Updated and errata counters for all previous BAR games. These are the latest iteration - version 3.0 available for purchase as download. You will need to print, mount and trim the counters for use. ... [click here for more]
5th Edition Standard Rules for Les Bataille dans l'age l'Empereur Napoleon 1er tactical Napoleonic period games. This rule book comes with La Bataille de Ligny Second Edition game. ... [click here for more]
The BAR Primer is an enjoyable, user-friendly source for those who want to learn the Battles from the Age of Reason (BAR) game system or those who want to improve their knowledge of the system. Included in the BAR Primer are illustrated, easy-to-read explanations and examples of all of the most important BAR rules. There is a section on BAR tactics and a programmed instruction Learning Modules section... [click here for more]
This is the long-anticipated Third Edition revision of the ‘Battles from the Age of Reason’ Standard Rules—BAR v3.3. In this Third (v3.3) Edition, the BAR rules have been made more user-friendly and have
been expanded with more examples to make the BAR learning and playing experience clearer and smoother.
This pdf file (BAR v3.3) has been updated so that it includes fixes to all known BAR v3... [click here for more]
This is the latest version of COA’s well-received Fighting Wings (FW) WW-II air combat series game rules, as released in Wings of the Motherland. This edition incorporates 15 years of minor improvements from second edition rules play, all the second edition errata and also introduces some major revisions to certain aspects of play for increased modeling accuracy and ease of play. Sections... [click here for more]