina Sector series.  Who is encouraging a nasty little insurgency in the Delta, and why? Also who is supplying the insurgents and how? How many of Tsarina's autonomous communities are being destabilised? With plenty of excellent questions and a shortage of answers, Haldar Drom has few people he can send to investigate. Another case for reconnaisance by journalist? After...   [click here for more]
Jim Webster  $3.78

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