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Naval Warfare : Age of Missiles.
A game of modern naval warfare. The set includes all you need to play including an illustrated rulebook, Counter sheets of ships, missiles, aircraft, Helicopters, and record counters and data cards. In addition there is a Spreadsheet to aid the design of your own ships.
The game can be played with models or using the counters provided.
The rules... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$16.24 $12.48
Generic Destroyer / Torpedo boat counters for the period 1890 - 1920
Included are 3 sheets of counters at different scales. Counters portray a 'typical' pair of early destroyers.
These can be used as the alternative to painting large numbers of tiny 1:3000th (or other scale) models and can be used alongside actual ship models or with other counters.
Counters are included at... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
Naval Warfare : Age of Missiles : Supplement 1 : USA and Pact Forces
This supplement adds a broad range of ships for both USA and Pact forces including :
Ships of varying electronic warfare qualities (for balance)
patrol craft,
Fast attack craft,
and, for the USA, the IOWA class battleship.
Included are :
New rules : fully... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$8.49 $6.24
Three 'print and mount your own ' sets of ACW wargaming armies on bases which accommodate various current base conventions (1"/ 25mm frontage, 40mm frontage - larger figures, and 40mm x 40mm mutiple small figures).
Each set includes bases for : Infantry (various uniforms), Zoaves, irregular foot, howitzer, Heavy Gun, light gun, cavalry, horse holders, dismounted cavalry, limbers, wagons, generals,... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$11.51 $4.93
This is a set of American Civil War counters depicting whole units.
infantry and Cavalry are on 8cm x 3 cm bases with 20 infantry figures in two ranks.
These counters are suitable for rule sets that work in full units (Generally with accumulated damage rather than casualty removal).
(Note : An alternative ACW set caters for 1" wide bases, 40mm square bases and others with a few counters... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$4.94 $4.93
 These are whole units which work with the most recent ancient wargaming rules using 8 x 4 cm bases, such as Sword and Spear, and Milites Mundi.
The figures shown approximatly equate to 10mm miniatures. Close order foot show 30 figures, loose order foot show 16 figures, and light infantry 8 figures Etc.
All of the bases are whole units and most units have command figures. Generals are on smaller... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 Cardboard Armies : Carthaginian Armies and Allies
This is a set of 'top down' wargaming units which show 15mm figures on 40mm wide bases suitable for DBA, DBM, DBMM, MEG, ADLG and other rules using this base style.
By using 2x2 blocks of units they can be used for Hail Caesar, Sword and Spear and other similar Ancient rule sets.
The Sample document provides examples of the units and lists the... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 This Cardboard Amies set includes Classical Gallic and Celtic troops from the same era as the Carthaginian, Latin and Republican Roman Units.
Thes are 'Look down' views of 15mm figures on 40mm wide bases suitable for DBM, DBMM, MEG and ADLG. Wnen combined in blocks of 4 they can be used for Sword and Spear, Hail Caesar and other rules requiring 80mm wide bases and larger units.
They are easily... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 Cardboard Armies : Dark Age Barbarians : Huns, Ostrogoths and Vandals.
This is a set of 'top down' views of 40mm wide wargaming bases showing 15mm miniatures.
They are suitable for all wargaming rules that use 40mm wide bases such as DBM, DBMM, MEG, ADLG, FOG ETC.
They can also be used in blocks 80mm wide for rule sets requiring that base width in blocks of 4 bases.
These are... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 This addition to the Cardboard Armies range provides figures for Early Classical Italian Armies as listed on the cover page.
They are 'top down' views of approximately 15mm figures on 40mm wide bases (Usually 2, 3 or 4 figures depending on troop type and density). They are suitable for DBM, DBMM, MEG, ADLG and other rules that use this size base for figures.
By Using 2x2 blocks of bases they... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 This Cardboard Armies Set provides 9 PDF sheets with over 26 unit types to allow the portrayal of Early and Mid Republican Roman Armies, including their allies (Samnites, Spanish, Numidian, Illyrian ETC.
These are 'top down' views of approximately 15mm scale miniatures on 40mm wide bases suitable for DBM, DBMM, MEG, ADLG and other rule sets using this base width.
They can be 'blown up' to 60mm or... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 You will need a set of Strength and Honour Wargame rules to make use of this set.
Strength and Honour is written by Mark Backhouse and is available from the Too Fat Lardies Website - both printend and PDF versions are available.
Strength and Honour is a large scale wargame usually played on a wargame table with miniatures and terrain. However this... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 'Strength and Honour' Wargame rules cover large scale battles in the ancient world with large scale units (whole Legions/ Whole Warbands). They are written by Mark Backhouse and published by Two Fat Lardies.
This set of PDF's allows you to construct 2mm scale units for the game including :
Legions and regular infantry blocks
Skirmish lines (regular or irregular).
Phalanx... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 Cardboard Armies - Macedonian and Classical indian
DBM type basing - suitable for most current wargaming rules (DBM/ DBMM/ Triumph /ADLG/ MEG ETC)
These are look down views of figures on standard Wargame sized bases (40mm wide) showing 15mm scale figures (approx).
This set includes counters which will allow you to field the armies stated and also Successor Armies,... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 This is a set of 'drones eye view' counters for use with Ancient/ Fantasy Rule sets that use full units such as Sword and Spear Fantasy or Hail Ceaser.
The bases are 80mm x 40mm (or could be scaled up or down) and show multiple figures.
They portray a range of units typical of Green Skin and Barbarian Armies in a Fantasy setting so include Orc Boar Riders,... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$5.41 $5.31
 Bronze age armies for DBX type based historic wargames (DBA DBM Meg L'Art De La Guerre or Triumph ETC. 6 pages with all of the troop types, camps and ships from the DBM Army lists.
Figures are look down views on 40mm wide bases covering relevant troops from typical Army lists. with the figures at about 15mm scale,
They are ideal as a wargaming space saver and they are much cheaper than acutal figures... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 Cardboard Armies:
Top Down view of 15mm scale figures on 40mm wide bases suitable for DBM DBMM FOG MEG and other wargaming rules using 40mm frontage.
They can also be used in blocks of 2x2 for other rules using 80mm wide bases EG Sword and Spear, and Hail Ceasar.
These counters will not replace actual Miniatures, but they are ideal for travel, or trying out a new army before buying the miniatures.... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 Cardboard Armies : Sassanid Persion
This is a set of 40mm wide bases showing a 'top down' view of 15mm scale figures suitable for DBM DBMM Art de La Guerre MEG ETC. They can also be used for other rules with 80mm width bases such as Sword and Spear or Hail Ceasar by groupin the units blocks.
These bases do not really replace actual miniatures but they can be used to try out new armies before you... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$4.86 $4.76
 Cardboard Armies : Arab Armies 200BC - 1200 AD
Top Down view of 15mm scale figures on 40mm wide bases suitable for DBM DBMM FOG MEG and other wargaming rules using 40mm frontage baes.
They can be used in blocks of 2x2 for other rules using 80mm wide bases EG Sword and Spear and Hail Ceasar.
These Counters do not replace actual 15mm miniatures but they are ideal for travel or trying... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$8.04 $6.38
ECW Wargaming armies for use with most current wargaming rules as a substitute for actual figures.
Wargame units on DbX type bases for use with most current Powder and shot/ English Civil War Wargaming rules. (Note DbX bases can be used in blocks to make units for most other sets of rules).
There are six sheets of counters illustrating New Model Army, Scots/ Irish and typical ECW... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
Wargaming armies for Greeks, Persians and their allies on DBX sized baase with 40mm frontages, suitable for nearly all ancient wargaming rules from DBA, and DBM right up to the current rules that use 80mm frontage units (by using two bases wide and two bases deep).
These counters are designed as an alternaitve to actual figures; For periods you wish to dabble in, try a new army, or if you want to... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 Kadesh Provides wargaming counters showing the troops of the Hittite and Egyptian forces of that era, together with various auxiliary troops that fought alongside them.
Wheras the previous Ancient Counters are generic and cover from the Biblical era through to medieval troops, these are more specific illustrations of the troops involved in a range of uniforms, skin tones Etc to... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
Updated and tidied Version : Includes Turkish Fleet Data and revised QRS.
Naval Wargaming rules for the period around 1895 through to 1920 coverinng the Pre-Dreadnought and Dreadnought eras. The rules are illustrated throughout with examples of play to aid learning.
Included are :
The rules (57 pages including ship data)
two... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$18.15 $18.04
An additions to the Renaissance Range :
This set provides two sheets of coloured counters depicting Caravels with square rig, Caravels with lateen rig, Carracks, Galleons and Race / English Galleons.
Intended as a space saving alternative to models or for players who want to try something new before investiing. ... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 A Full set of 4x4cm counters of medieval ships, damage counters and templates suitable for use with David Manley's Lord of the Sea(with permission from David)- these rules are also available on the Wargame Vault.
This set includes small, medium and large cogs (three variants of the latter two with catapults, cannon or trebuchet), carracks, nefs, hulks, balinger, large and boats,... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$6.52 $5.16
![Naval Warfare : Renaissance and Medieval Ships [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/bundle-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Naval Warfare : Carrack, Caravels and Galleons Regular price: $2.50 Bundle price: $0.51 Format: Watermarked PDF An additions to the Renaissance Range :
This set provides two sheets of coloured counters depicting Caravels with square rig, Caravels with lateen rig, Carracks, Galleons and Race / English... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$8.25 $5.61
 Naval Warfare : Renaissance Fleets
This is a set of 4cm x 4cm counters each shown multiple vessels from the renaissance period.
This includes Oared fighting ships and 'round ships' (sailing ships) including both war ships and merchant ships. There are 18 different vessel counters. A single counter represents a small squadron. Multiple counters form larger squadrons. ... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
Naval Warfare : Galleys and Galleass
The set includes three sheets of counters depicting Renaissance ships of the followiung classes :
Small Galleys / Galliots , Galleys, Large Galleys / Lanterna , and Galleass.
There are different colours in each class, and blank boxes to allow players to add their own ID/ designations.... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 Thiis is a set of counters depicting ships typical of the Renaissance Meditteranean. This set includes Xebecs (sleek lateen rigged vessels), Yajhts (fast small vessels), Cogs (typical 'round bellied' merchant ships fitted with castles for warfare), and finally two different small coastal forts.
The counters can substitute for minatures to allow players to try a new period or just as a cheaper... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
Naval Warfare: Space Big Battles
Does what it says on the label............
Includes :
Rules set for use with miniatures or counters
Data Cards for a range of ship types from Dreadnoughts down to humble corvettes, and fighters. - These fit into plastic card sleeves to allow recording of damage with a wipable marker.
Counters for ships (as an... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
Naval Engagements : The Goeben Incident provides Counters in hex (1"/ 25mm faces) and Rectangular formats (30mmx 90mm for Battle Cruisers) for the ships involved in the 1914 Hunt for the Goeben in the Mediterranean which occurred as the declarations of war were being made.
In addition, ships counters are included to provide some additional 'what if' scenarios, for a total of... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Naval Warfare : Age of Missiles Regular price: $12.55 Bundle price: $8.24 Format: Watermarked PDF Naval Warfare : Age of Missiles.
A game of modern naval warfare. The set includes all you need to play including an illustrated rulebook, Counter sheets of ships, missiles, aircraft, Helicopters, and record... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$17.00 $14.00
Colour Counters for all of the ships at Hampton Roads (Ironclads, Screw frigates, sailing vessels, Sidewheel steamers, and gunboats) in both Hexagon (1" per face) and Rectangular format (1"x2"). Intended to allow tabletop play using any miniature rules or hex based board-gaming rules without the board. This set of counters includes arc of fire templates for both counter sets and also... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 This is a sister set to the Orcs and Barbarian (80mm unit bases).
This set provides the same figures on 40mm wide bases with figure groupings suitable for DBM, HOTT, ADLG, Triumph, MEG and others that use DBM style basing.
There are two armies, Green Skins (Orcs and Goblins) and Barbarians including their 'specials' such as Goblin Wolf Riders, Orc Boar Riders, Giants, Trolls, Spider Riders, Barbarian... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 This is a full game covering Naval and Coastal Warfare in the age of the Predreadnought.
The game includes everything necessary to play. All you will need is access to a colour printer, A4 Label Paper and some card.
The portrays conflict in a group of contested islands located between two nations.
Units provided include: Pre-dreadnought Battleships, Armoured Cruisers, Protected... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
Wargame army units based on the standard frontage of 40mm (DBX). showing generic mannaquin figures for over 50 different unit types to cover the period 3000 BC to 1450 AD.
In addition the set includes counters for camps and villages, and terrain sheets which can be mounted and cut to the sizes required by the player's rules for woods, rough, fields, hills Etc.
Counters will never replace the... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$16.53 $12.20
 This comprises 5 sheets of wargame armies on 8x4cm bases each portraying a unit of troops typical of the mid to late 1400's. This includes both the English troops who were present on both sides throughout the conflict and the Irish and Burgundian troops (Kerns, Pike, hand gunners Etc).
The units are intended for all wargaming rules which use the 'unit on a base' arrangement.
These counters are... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$6.37 $6.32
Wargame armies : WW2 North Africa 39 -41
This is a set of counters depicting units at section and platoon level for Italian, Commonwealth, and Afrika Korps units in the early part of the the conflict in North Africa.
Nato symbols have been used for infantry and support units and silhouettes have been used for AFV's.
Counters... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 Wargame Fleets : 3000 BC to 1200 AD
The Perfect Compliment to 'He Hemetera Thalassa, Mare Nostrum'
Provides counters showing 27 Different boats from this era, including:
Early Galleys,
all of the Classical Tiremes and Polyremes,
Byantine and Arab ships,
Merchants in three sizes.
Coastal/ island terrain and damage / status counters.
Counters are 40mm x 40mm... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$6.00 $4.50
 Wargame bases showing a top down view of mannaquin figures for use with Wargame rules coving the late Medieval Period - The Wars of the Roses.
The Counters are suitable for all rules using 40mm wide bases (or can be scaled to 60mm or 80mm) including; DBA, DBM, DBMM, FOG, Mortem Et Gloriam, L'Art De La Guerre, and Triumph.
They can be used as an alternative... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
$6.42 $3.86
 Wargaming Armies - Spanish Civil War
This is a set of Platoon sized units for the Spanish Civil War.
This set has the stats for Blitzkrieg Commander : Libertad ! on each Counter and there are counters for every unit within the Libertad army lists with different colours and badging for each of the many factions on both sides of the conflict.
Counters show NATO symbols for the majority of units,... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
This set provide basic boards made up of 4.5m x 4.5 cm squares. four A4 boards give a small wargame 'table'. There are terrain tiles which can be placed on the grid to create the 'game board/ table'. Tiles are provided for hills, woods, built up areas, rivers, fords, bridges, streams, rocky ground, and scrub.
The square size is ideal for standard DBM 40mm wide figure bases or counters from... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 This set provides an add on to ' Wargaming on a Grid : Northern Europe.
It includes: a 'Plain flat desert' grid and overlays to provide coastal edges, urban areas, Dunes, soft sand, salt flats, impassible rough/ high ground and linear edge strips for Wadi's Rivers, and ridges (which can be defined as impassible or contours according to scenario.
In additon there is a single sheet of Nato style... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |
 Wargaming on a Grid ; Northern Europe WW2 : Strategic Warfare
This is not a complete game. it is intended to provide a grided map and counters for use with currently available Wargaming Rules dealing with Strategic Level gaming (Divisional/ Corps).
This set includes a map grid showing a typical agricultural area in northern europe. overlays are provided to show other terrain... [click here for more] |
Geoff Curran |